This endpoint sends 837D (dental) claims to payers in raw X12 EDI format. This is ideal if you have an existing system that generates X12 EDI files and you want to send them through Stedi’s API.
Stedi validates the EDI and sends the claim to the payer.
The endpoint returns a response from Stedi in JSON format containing information about the claim you submitted and whether the submission was successful.
A claim can contain multiple service lines. Since the payer may accept, reject, or pay a subset of those lines, you can receive an 835 response that references a patient control number, but only pertains to some of the service lines.
However, the line item control number serves as a unique identifier for each service line in your claim submission. You can set the line item control number in Loop 2400 REF02, when REF01 = 6R. The line item control number appears in the 277CA and 835 ERA responses as the lineItemControlNumber, allowing you to correlate these responses to specific service lines from the original claim. If you don’t set the line item control number for a service line, Stedi uses a random UUID.
Stedi returns service line identifiers in the claimReference.serviceLines object of the synchronous API response.
Only use the following characters as delimiters: ~, *, : and ^. The X12 format doesn’t support using escape sequences, so you can’t include delimiters or special characters as part of the request data. Stedi returns a 400 error if you include restricted characters as anything other than delimiters in the request.
Only use the X12 Basic and Extended character sets in request data. Using characters outside these sets may cause validation and HTTP 400 errors.
The X12 Basic character set includes uppercase letters, digits, space, and some special characters. Lowercase letters and special language characters like ñ are not included.
The following special characters are included:
The Extended character set includes the characters listed in Basic, plus lowercase letters and additional special characters, such as @.
The following additional special characters are included:
An ID for the payer you identified in the original claim. This value may differ from the tradingPartnerServiceId you submitted in the original request because it reflects the payer's internal concept of their ID, not necessarily the ID Stedi uses to route requests to this payer.
The patientControlNumber from the original request, if supplied. This is a unique identifier that you assign to the claim so you can track the claim and correlate it with responses from the payer.
Contains a unique identifier for each service line, listed in the order the service lines were included in the claim. You can use these identifiers to correlate payer responses to specific service lines.
A unique identifier for the service line, matching the value provided for the claimInformation.serviceLines.providerControlNumber property in the claim submission. If you didn't provide a value for providerControlNumber, this property contains a randomly generated a UUID for the service line.
Warnings indicate issues that may cause some payers to reject the claim. Stedi doesn’t reject claims with warnings only - a response with warnings but no errors means Stedi still submitted the claim.
If you receive warnings, we recommend closely monitoring 277CA responses from the payer for rejections. If the claim is rejected, we recommend fixing the issues identified in the warnings before resubmitting.
A 200 response indicates that Stedi successfully generated the X12 EDI claim format required by the payer. It does not indicate whether the payer has accepted the claim - the payer will respond later with a 277CA containing this information. Learn more about 277CAs. A 400 response indicates one or more problems with the claim data in the request. Examples include missing required fields, invalid values, or incorrect data types. The response includes a message describing the problem.