DELFOR Delivery schedule

TBG1 Supply Chain

WARNING! This version of the DELFOR is not upward compatible with versions prior to D02A.

DELFOR is a message which is sent from a party who is planning the use or consumption of products to a party who has to plan for the supply of the products. The message gives the requirements regarding details for short term delivery and/or medium to long scheduling for products. The scheduling can be used to authorize manufacturing and or the provision of materials.

This is based on the terms and conditions defined in a purchase order or contract.

The message may also be sent in response by a party which has received a DELFOR message to indicate to the party which has issued the message, the acceptance of, rejection of, or to propose amendments to the previous message.


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Delivery schedule message is DELFOR. Note: Delivery schedule messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 DELFOR 0052 D 0054 21A 0051 UN

  2. A segment for unique identification of the Delivery schedule message by means of its name and its number and its function (original, replacement, change).

  3. The DTM segment shall be specified at least once to identify the Delivery schedule message date. This segment can be included to indicate the beginning and the end date of the schedule.

  4. A segment with free text in coded or clear form to give further clarification when required. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

  5. Segment group 1
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment for giving references to the whole Delivery schedule message, e.g. contract, original message number (AGO), previous message number (ACW), import or export licence.

    2. Date or time, or date and time of the reference.

  6. Segment group 2
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment for identifying names and addresses and their functions relevant for the whole Delivery schedule. The principal parties for the Delivery schedule message shall be identified. The identification of the recipient of the goods must be given in the NAD segment in the detail section. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party ID should be specified.

    2. Segment group 3
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment giving references related to the party.

      2. Date/time/period of the reference.

    3. Segment group 4
      Repeat 5
      1. A segment to identify the person, function, or department to whom communication should be directed.

      2. A segment identifying communication types and numbers for the person, function, or department identified in the CTA segment.

  7. Segment group 5
    Repeat 10
    1. A segment specifying the carriage, and the mode and means of transport.

    2. A segment indicating the date/time/period details relating to the TDT segment.

  8. Segment group 6
    Repeat 9999
    1. A segment to indicate by the relevant processing indicator code which scheduling method is used.

    2. Segment group 7
      Repeat 1
      1. A segment for identifying the consignee.

      2. A segment identifying a specific location at the consignee address (e.g. dock, gate,..) to which product, as specified in the LIN-Segment groups, should be delivered.

      3. A segment with free text in coded or clear form to give further clarification when required. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

      4. Segment group 8
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment giving references related to the consignee.

        2. Date/time/period of the reference.

      5. Segment group 9
        Repeat 10
        1. A segment describing the documents required for the specified consignee.

        2. Date/time/period of documents required.

      6. Segment group 10
        Repeat 5
        1. A segment to identify the person, function, or department to whom communication should be directed.

        2. Communication types and numbers for the person, function, or department identified in CTA segment.

      7. Segment group 11
        Repeat 10
        1. A segment specifying the carriage, and the mode and means of transport.

        2. A segment indicating the date/time/period details of departure or arrival relating to the TDT segment.

    3. Segment group 12
      Repeat 9999
      1. A segment identifying the details of the product or service to be delivered, e.g. product identification. All other segments in the detail section following the LIN segment refer to the line item.

      2. A segment providing additional product identification.

      3. A segment for describing the product or the service to be delivered. This segment should be used for products that cannot be identified by a product code or article number.

      4. A segment specifying physical measurements of the item to be delivered in original or unpacked form.

      5. A segment indicating that the line item is subject to special conditions due to origin, customs preference, or commercial factors.

      6. A segment providing identity numbers to be applied to the goods to be delivered, e.g. serial numbers.

      7. A segment providing sets of related identification numbers for a line item, e.g. engine number, chassis number and transmission number for a vehicle.

      8. A segment identifying a specific location to which products, as specified in the LIN-Segment group, should be placed after delivery. This function should only be used with the delivery point driven method.

      9. Date/time/period associated with the line item, such as the date of the engineering change.

      10. A segment with free text in coded or clear form to give further clarification, when required, to the line item to be delivered. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

      11. Segment group 13
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment for identifying references to the line item, e.g. a contract and its appropriate line item, original message number, previous message number if different per line item.

        2. Date/time/period of the reference.

      12. Segment group 14
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment to identify the person, function, or department to whom communication should be directed.

        2. A segment to identify communication types and numbers for the person, function, or department identified in CTA segment.

      13. Segment group 15
        Repeat 10
        1. A segment specifying the carriage, and the mode and means of transport of the goods for the specified location.

        2. A segment to specify transport movement details for an item.

        3. A segment indicating the date/time/period details relating to the TDT segment.

      14. Segment group 16
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment to specify pertinent quantities not related to schedule(s) e.g. cumulative quantity, last quantity considered.

        2. A segment indicating the date/time/period details relating to the quantity.

        3. Segment group 17
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment for identifying reference to the quantity, e.g. despatch advice number.

          2. Date/time/period of the reference.

      15. Segment group 18
        Repeat 999
        1. A segment specifying the status of the schedule. Optionally a delivery pattern can be established, e.g. firm or proposed delivery pattern.

        2. Segment group 19
          Repeat 999
          1. A segment to specify pertinent quantities which may relate to schedule(s) and, or pattern established in the SCC segment, e.g. delivery quantity for a specified date.

          2. A segment indicating date/time/period details relating to the given quantity.

          3. Segment group 20
            Repeat 99
            1. A segment to provide reference for the given schedule's quantity and date.

            2. Date/time/period of the reference.

      16. Segment group 21
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment specifying the number of package units and the type of packaging for the line item, e.g. pallet.

        2. A segment specifying physical measurements of packages described in the PAC segment, e.g. pallet dimensions.

        3. A segment to specify pertinent quantities relating to the physical units (packages) described in the PAC segment.

        4. A segment specifying date/time/period details relating to the physical units (packages) described in the PAC segment, e.g. packaging specification date.

        5. Segment group 22
          Repeat 10
          1. A segment specifying markings and labels used on individual physical units (packages) described in the PAC segment.

          2. A segment providing identity numbers to be applied to the packages to be delivered.

      17. Segment group 23
        Repeat 999
        1. A segment for identifying names and addresses relevant to the delivery point.

        2. A segment identifying a specific location at the address (e.g. dock, gate,..).

        3. A segment with free text in coded or clear form to give further clarification when required. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

        4. Segment group 24
          Repeat 10
          1. A segment providing information relating to the documents required for specified delivery points.

          2. Date/time/period of documents required.

        5. Segment group 25
          Repeat 5
          1. A segment to identify the person, function, or department to whom communication should be directed.

          2. A segment to identify communication types and numbers for the person, function, or department identified in CTA segment.

        6. Segment group 26
          Repeat 10
          1. A segment to specify pertinent quantities for the delivery point not related to schedule(s), e.g. cumulative quantities, last quantity considered.

          2. A segment indicating the date/time/period details relating to the given quantity.

          3. Segment group 27
            Repeat 99
            1. A segment for identifying references to the quantity, e.g. despatch advice number.

            2. Date/time/period of the reference.

        7. Segment group 28
          Repeat 999
          1. A segment specifying the status of the schedule. Optionally a delivery pattern can be established, e.g. firm or proposed delivery schedule for a weekly pattern.

          2. Segment group 29
            Repeat 999
            1. A segment to specify pertinent quantities which may relate to schedule(s) and/or pattern established in the SCC segment, e.g. delivery quantity for a specified date.

            2. A segment indicating the date/time/period details relating to the given quantity.

            3. Segment group 30
              Repeat 99
              1. A segment to provide references for the given schedules.

              2. Date/time/period of the reference.

        8. Segment group 31
          Repeat 10
          1. A segment specifying the carriage, and the mode and means of transport of the goods for the delivery point.

          2. A segment indicating the date/time/period relating to the TDT segment.

      18. Segment group 32
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment to specify the price of the line item, e.g. a contract unit price, a previous unit price, and so on.

        2. A segment to specify the curreny of the price.

        3. A segment to specify the concluding Date/time of the unit price.

  9. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

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