Stedi Clearinghouse
Automate transactions with the only API-first clearinghouse
Eligibility checks
Real-time 270 eligibility checks and 271 benefit responses in both JSON and raw X12 EDI
Send eligibility checks
Submit manually through the Stedi app or automate with the API.
Check coordination of benefits
Identify coverage overlap and determine payer responsibility for claims (primacy).
Perform monthly refreshes
Schedule batch checks without triggering payer throttling.
API Docs
Full reference for our Eligibility Check APIs.
Claims processing
837P (Professional), 837I (Institutional), and 837D (Dental) claims and real-time 276 claim status checks in both JSON and raw X12 EDI
Submit claims
Send claims to payers through the API, an SFTP connection or the Stedi app.
Retrieve payer responses
Retrieve processed 277 Claim Acknowledgments and 835 ERAs from Stedi.
Configure event-driven webhooks
Automatically receive events for processed responses.
API Docs
Full reference for our Claims, Claim Status, and Reports (277 and ERA) APIs.
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