EDI 180 Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification

Functional Group AN

X12M Supply Chain Subcommittee

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Return Merchandise Authorization and Notification Transaction Set (180) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to the returning of merchandise to the vendor. This transaction set may satisfy request for returns, authorization or disposition of the return, notification of return, or notification of consumer return.


Max use
  1. To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number

  2. To indicate the beginning of a transaction set

  3. To indicate the disposition of the item, the reason for return by the returnee, the response to the reason for return, and whether the item was used

  4. To provide reference to a specific purchase order

  5. To specify pertinent dates and times

  6. To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier

  7. To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed

  8. To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge

  9. To indicate the payment amount and reason for disposal of unsalable product

  10. To describe marking, packaging, loading, and unloading requirements

  11. To specify the transportation details relative to commodity, weight, and quantity

  12. To specify the carrier and sequence of routing and provide transit time information

  13. To transmit information in a free-form format, if necessary, for comment or special instruction

  14. N1 Loop Optional
    Repeat 200
    1. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

    2. To specify additional names

    3. To specify the location of the named party

    4. To specify the geographic place of the named party

    5. To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed

  15. LM Loop Optional
    Repeat 10
    1. To transmit standard code list identification information

    2. To identify standard industry codes


Max use
  1. BLI Loop Optional
    Repeat >1
    1. To specify basic item data: item identification, quantity, and price

      Quantity is specified either in the BLI segment (BLI03) or in the QTY segment.
    2. To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier

    3. To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format

    4. To indicate the disposition of the item, the reason for return by the returnee, the response to the reason for return, and whether the item was used

    5. To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge

    6. To indicate the total monetary amount

    7. To specify physical measurements or counts, including dimensions, tolerances, variances, and weights (See Figures Appendix for example of use of C001)

    8. To supply information on conditions

    9. To transmit information in a free-form format, if necessary, for comment or special instruction

    10. To provide reference to a specific purchase order

    11. To specify pertinent dates and times

    12. To describe the type of demand and the intended use of material

    13. To specify information related to furnished material, equipment, property, information, and services

    14. To specify the carrier and sequence of routing and provide transit time information

    15. To specify destination and quantity detail

    16. LM Loop Optional
      Repeat 10
      1. To transmit standard code list identification information

      2. To identify standard industry codes

    17. N1 Loop Optional
      Repeat 200
      1. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

      2. To specify additional names

      3. To specify the location of the named party

      4. To specify the geographic place of the named party

      5. To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed

    18. QTY Loop Optional
      Repeat >1
      1. To specify quantity information

      2. To indicate the total monetary amount

      3. To specify pertinent dates and times

      4. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

        The N1 segment is used to identify the location of the material specified in the QTY loop.
      5. LM Loop Optional
        Repeat 10
        1. To transmit standard code list identification information

        2. To identify standard industry codes

      6. LX Loop Optional
        Repeat >1
        1. To reference a line number in a transaction set

          The LX loop conveys serial number, lot number and inventory data.
        2. To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier

        3. To specify pertinent dates and times

        4. To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code

          The N1 segment identifies the name of the manufacturer associated with the serial or lot number specified in the LX loop.
        5. LM Loop Optional
          Repeat 10
          1. To transmit standard code list identification information

          2. To identify standard industry codes

    19. FA1 Loop Optional
      Repeat >1
      1. To specify the organization controlling the content of the accounting citation, and the purpose associated with the accounting citation

      2. To specify the detailed accounting data

  2. To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)

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