EDI 242 Data Status Tracking
Functional Group DS
X12C Communications and Controls Subcommittee
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Data Status Tracking Transaction Set (242) within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This management transaction set is the vehicle by which the transmission status information is conveyed by a service request handler to the interchange sender, interchange receiver, or both; it can be used to provide status information regarding interchange as it flows from an interchange sender through one or more service request handlers to an interchange receiver during its transmission cycle. It can be used by the interchange sender or interchange receiver to request from a service request handler ad hoc or periodic reports containing status information regarding interchanges.
- 0100Transaction Set HeaderMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number
- 0200Beginning SegmentMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the beginning of a transaction set
- 0300Report Selection SegmentOptionalMax 1
To identify report selection criteria
- 0400Date or Time or PeriodOptionalMax 10
To specify any or all of a date, a time, or a time period
The DTP segment is used to provide date/times or date/time ranges associated with the report being requested or provided, for example the start and end dates and time of the report. - 0500Reference InformationOptionalMax 10
To specify identifying information
The REF segment contains reference numbers to further identify the report or specify the report request. - 0600Message TextOptionalMax 1
To provide a free-form format that allows the transmission of text information
The MSG segment contains the report title. - HL Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 0700Hierarchical LevelMandatoryMax 1
To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments
HL identifies the appropriate hierarchical interchange level: HL03 indicates Interchange (IN), Functional Group (FG), Transaction Set (TS). All levels are optional. All hierarchical levels that are used must be used in the hierarchical order that they are listed. - 0800Interchange Identification SegmentOptionalMax 1
To uniquely identify interchange control structures
- 0900Party IdentificationOptionalMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
The N1 segment identifies the source of the following status information. - 1000Reference InformationOptionalMax 10
To specify identifying information
The REF segment contains reference numbers assigned by the party identified in the N1 segment that further identifies the interchange, functional group or transaction set. - 1100Quantity InformationOptionalMax >1
To specify quantity information
The QTY segments can be used to report aggregate counts (e.g., number of functional groups and segments) that were contained in the interchange, functional group or transaction set that is being tracked. - STS Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 1200Interchange Status SegmentMandatoryMax 1
To identify activity taken with an interchange
The STS segment provides status as reported by the source identified in the preceding N1 loop. - 1300Party IdentificationOptionalMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
The N1 segment identifies the source of the status information included; provided only if the source is different from that in the HL loop N1 segment. - 1400Reference InformationOptionalMax 10
To specify identifying information
The REF segment provides reference numbers assigned by the party identified in the N1 segment that further identifies the status or error reported in STS (e.g., file number, message Id). - 1500Quantity InformationOptionalMax >1
To specify quantity information
The QTY segments can be used to report aggregate counts from the status report that were contained in the interchange, functional group or transaction set that is being tracked.
- 1200Interchange Status SegmentMandatoryMax 1
- 0700Hierarchical LevelMandatoryMax 1
- 1600Transaction Set TrailerMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)
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