JUPREQ Justified payment request

TBG1 Supply Chain

This message may be sent by an accounts payable service or equivalent to a payment service or equivalent to request the payment of a sum to one or several creditors. The message may provide all the details required for auditability purposes to justify the requested payment sum(s) in order to enable the payment to be made automatically after the necessary automatic validation (i.e., to ensure that all required information is present and is correct).


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Justified payment request message is JUPREQ. Note: Justified payment request messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 JUPREQ 0052 D 0054 20B 0051 UN

    1. Data element S009/0057 is retained for upward compatibility. The use of
    S016 and/or S017 is encouraged in preference.
    2. The combination of the values carried in data elements 0062 and S009 shall
    be used to identify uniquely the message within its group (if used) or if
    not used, within its interchange, for the purpose of acknowledgement.
  2. A segment by which the sender uniquely identifies the Justified payment request message by means of its number and type (for example, investment payment, functional payment etc.).

  3. A segment specifying general dates (accounting year, registration date, etc.) and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must be specified at least once to identify the date the payment request was issued.

  4. A segment specifying total monetary amounts for the payment request (for example, total amount remaining to be deducted from future payments).

  5. A segment providing general processing information in respect to the whole payment request, such as the budgetary nature of the request, e.g., investment, operational, etc.

  6. A segment specifying free text information eventually providing a description of the payment justification.

  7. Segment group 1
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying reference information about the payment, such as the contract concerned or budgeting information, by their number and where appropriate, the version number.

    2. A segment specifying the date/time related to the referenced information.

  8. Segment group 2
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment identifying names and addresses of parties, in coded or clear form, and their relevant function for the payment request. Identification of the sender of the request and the payment service are mandatory for the Justified payment request message. Other parties may also be identified as required.

    2. A segment specifying specific contact information such as the service involved related to the referenced information.

    3. A segment identifying key dates relative to the payment such as visa date of the service in question.

  9. Segment group 3
    Repeat 999
    1. A segment identifying the documents associated with the payment request such as the payment request documents and their associated justifications.

    2. A segment providing general processing information, such as economic indicators or credit categories.

    3. A segment identifying reference information about the payment, such as budgeting information, by their number and where appropriate, the version number.

    4. A segment specifying date/time/period details such as the date the request was posted in the accounts or the date of emission of a justification document.

    5. A segment providing information about the amounts which the document in question justifies. This includes amounts such as credit requests and adjustment amounts.

    6. A segment specifying free text information eventually providing a description of the document in question.

    7. Segment group 4
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying the party, such as the beneficiary, factoring party, justification originator or co-contractor.

      2. A segment identifying information such as the beneficiary's bank account.

      3. A segment identifying monetary amounts, such as the amount payable to the party if the distributed sum is being split between different beneficiaries.

      4. Segment group 5
        Repeat 1
        1. A segment to head, identify and specify an anti-collision segment group in order to permit the identification of beneficiary's, and any eventual related parties such as factors.

        2. Segment group 6
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment identifying the exact relationship between the two parties.

          2. A segment identifying the related party, such as a factor.

          3. A segment identifying information such as the bank account of the related party.

        3. A segment to end and check the completeness of an anti- collision segment group.

    8. Segment group 7
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying a document associated with a justification by its type and identification, such as related messages from other transmissions.

      2. A segment identifying other reference information related to the document being described.

      3. A segment identifying parties related to the document being described, such as its sender.

    9. Segment group 8
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying the tax information, such as the rate of value added tax (VAT) associated with the document being detailed.

      2. A segment identifying monetary amounts, such as the amount of VAT, in relation with the tax in question.

    10. Segment group 9
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying the formula used for the calculation.

      2. A segment identifying general processing information about the formula, such as whether it is a provisional or definitive calculation.

      3. A segment identifying date and eventually time information, such as the number of days or months late.

      4. A segment identifying the value of the coefficient calculated by the formula.

      5. A segment identifying information such as the amounts calculated, amounts exonerated or the amount on which penalties can be calculated.

      6. A segment identifying information such as the rate of VAT applicable to the value resulting from the calculation.

      7. Segment group 10
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment identifying the indexes and eventually the index values which were used in the formula calculation.

        2. A segment identifying date and eventually time information, such as the date of reading of the indexes.

        3. A segment identifying any coefficient details in relation with the index, such as the linking coefficient between index evolutions.

    11. Segment group 11
      Repeat 999
      1. A segment identifying an item and eventually the line number on which the item is to be found in the document. Items can relate to information such as the payment breakdown, specific articles, etc.

      2. A segment identifying an item by an additional identification number such as a manufacturer's article number.

      3. A segment identifying the numbers related to the item in question, such as the number of articles delivered or the quantity invoiced.

      4. A segment identifying date and eventually time information, such as the effective delivery date, associated with the item in question.

      5. A segment identifying tax information, such as the applicable rate of tax, associated with the item in question.

      6. A segment identifying any rate details, such as the rate of increase or discount, associated with the article in question.

      7. A segment identifying documents related to the item in question, such as the specific justification documents associated with a payment request.

      8. A segment identifying any references associated with the item in question, such as the official reference of the beneficiary.

      9. A segment identifying general processing information about the item in question such as the nature of the beneficiary.

      10. Segment group 12
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment specifying monetary amounts such as the amount to be paid, the amount for the item with or without VAT, etc.

        2. A segment specifying the currency and eventually the exchange rate associated with the monetary amount.

        3. A segment specifying any eventual payment instructions for the amounts in question, such as the payment means.

      11. Segment group 13
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment identifying the party associated with the item in question, such as the beneficiary, or the manufacturer of the item.

        2. A segment identifying information such as the party's bank account.

      12. Segment group 14
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment identifying the formula used in a calculation, such as a bonus or penalty calculation.

        2. A segment identifying general processing information about the formula, such as whether it is a provisional or definitive calculation.

        3. A segment identifying date and eventually time information, such as the number of days or months late, in respect to the formula calculation.

        4. A segment identifying information such as the amounts calculated, amounts exonerated or the amount on which penalties can be calculated.

      13. Segment group 15
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment identifying the relationship between monetary amounts, such as principal, interests or adjustment amounts.

        2. A segment identifying monetary amounts, such as the amount of the principal.

        3. A segment identifying date and eventually time information, such as the number of days or months late in payment.

        4. A segment identifying tax information such as the rate of VAT applied.

        5. Segment group 16
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment identifying sequence breakdown of the monetary amount identified previously.

          2. A segment general processing indicators related to the monetary amount breakdown, such as various budgetary indications.

          3. A segment identifying dates and eventually times related to the monetary amount breakdown, such as the budgetary year.

          4. A segment specifying monetary amounts such as the budgeted amount.

          5. A segment identifying references, such as the different budget references.

  10. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

    1. 0062, the value shall be identical to the value in 0062 in the
    corresponding UNH segment.

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