This endpoint lists all of the payers Stedi supports for eligibility checks and claims processing. You can use it to retrieve Payer IDs and to determine which payers require enrollment before you can send transactions.
You can also find a searchable list of payers in the Payer Network.
Payers that Stedi supports for eligibility checks, claim submission, claim status, and claim payment (ERAs). Results are returned in alphabetical order of the Stedi ID.
Alternative IDs associated with a payer. If a payer changes their primaryPayerId, aliases allow you to continue sending transactions to the payer using the old ID uninterrupted.
Alternative names associated with a payer. These additional names help you search for and identify payers using the name most familiar to your organization.
Whether the following transaction types are supported: 270 eligibility checks, 276 claim status requests, 837 professional claims, and 835 ERAs (claim payments). If the value is ENROLLMENT_REQUIRED, Stedi supports the transaction type, but you must enroll with the payer first.
Whether you can send 837 professional claims to this payer.
This shape is deprecated since 2024-11-13: This claimSubmission property is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Instead, use the professionalClaimSubmission property.