SANCRT International movement of goods governmental regulatory

TBG4 Customs

The SANCRT message permits a commercial operator to apply to a national agency for the issue of a certificate, permit, authorization etc. in respect of products to be imported or exported. It further permits the issuing authority to transmit to the applicant and to the exporting or importing country's relevant national authority, (e.g. Customs, Agriculture etc.) the details of the certificate, permit or authorization in respect of those products thus facilitating the import/export clearance of the consignment whilst ensuring that all certificate, permit, authorization requirements are met.


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the International movement of goods governmental regulatory message is SANCRT. Note: International movement of goods governmental regulatory messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 SANCRT 0052 D 0054 21A 0051 UN

  2. A segment uniquely identifying the type of document (e.g. certificate of origin, export licence, application for licence), its function and the document reference number.

  3. A segment identifying dates relevant to the document specified in the above BGM (e.g. date of issue, the validity period, the date on which licence is available for inspection, the date goods are available for inspection, the authentication date, time of the document).

  4. A segment specifying status information relevant to the entire message (e.g. the status of a request or operational process relating to the certificate, permit, etc.).

  5. A segment identifying a location relevant to the entire message (e.g. country of origin, country of ultimate destination, country of destination, present location of goods, identification of transit countries, country of export, region of export).

  6. A segment identifying references related to the entire message (e.g. Customs declaration number, exporters textile control registration number, form A reference number, certificate number, slaughter plant licence number, processing plant licence number).

  7. A segment specifying textual information in code or clear form, to give further clarification where required to the entire message (e.g. special comments, certification statements, goods description).

  8. A segment identifying measurements relevant to the products covered by the entire message (e.g. net weights of goods, quantity of goods, quantity covered by quota).

  9. A segment identifying monetary amounts related to the whole message (e.g. invoice value, special handling charges, transport charges, customs value).

  10. A segment identifying how processing of the message is to be qualified.

  11. A segment identifying the Commodity code which relates to the whole message.

  12. Segment group 1
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying a specific document required as supporting information for the entire message.

    2. A segment identifying a date related to the document specified in the above DOC (e.g. date of issue of the document or the presentation period within which the document must be presented).

    3. A segment identifying locations related to a document (e.g. the place of issue of document identified in the above DOC).

  13. Segment group 2
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying the name or other references of a party associated with the message (e.g. importer, consignor, consignee, exporter, applicant, transport company, manufacturer, company to which product is to be transferred, certificate issuing authority, authenticating party).

    2. A segment identifying the address of a party associated with the message (e.g. importer, consignor, consignee, exporter, applicant, transport company, manufacturer, company to which product is to be transferred, certificate issuing authority, authenticating party).

    3. Segment group 3
      Repeat 9
      1. A segment giving additional contact information for the person or department specified as a relevant party, to whom communication should be directed.

      2. A segment identifying the phone number, fax number or other communications number of the contact specified for the relevant party.

  14. Segment group 4
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying the mode and means of transport, and the transport vehicle used (e.g. vessel voyage number or aircraft flight number, vessel or aircraft name, vessel or aircraft registration number).

    2. A segment identifying a date related to the transport of product (e.g. date of departure and date of arrival of each transport stage).

    3. A segment identifying a location relevant to a transport stage.

    4. A segment identifying an additional document or regulatory references relevant to a transport stage.

  15. Segment group 5
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying the number and type of packages relevant to the entire message.

    2. A segment identifying markings and labels on packages relevant to the entire message.

    3. A segment identifying measurements relevant to packaging of the product covered by the entire message (e.g. weights of inner and outer packages).

  16. Segment group 6
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying a unit of equipment used to transport the product covered by the entire message (e.g. container or ships hold).

    2. A segment to identify temperature details related to the equipment unit specified in EQD.

    3. Segment group 7
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying a seal and the seal issuer for the unit of equipment.

      2. A segment identifying a date relevant to the sealing of the unit of equipment.

      3. A segment identifying a location relevant to the sealing of the unit of equipment (e.g. place where seal applied).

  17. Segment group 8
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying a process relevant to the entire message (e.g. pest treatment, slaughtering, packing, storage, testing, preservation and materials such as chemicals associated with the process).

    2. A segment used to indicate chemicals, active ingredients etc. used in processing.

    3. A segment identifying various measurement factors for the process (e.g. temperature during storage or chemical concentrations during treatment).

    4. A segment identifying a date and or time relevant to the process (e.g. duration of a specific process).

    5. A segment identifying a location relevant to the process.

    6. A segment identifying a specific document required as supporting information for the process.

    7. A segment identifying an additional reference or regulation relevant to the process.

    8. A segment to identify temperature details related to the process.

    9. A segment to specify processing indicators related to the process.

    10. A segment to specify textual information in code or clear form, related to the process.

    11. Segment group 9
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying the name or other reference to a party associated with a process applied to product or associated equipment (e.g. the identifier of a treatment, packing, storage, inspection or testing organisation).

      2. A segment identifying the address of a party associated with a process applied to a product or associated equipment (e.g. the address of a treatment, packing, storage, inspection or testing organisation).

      3. Segment group 10
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment giving additional contact information for the person or department specified as a relevant party, to whom communication should be directed.

        2. A segment identifying the phone number, fax number or other communications number of the contact specified as relevant party.

  18. Segment group 11
    Repeat 9999
    1. A segment identifying product item details for a line on the message.

    2. A segment identifying the Commodity code at item level.

    3. A segment identifying measurements relevant to the product item (e.g. net and gross weights, number of items or age).

    4. A segment specifying additional or substitutional product item identifiers. The segment should be used for example to specify any tariff classification relevant to the product item.

    5. A segment describing the product item in an industry or free format. The segment could also be used to describe attributes such as species or breed.

    6. A segment specifying additional identifiers related to the product item (e.g. animal tag numbers).

    7. A segment identifying references related to the product item (e.g. quota reference number, export authorization number, permit holder reference number, product serial number).

    8. A segment further identifying attributes of the product item (e.g. product sex).

    9. A segment identifying a date relevant to the product item (e.g. the use by date).

    10. A segment identifying a location relevant to the product item (e.g. country of origin where different to country of export).

    11. A segment specifying textual information in code or clear form, to give further clarification where required for the product item (e.g. scientific name of the product item, any declarations or comments specific to the product item, and the names of product contaminates).

    12. A segment identifying quantity details relevant to the product item (e.g. quantity manufactured, quantity in commercial units, quantity in control units, quantity in quota units, quantity shipped).

    13. A segment identifying monetary amounts related to the product item (e.g. customs value, item price).

    14. Segment group 12
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying a specific document required as supporting information for a certificate, permit, authorization line.

      2. A segment identifying a date related to the document (e.g. date of issue of the document, the presentation period within which the document must be presented).

      3. A segment identifying a location related to the document (e.g. place of issue of the document).

    15. Segment group 13
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying the name or other reference to a party relevant to a line item.

      2. A segment identifying the address of a party relevant to a line item.

      3. Segment group 14
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment giving additional contact information for the person or department specified as a relevant party to whom communication should be directed.

        2. A segment identifying the phone number, fax number or other communications number of the contact specified as the relevant party.

    16. Segment group 15
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying the number and type of packages relevant to the product item.

      2. A segment identifying markings and labels on packages relevant to the product item.

      3. A segment identifying measurements relevant to packaging of the product item (e.g. weights of inner and outer packages).

    17. Segment group 16
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying a unit of equipment used to transport the product item (e.g. container or ships hold).

      2. A segment to identify temperature details related to the equipment.

      3. Segment group 17
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment identifying a seal and the seal issuer for the unit of equipment.

        2. A segment identifying a date relevant to the sealing of the unit of equipment.

        3. A segment identifying a location relevant to the sealing of the unit of equipment.

    18. Segment group 18
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying a process relevant to the product item (e.g. pest treatment, slaughtering, packing, storage, testing, reservation and materials such as chemicals associated with the process).

      2. A segment used to indicate chemicals, active ingredients etc. used in processing.

      3. A segment identifying various measurement factors for the process.

      4. A segment identifying a date relevant to the process (e.g. duration of a specific process).

      5. A segment identifying a location relevant to the process.

      6. A segment identifying a specific document required as supporting information for the process.

      7. A segment identifying an additional reference or regulation relevant to the process.

      8. A segment to identify temperature details related to the process.

      9. A segment to specify processing indicators related to the process.

      10. A segment to specify textual information in code or clear form, related to the process.

      11. Segment group 19
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment identifying the name or other reference to a party relevant to a product item process.

        2. A segment identifying the address of a party relevant to a product item process.

        3. Segment group 20
          Repeat 9
          1. A segment giving additional contact information for the person or department specified as a relevant party to whom communication should be directed.

          2. A segment identifying the phone number, fax number or other communication number of the contact specified as the relevant party.

  19. A segment to provide message control totals as required (e.g. total number of line items, total number of containers, total quantity shipped).

  20. Segment group 21
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment containing the result of the algorithm permitting the verification of the authenticity of the sender and the integrity of the data.

    2. A segment identifying a date associated with the preceding AUT.

  21. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

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