EDI 138 Educational Testing and Prospect Request and Report
Functional Group TT
X12F Finance Subcommittee
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Educational Testing and Prospect Request and Report Transaction Set (138) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This standard can be used by educational institutions and employers to request and receive results of testing programs from testing services and prospective student information from prospect services. Each transaction may include one prospect's identification, demographic information, academic background, goals and preferences, test identification, testing conditions, scoring results, and test normalization analysis including national, regional, and local norms.
- 0100Transaction Set HeaderMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number
- 0200Beginning SegmentMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the beginning of a transaction set
- 0300Educational Record PurposeMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the type of educational record or information being requested or being sent and to specify conditions under which it is being requested or was sent
- 0400Reference InformationMandatoryMax 1
To specify identifying information
The REF segment indicates the test-taker's identification number. - N1 Loop MandatoryRepeat 2
- 0500Party IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
The N1 loop provides information about the sender and the intended receiver. - 0600Party LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the location of the named party
- 0700Geographic LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the geographic place of the named party
- 0800Administrative Communications ContactOptionalMax 1
To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed
- 0500Party IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
- IN1 Loop MandatoryRepeat 10
- 0100Individual IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
To provide identification of an individual or entity
The IN1 loop provides information about the test-taker and related individuals who may have requested the testing or, if the test-taker is a minor, have approved the administration of the test. - 0200Individual Name Structure ComponentsMandatoryMax 10
To sequence individual name components for maximum specificity
- 0300Reference InformationOptionalMax 5
To specify identifying information
- 0350Entry and Exit InformationOptionalMax 1
To provide information concerning the entry into or withdrawal from a school, school program, school district, or postsecondary institution
- 0400Demographic InformationOptionalMax 1
To supply demographic information
- 0500Additional Individual Demographic InformationOptionalMax 1
To provide additional demographic information to the receiving school, institution, or agency to assist in identifying the particular student
- 0600Language UseOptionalMax 5
To specify language, type of usage, and proficiency or fluency
- 0700Party LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the location of the named party
- 0800Geographic LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the geographic place of the named party
- 0900Communication Contact InformationOptionalMax 5
To specify a communication contact number
- 1000Request for InformationOptionalMax >1
To identify a question and a reply
The RQS segments contain responses to questions about such topics as family income, college preferences, and other supplemental information. The RQS segment identifies the question and the test-taker's response. - 1100Statistical Category AnalysisOptionalMax >1
To specify statistical norms and related information associated with testing programs
The SCA segment describes demographic norms for the test-taker or other related individuals. - EMS Loop OptionalRepeat 10
- 1200Employment PositionMandatoryMax 1
To describe employment position
The EMS loop provides employment information about the test-taker and related individuals. - 1300Party IdentificationOptionalMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
- 1400Date or Time or PeriodOptionalMax 1
To specify any or all of a date, a time, or a time period
- 1200Employment PositionMandatoryMax 1
- 0100Individual IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
- TST Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 1500Test Score RecordMandatoryMax 1
To provide information about national, regional, state, or local tests that a student has taken
The TST, DEG, SST, PCL and ATV loops provide information about the test-taker identified in the IN1 loop.The TST loop describes the test results being reported or requested. - SBT Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 1600SubtestMandatoryMax 1
To provide information about subtests that the student has taken
- 1700Test ScoresOptionalMax 5
To provide scores on tests that a student has taken
- 1800Message TextOptionalMax >1
To provide a free-form format that allows the transmission of text information
The MSG segment contains the text of the essay component of a test. - RAP Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 1900Requirement, Attribute, and ProficiencyMandatoryMax 1
To identify requirements, attributes, and proficiencies of students and/or courses
The RAP segment identifies a specific proficiency, licensing requirement, etc. which the test or test component meets. - 2000Employment PositionOptionalMax 1
To describe employment position
The EMS describes a position the requirements for which the test or test component meets.
- 1900Requirement, Attribute, and ProficiencyMandatoryMax 1
- SCA Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 2100Statistical Category AnalysisMandatoryMax 1
To specify statistical norms and related information associated with testing programs
The SCA loop provides statistical analysis and norms for the test or test components. - 2200Field of StudyOptionalMax 1
To provide information about a course or field of study associated with an academic program
The FOS segment together with the SCA segment describe the predicted degree of success the test-taker might expect upon entering specific academic programs.
- 2100Statistical Category AnalysisMandatoryMax 1
- N1 Loop OptionalRepeat 1
- 2300Party IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
The N1 loop describes the testing center or the place where the test or test component was administered. - 2400Party LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the location of the named party
- 2500Geographic LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the geographic place of the named party
- 2600Administrative Communications ContactOptionalMax 1
To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed
- 2300Party IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
- 1600SubtestMandatoryMax 1
- 1500Test Score RecordMandatoryMax 1
- DEG Loop OptionalRepeat 5
- 2700Degree RecordMandatoryMax 1
To provide information about an educational institution's academic award
The DEG loop describes the test-taker's academic degree goals and field of study interests. - 2800Field of StudyOptionalMax 5
To provide information about a course or field of study associated with an academic program
- 2700Degree RecordMandatoryMax 1
- SST Loop OptionalRepeat 10
- 2900Student Academic StatusMandatoryMax 1
To provide information concerning the student's eligibility to return to the reporting institution, enrollment status, residency for fee purposes, and date and type or status of high school graduation
The SST loop provides information about the high schools the student has or is attending, along with self-reported course work, credit hours, GPA, etc. - 3000Entry and Exit InformationOptionalMax 1
To provide information concerning the entry into or withdrawal from a school, school program, school district, or postsecondary institution
- 3100Academic SummaryOptionalMax 1
To provide summary information for an academic session, a postsecondary degree, or for the entire student academic record
- 3200Field of StudyOptionalMax >1
To provide information about a course or field of study associated with an academic program
The FOS segments provide information about high school course work or subjects the test-taker has taken. - 3250Request for InformationOptionalMax >1
To identify a question and a reply
- N1 Loop OptionalRepeat 1
- 3300Party IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
The N1 segment identifies the high school. - 3400Party LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the location of the named party
- 3500Geographic LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the geographic place of the named party
- 3570Communication Contact InformationOptionalMax 5
To specify a communication contact number
- 3300Party IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
- 2900Student Academic StatusMandatoryMax 1
- PCL Loop OptionalRepeat 25
- 3600Previous CollegeMandatoryMax 1
To provide the receiving educational institution or agency with information concerning the student's previous postsecondary education experience
The PCL loop provides information about the test-taker's current or previous experiences at post-secondary institutions. - 3700Party LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the location of the named party
- 3800Geographic LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the geographic place of the named party
- 3900Entry and Exit InformationOptionalMax 1
To provide information concerning the entry into or withdrawal from a school, school program, school district, or postsecondary institution
- 4000Field of StudyOptionalMax >1
To provide information about a course or field of study associated with an academic program
The FOS segment provides information about the course work or subjects that the test-taker has taken at post-secondary institutions. - DEG Loop OptionalRepeat 10
- 4100Degree RecordMandatoryMax 1
To provide information about an educational institution's academic award
The DEG loop provides information about degrees, majors, minors, and fields of study which the test-taker has completed or pursued at post-secondary institutions. - 4200Academic SummaryOptionalMax 1
To provide summary information for an academic session, a postsecondary degree, or for the entire student academic record
- 4300Field of StudyOptionalMax 30
To provide information about a course or field of study associated with an academic program
- 4100Degree RecordMandatoryMax 1
- 3600Previous CollegeMandatoryMax 1
- ATV Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 4400Student Activities and AwardsMandatoryMax 1
To identify the activities in which a student has been involved, awards and honors the student has received, significant achievements, including employment, or publications
The ATV loop describes the test-taker's activities, awards and accomplishments. - 4500Employment PositionOptionalMax 1
To describe employment position
- 4600Date or Time or PeriodOptionalMax 1
To specify any or all of a date, a time, or a time period
The DTP segment contains the date or range of dates that the test-taker participated in an activity.
- 4400Student Activities and AwardsMandatoryMax 1
- 4700Transaction Set TrailerMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)
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