EDI 890 Contract & Rebate Management Transaction

Functional Group D4

X12M Supply Chain Subcommittee

This X12 transaction set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Contract and Rebate Management transaction for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This X12 transaction set can be used to confirm, in an electronic format, the details of a contract that has been negotiated between two or more Foodservice parties. Information conveyed in the transaction includes trade party name, address and contact information; trade party role(s), identification of the contract program(s) and the specifics of the program(s) - including specific deals, date(s), contract performance requirements, volume measurements, benchmarks, rebate/billback information, and identification of the product(s), product classification, services(s), and equipment.


Max use
  1. To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number

  2. To indicate the beginning of the Contract and Rebate Management Transaction Set and transmit identifying contract information

  3. To specify the currency (dollars, pounds, francs, etc.) used in a transaction

  4. To specify pertinent dates and times

  5. To specify textual data

  6. To specify identifying information

  7. To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge

  8. 0100 Loop Optional
    Repeat >1
    1. To supply the full name of an individual or organizational entity

      Loop 0100 is used to identify all parties to the contract.
    2. To define the attributes of a property or an entity

    3. To identfiy a party as included or excluded in a contract or program

    4. To specify additional names

    5. To specify the location of the named party

    6. To specify the geographic place of the named party

    7. To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed

    8. 0120 Loop Optional
      Repeat >1
      1. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

        Loop 0120 is used to identify a parent company.
      2. To specify additional names

      3. To specify the location of the named party

      4. To specify the geographic place of the named party

      5. To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed

  9. 0140 Loop Optional
    Repeat >1
    1. To indicate the total monetary amount

      Loop 0140 is used to specify the minimum expected expenditure amount under the contract.
    2. To specify textual data

  10. 0160 Loop Optional
    Repeat >1
    1. To specify quantity information

      Loop 0160 is used to specify the minimum expected quantity purchase under the contract.
    2. To specify textual data

  11. To indicate that the next segment begins a loop

  12. 0180 Loop Optional
    Repeat 3
    1. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

      Loop 0180 is used to identify the party that may make price changes, and the frequency thereof.
    2. To specify pertinent dates and times

    3. To specify a frequency period for a product or process in which a change may occur

  13. To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete


Max use
  1. 0190 Loop Optional
    Repeat >1
    1. To provide information about a selected program

      Loop 0190 specifies programs under the contract.
    2. To specify identifying information

    3. To identfiy a party as included or excluded in a contract or program

    4. To specify textual data

    5. 0200 Loop Optional
      Repeat >1
      1. To specify pertinent dates and times

      2. To specify a frequency period for a product or process in which a change may occur

      3. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

    6. 0210 Loop Optional
      Repeat >1
      1. To indicate the total monetary amount

      2. To specify physical measurements or counts, including dimensions, tolerances, variances, and weights (See X12 EDI Standard Figures, https://figures.x12.org, for example of use of C001)

      3. To specify a frequency period for a product or process in which a change may occur

    7. To indicate that the next segment begins a loop

    8. 0230 Loop Optional
      Repeat >1
      1. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

      2. To specify quantity information

        This segment denotes the expected quantity performance by the contractee.
      3. To indicate the total monetary amount

      4. To specify textual data

      5. To identify the spend type required by a program

      6. To specify how the claimant payment will be handled

      7. 0250 Loop Optional
        Repeat 1
        1. To indicate the frequency and method for which trading partner financial settlement occurs

        2. 0260 Loop Optional
          Repeat >1
          1. To specify pertinent dates and times

          2. To specify textual data

    9. To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete

    10. 0300 Loop Optional
      Repeat >1
      1. To reference a line number in a transaction set

      2. To specify textual data

      3. 0305 Loop Optional
        Repeat >1
        1. To provide information about a product classification relevant to a program

          Loop 0305 specifies product classes relevant to the program.
        2. To indicate the total monetary amount

        3. To specify quantity information

        4. To identify brand labels

        5. To identify package and sizes

      4. 0310 Loop Optional
        Repeat >1
        1. To provide information relevant to a product

          Loop 0310 specifies products that are relevant to a program.
        2. To provide detailed product information

        3. To describe the inner packs of a product

        4. To identify co-product and linked products

        5. To indicate the total monetary amount

        6. To specify quantity information

      5. 0320 Loop Optional
        Repeat >1
        1. To provide product and bracket information

          Loop 0320 specifies the price brackets for the product classes (Loop 0305) and products (Loop 0310).
        2. To provide price or rate values pertaining to a product bracket

      6. 0340 Loop Optional
        Repeat >1
        1. To provide details about equipment

          Loop 0340 specifies the equipment that is included under a program.
        2. To specify identifying information

        3. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

        4. To specify pertinent dates and times

        5. To provide payment information pertaining to equipment

      7. 0350 Loop Optional
        Repeat >1
        1. To identify a provided service

          Loop 0350 specifies the services that are included under a program.
        2. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

        3. To specify pertinent dates and times

        4. To specify quantity information

        5. To provide payment information pertaining to equipment

        6. 0400 Loop Optional
          Repeat >1
          1. To provide details about equipment

          2. To specify identifying information


Max use
  1. To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)

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