Visit the Stedi Payer Network to review a complete list of supported payers for eligibility and claims processing. In the network, you can:

  • Search for payers using their name, aliases, or Payer ID.
  • Find the Payer IDs you need to send transactions through Stedi’s APIs.
  • Determine which payers require transaction enrollment before you can begin exchanging transactions.

Alternative names

The Payer Network includes alternative names for many payers. These additional names help you search for and identify payers using the name most familiar to your organization. For example, “Eaton Benefits Ohio” is an alternative associated with “Cigna”—searching for either name returns the same payer within the database.

Payer IDs

The Payer Network includes three types of Payer IDs. You can use any of these IDs to send transactions through Stedi.

Primary Payer ID

The primary Payer ID is the most commonly used ID for a payer and most often corresponds to the name the payer uses internally and provides to patients on member ID cards.

Stedi Payer ID

The Stedi Payer ID is a unique identifier Stedi assigns to each payer. This ID is will not change, even if the primary Payer ID is updated. We maintain a list of Stedi Payer IDs to ensure that 1) you can always refer to a payer using a consistent identifier, 2) we can more easily route requests to the payer through the most reliable connection behind the scenes, and 3) we can update our products without introducing breaking changes.

You may want to use the Stedi Payer ID for requests if you are building a system that requires a consistent and immutable set of Payer IDs.


These are alternative IDs associated with a payer. If a payer changes their primary Payer ID, aliases ensure that customers who still refer to the old ID can find the payer and continue sending transactions to the payer uninterrupted. Some payers also have different Payer IDs for different plans, and aliases ensure that requests using these IDs are routed to the same payer.

Stedi payer errors

Stedi returns the following error messages when a payer is not supported or enrolled properly.

Error messagePossible causes and resolutions
Payer is not configured for {transaction type}. Please contact Stedi support to resolve.Stedi does not yet support this transaction type for this payer, or there is a mis-mapping of payer IDs. Contact us with the name of the payer, and we’ll investigate the issue.
Payer connection does not support {transaction type}. Please contact Stedi support to discuss connectivity options.Stedi has a connection to this payer, but it doesn’t currently support this functionality (real-time eligibility or claim submission). Contact us for a timeline on enabling it.
Payer is not configured. Please check our published payer list or contact Stedi support to resolve.Stedi doesn’t recognize the payer ID you provided. Double-check the Payer ID in the Stedi Payer Network, or contact us with the name of the payer, and we will help you determine the correct payer ID.
Payer is not supported. Please contact Stedi support to discuss connectivity options.Stedi doesn’t yet have connectivity to this payer. We’re likely already working on it - contact us for details about the connectivity timeline.

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