DESADV Despatch advice

TBG1 Supply Chain

A message specifying details for goods despatched or ready for despatch under agreed conditions.

The United Nations Despatch Advice Message serves both as a specification for Delivery Despatch Advice and also as a Returns Despatch Advice message. Throughout this document, the reference to 'Despatch Advice' may be interpreted as conveying the wider meaning of 'Delivery Despatch Advice/Returns Despatch Advice'.


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Despatch advice message is DESADV. Note: Despatch advice messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 DESADV 0052 D 0054 21A 0051 UN

  2. A segment for unique identification of the Despatch Advice document, by means of its name and its number.

  3. Date/time/period related to the whole message. The DTM segment must be specified at least once to identify the Despatch Advice date.

  4. A segment indicating that the message is subject to special conditions due to origin, customs preference or commercial factors.

  5. A segment specifying the weight and volume of the consignment.

  6. A segment to transmit monetary amounts for the whole despatch required by the consignee to prepare customs clearance procedures.

  7. This segment is used to specify currencies and relevant details for the rate of exchange.

  8. Segment group 1
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment for referencing documents relating to the whole despatch advice message, e.g. purchase orders, delivery instructions, import/export license.

    2. Date/time/period from the referred document.

  9. Segment group 2
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment for identifying names, addresses, and their functions relevant to the whole Despatch Advice. Identification of the parties involved is recommended for the Despatch Advice message, and is to be given in the NAD segment. It is recommended that where possible, only the coded form of the party ID should be specified, e.g. the buyer and seller are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required. The consignee or delivery address may vary and would have to be clearly specified, preferably in structured format.

    2. A segment indicating more details regarding specific places/locations related to the party specified in the NAD segment, e.g. internal site/building number.

    3. Segment group 3
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment for referencing documents relating to the party specified by the NAD segment.

      2. A segment for specifying Date/time/period of the referred document.

    4. Segment group 4
      Repeat 10
      1. A segment to identify the person, function or department to whom communication should be directed.

      2. A segment to identify communication types and numbers for the person, function or department identified in the CTA.

  10. Segment group 5
    Repeat 10
    1. A segment indicating the terms of delivery and transfer for the whole despatch advice.

    2. A segment indicating locations relevant to the TOD segment.

    3. Additional free text pertinent to terms of delivery. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

  11. Segment group 6
    Repeat 10
    1. A segment specifying the carriage, and the mode and means of transport of the goods being despatched.

    2. A segment specifying the percentage of utilization of the capacity of the means of transport.

    3. A segment to specify transport movement details for a despatch.

    4. Segment group 7
      Repeat 10
      1. A segment indicating locations relevant to the transport specified in the TDT segment.

      2. A segment giving the date/time/period information of departure and/or arrival of the transported goods for the specified location.

  12. Segment group 8
    Repeat 10
    1. A segment to define fixed information regarding equipment used in conjunction with the whole despatch advice, and if required, to indicate responsibility for supply of the equipment.

    2. A segment specifying physical measurements of equipment described in the EQD segment.

    3. A segment specifying a seal number connected to a specific equipment named in the EQD.

    4. A segment identifying equipment either attached to the equipment described in the EQD segment above, or equipment related to that described in the EQD segment, and which is further defined in a subsequent EQD segment.

    5. Segment group 9
      Repeat 10
      1. A segment providing information on handling and notification of hazardous materials in the specified equipment.

      2. A segment with free text information in coded or clear form to give further clarification, when required, for hazardous material.

  13. Segment group 10
    Repeat 99
    1. This segment will identify the external files by indicating the file name, file number and its sequence number in an exchange.

    2. To give precise definitions of all necessary elements belonging to the configuration of a computer system, e.g. hardware, firmware, operating system, communication and application software.

    3. To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed.

    4. A segment giving reference related to the file identified by a previous external file link identification segment.

    5. This segment will convey the date/time details of the external file.

    6. The size/volume of the external file identified in the previous external file link identification segment.


Max use
  1. Segment group 11
    Repeat 9999
    1. A segment identifying the sequence in which packing of the consignment occurs, e.g. boxes loaded onto a pallet.

    2. A segment with free text information in coded or clear form to give further clarification, when required, as to the packing sequence. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

    3. A segment identifying a quantity variance and reason for the variance.

    4. Segment group 12
      Repeat 9999
      1. A segment specifying the number and type of the packages/physical units and the physical type of packaging for the despatched goods.

      2. A segment specifying physical measurements of the packages/physical units described in the PAC segment.

      3. A segment to specify the quantity per package described in the PAC segment.

      4. Segment group 13
        Repeat 10
        1. A segment providing information on required handling and notification of hazardous materials in the specified package.

        2. A segment with free text information in coded or clear form to give further clarification, when required, for hazardous materials.

      5. Segment group 14
        Repeat 1000
        1. A segment specifying markings and/or labels used on individual physical units (packages) described in the PAC segment.

        2. A segment for referencing the package identification e.g. master label number.

        3. A segment for specifying date/time/period related to the document referenced.

        4. Segment group 15
          Repeat 99
          1. To specify a set of related identification numbers.

          2. A segment to give specific dates of a package, e.g. production date, etc.

        5. Segment group 16
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment providing the identity numbers of packages being despatched.

          2. A segment to identify any limitation on delivery of goods, e.g. hold until final approval by supplier.

        6. Segment group 17
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment to identify the ingredients used for packaging.

          2. A segment to give the measurements of the identified ingredient as used for packaging.

          3. A segment to give the quantity of the identified ingredient as used for packaging.

          4. A segment to give the percentage of the ingredient within the packaging material.

      6. Segment group 18
        Repeat 99
        1. This segment will identify the external files by indicating the file name, file number and its sequence number in an exchange.

        2. To give precise definitions of all necessary elements belonging to the configuration of a computer system, e.g. application software.

        3. To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed.

        4. A segment giving reference related to the file identified by a previous external file link identification segment.

        5. This segment will convey the date/time details of the external file.

        6. The size/volume of the external file identified in the previous external file link identification segment.

    5. Segment group 19
      Repeat 9999
      1. A segment identifying the product being despatched. All other segments in the detail section following the LIN segment refer to that line item.

      2. A segment providing additional product identification.

      3. A segment for describing the product being despatched. This segment should be used for products that cannot be identified by a product code or article number.

      4. A segment specifying physical measurements of the despatched item in original or unpacked form.

      5. A segment to give quantity information concerning the product.

      6. A segment indicating that the line item is subject to special conditions due to origin, customs preference, or commercial factors.

      7. A segment providing identity numbers of the goods being despatched, e.g. serial numbers for assembled equipment.

      8. A segment providing sets of related identification numbers for a line item, e.g. engine number, chassis number and transmission number for a vehicle.

      9. A segment to identify any limitation on delivery of goods e.g. hold until final approval by supplier.

      10. A segment providing date, time information related to the line item, e.g. production date.

      11. A segment for identifying names and addresses and their functions relevant to the item, e.g. manufacturer.

      12. A segment specifying the carriage, and the mode and means of transport of the goods being despatched, e.g. shipment/consignment number, shipping method, carrier.

      13. A segment to specify transport movement details for a despatched item.

      14. A segment providing information on the handling and notification of hazardous materials.

      15. A segment with free text information in coded or clear form to give further clarification, when required, to the line item. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

      16. A segment giving monetary amounts required by the consignee to undertake customs clearance procedures.

      17. Segment giving information related to the instruction for the type of packaging which is valid for the specified deliveries of the line item.

      18. Segment group 20
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment identifying documents related to the line item.

        2. A segment for identifying names and addresses and their functions relevant to the originator of the document in the RFF segment.

        3. A segment to identify the office, branch or department to whom communication relevant to the document should be directed.

        4. A segment for date/time/period relative to the referred document.

      19. Segment group 21
        Repeat 9999
        1. A segment to indicate the class of dangerous goods.

        2. A segment to specify quantity of the given dangerous goods.

        3. A segment to describe dangerous goods.

      20. Segment group 22
        Repeat 100
        1. A segment identifying a specific location to which products will be delivered.

        2. A segment for identifying names and addresses and their functions relevant to the delivery point. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified, e.g. the buyer and seller are known to each other, thus only the coded ID is required. The consignee or delivery address may vary and would have to be clearly specified, preferably in structured format.

        3. A segment providing date/time information relevant for delivery to the specific location.

        4. A segment to specify quantity for the given location.

      21. Segment group 23
        Repeat 1000
        1. A segment to specify the placement of goods in relation to one equipment. If goods are unpacked, their quantity would be given in the following QTY segment.

        2. A segment to specify the quantity of unpacked goods being placed in a specific equipment.

      22. Segment group 24
        Repeat 9999
        1. A segment specifying marking and labels used on individual packages or a range of packages.

        2. A segment giving the date/time details related to the goods within the packages e.g. expiration date.

        3. A segment specifying physical measurements of packages.

        4. A segment to specify quantity per package.

        5. Segment group 25
          Repeat 10
          1. A segment providing identification numbers being applied to the packages despatched.

          2. A segment to identify any limitation on delivery of goods e.g. hold until final approval by supplier.

        6. Segment group 26
          Repeat 10
          1. A segment providing information on handling and notification of hazardous materials.

          2. A segment with free text information in coded or clear form to give further clarification, when required, for hazardous materials.

          3. A segment providing identification numbers being applied to the packages containing hazardous goods.

      23. Segment group 27
        Repeat 10
        1. A segment identifying a quantity variance and the reason for the variance.

        2. A segment to give date and time information relative to the quantity variances, e.g. proposed delivery date on the back order.

      24. Segment group 28
        Repeat 99
        1. This segment will identify the external files by indicating the file name, file number and its sequence number in an exchange.

        2. To give precise definitions of all necessary elements belonging to the configuration of a computer system, e.g. hardware, firmware, operating system, communication and application software.

        3. To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed.

        4. A segment giving reference related to the file identified by a previous external file link identification segment.

        5. This segment will convey the date/time details of the external file.

        6. The size/volume of the external file identified in the previous external file link identification segment.


Max use
  1. A segment by which control totals may be provided by sender for checking by the receiver.

  2. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

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