DAPLOS Data Plot Sheet

TBG1 Supply Chain

A message to describe the data plot sheet exchanged between farmers and suppliers. This information includes technical description and information of the crop production in order to give information about traceability to the farmer's partners (cooperatives, manufacturers, suppliers etc.)


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Data Plot Sheet is DAPLOS. Note: Data Plot Sheets conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 DAPLOS 0052 D 0054 20A 0051 UN

  2. A segment by which the sender must uniquely identify the Data Plot Sheet Message by means of its name and number and when necessary its function. Data element 1225 may be used to identify updates to a previously sent DAPLOS message

  3. A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the whole message. The segment must be specified at least once to identify the Data Plot Sheet Message date. The Date/time/period segment within other Segment groups should be used whenever the date/time/period requires to be logically related to another specified data item, for example the availability date for a specified line item (DTM following LIN).

  4. A segment providing the type of agriculture practised in the farm for all crops identified within the message in free format or in coded form and when necessary identifying the language used. It may be repeated as well to provide the name in other languages.

  5. Segment group 1
    Repeat 9
    1. A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties, in coded or clear form, and their functions relevant to the message. At least one NAD-segment should be provided, for example the farmer, the cooperative, the supplier or message generator. It is recommended that, if possible, only the coded ID of the party is specified.

    2. A segment identifying a reference by its type and number and when appropriate a line number within a document.

  6. Segment group 2
    Repeat 9999
    1. A segment identifying the line item by the line item number, and identifying the plot through a unique plot key.

    2. A segment specifying general dates and, when relevant, times related to the line item. For example the intended year of harvest.

    3. A segment providing identification of the crop, e.g. to identify the botanical species, the variety sown.

    4. A segment identifying the plot expected harvest for the crop.

    5. Segment group 3
      Repeat 9
      1. A segment specifying the characteristics of the crop mixture on the plot.

      2. A segment to specify common characteristics by value in either coded form or free format.

    6. Segment group 4
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying a reference by its type and number. For example, it's the name of the arable plot, given by the agricultural unit, the CAP island number, perennial plot number, etc..

      2. Segment group 5
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment indicating characteristic values being physical measurements (including measurable quantities and surface area) related to specified characteristics (for example, temperature, surface of the event) and where relevant measurement ranges.

        2. A segment used to identify the geographical position of the surface area.

    7. Segment group 6
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment providing the description of a characteristic of the arable crop by using specific codes or free text. For example, the type of soil, the type of sub-soil, the soil acidity, the crop residues management, commitments, etc.

      2. A segment identifying the quantity related to the characteristic specified in the Item description e.g. quantity of crop residues applied.

      3. A segment identifying names and addresses of the contractor, in coded form, and their functions relevant to the characteristics specified in the Item description.

      4. Segment group 7
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment identifying a reference by its type and number, e.g. contract number.

        2. A segment specifying the date relevant to the referred document, e.g. contract date.

    8. Segment group 8
      Repeat 9
      1. A segment identifying the level of the previous crop. The previous arable plot key is based on the same structure of the current arable plot key.

      2. A segment to identify a product, e.g. the Botanical species, the variety sown for the previous crop.

      3. Segment group 9
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment to identify the characteristics of the crop (qualifiers of the botanical species, period of sowing, destination of the crop)

        2. A segment to specify common characteristic by value in either coded form or free format.

      4. Segment group 10
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment providing the description of the characteristics of the crop improvements and the type of the crop residues.

        2. A segment specifying the date relating to the characteristics described in the Item description, e.g. date of the improvement application.

        3. A segment identifying the quantity related to the characteristic described in the Item description, e.g. quantity applied.

        4. A segment identifying names and addresses valid for the characteristics described in the Item description, e.g. party of the improvement.

    9. Segment group 11
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment identifying and providing information relating to the documents, e.g. a soil analysis document.

      2. A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties in code or clear form, and their functions relevant to the document, e.g. the analysis laboratory.

      3. A segment specifying the date and/or time of the document, e.g. the analysis date, the sampling date.

    10. Segment group 12
      Repeat 999
      1. A segment specifying details about an event. An event is all actions happen on the crop such an input application, a treatment etc.

      2. A segment specifying date and, or time or period details relating to the event item only, for example the date of treatment or the length of the treatment.

      3. Segment providing the description of some characteristics of the event by using specific codes or free text. For example, the stage of cultivation, the type of work, the weather conditions during the event etc.

      4. A segment identifying name and address of the person who does the event in coded or clear form and its functions. For example internal operator or external operator.

      5. A segment with free text information, in clear form, to give some additional information about the event and when necessary identifying language used. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

      6. Segment group 13
        Repeat 1
        1. A segment to identify target characteristic in, order to justify a crop treatment (for example, target pests for the use of a pesticide's application, targets weeds for the use of an herbicide, targets diseases)

        2. A segment to specify characteristic by value either in coded form or free format. For example, fusarium for a wheat target pest.

      7. Segment group 14
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment indicating characteristic values being physical measurements (including measurable quantities and surface area) related to specified event characteristics (for example temperature, surface of the event) where relevant measurement ranges.

        2. A segment used to identify the geographical position of the surface area of the event.

      8. Segment group 15
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment specifying details about an event (type of input applied on the crop) or an harvest.

        2. A segment specifying additional or substitutional product item (input or harvested product) identification codes.

        3. A segment specifying the quantities of an event applied on the crop for example effective quantity of input, Target dose per hectare etc.

        4. A segment identifying names and addresses of the parties relevant for the information details of an event, e.g. the livestock effluent origin

        5. Segment group 16
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment providing components details of an object, e.g. organic and/or mineral fertilization.

          2. A segment specifying measured amount quantities of the identified component, e.g. the weight of fertilising material units.

        6. Segment group 17
          Repeat 9
          1. A segment to identify a specific characteristic.

          2. A segment to specify common characteristic by value in coded form of free format. For example livestock effluent or seed qualifiers and destination of the harvested product.

        7. Segment group 18
          Repeat 999
          1. A segment identifying a reference by its type and number for example the batch number of the manufacturer of the input or the batch number of the farmer for the harvested product.

          2. A segment to specify quantities related to the reference, e.g. for the batch of input or the batch of harvested product.

          3. A segment enabling the physical measurement related to the reference, e.g. of the main harvested product to be specified where this is required for example the protein content, nitrate content, sizing etc.

        8. Segment group 19
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment identifying and providing information relating to documents, e.g. an effluent analysis document.

          2. A segment identifying names and addresses of the party in code or clear form, and their function relevant to the document, e.g. of the analysis laboratory.

          3. A segment specifying the date and/or time of the document, e.g. the date of the analysis and the sampling date.

      9. Segment group 20
        Repeat 1
        1. A segment to identify hierarchical connections from the given event to higher or lower level with the related party and the references, like "decision indicator" type of event in link with an other arable plot and/or an other agricultural unit.

        2. A segment specifying the names and addresses of the party in code or clear form, and their function relevant to the document, e.g. of the other agricultural unit if the given crop belonged to an other farmer, the year before.

        3. A segment with free text information, in clear form, to give some additional information about the link with a "decision indicator" type of event and when necessary identifying language used. In computer to computer exchanges such text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually.

        4. Segment group 21
          Repeat 9
          1. A segment identifying an event reference number and an arable plot number in order to do the link between the actual crop and the previous event or crop.

          2. A segment specifying the date relevant to the referred document, e.g. the intended year of harvest.

  7. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

    1. 0062, the value shall be identical to the value in 0062 in the
    corresponding UNH segment.

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