curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: <api-key>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "usageIndicator": "T",
  "tradingPartnerServiceId": "52133",
  "tradingPartnerName": "United HealthCare Dental",
  "subscriber": {
    "paymentResponsibilityLevelCode": "P",
    "memberId": "123412345",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "groupNumber": "1234567890",
    "gender": "F",
    "address": {
      "address1": "1234 Some St",
      "city": "Buckeye",
      "state": "AZ",
      "postalCode": "85326"
    "dateOfBirth": "20180615"
  "submitter": {
    "organizationName": "ABA Inc",
    "submitterIdentification": "<YOUR-SUBMITTER-ID",
    "contactInformation": {
      "phoneNumber": "3131234567",
      "name": "BILLING DEPARTMENT"
  "rendering": {
    "npi": "1234567893",
    "taxonomyCode": "106S00000X",
    "providerType": "RenderingProvider",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "firstName": "Jane"
  "receiver": {
    "organizationName": "United HealthCare Dental"
  "payerAddress": {
    "address1": "PO Box 7000",
    "city": "Camden",
    "state": "SC",
    "postalCode": "29000"
  "claimInformation": {
    "signatureIndicator": "Y",
    "toothStatus": [
        "toothNumber": "3",
        "toothStatusCode": "E"
    "serviceLines": [
        "serviceDate": "20230428",
        "renderingProvider": {
          "npi": "1234567893",
          "taxonomyCode": "122300000X",
          "lastName": "Doe",
          "firstName": "Jane"
        "providerControlNumber": "a0UDo000000dd2dMAA",
        "dentalService": {
          "procedureCode": "D7140",
          "lineItemChargeAmount": "832.00",
          "placeOfServiceCode": "12",
          "oralCavityDesignationCode": [
          "prosthesisCrownOrInlayCode": "I",
          "procedureCount": 2,
          "compositeDiagnosisCodePointers": {
            "diagnosisCodePointers": [
        "teethInformation": [
            "toothCode": "3",
            "toothSurface": [
    "serviceFacilityLocation": {
      "phoneNumber": "3131234567",
      "organizationName": "ABA Inc",
      "npi": "1234567893",
      "address": {
        "address1": "ABA Inc 123 Some St",
        "city": "Denver",
        "state": "CO",
        "postalCode": "802383100"
    "releaseInformationCode": "Y",
    "planParticipationCode": "A",
    "placeOfServiceCode": "12",
    "patientControlNumber": "<YOUR-PATIENT-ID>",
    "healthCareCodeInformation": [
        "diagnosisTypeCode": "ABK",
        "diagnosisCode": "K081"
    "claimSupplementalInformation": {
      "priorAuthorizationNumber": "20231010012345678"
    "claimFrequencyCode": "1",
    "claimFilingCode": "FI",
    "claimChargeAmount": "832.00",
    "benefitsAssignmentCertificationIndicator": "Y"
  "billing": {
    "taxonomyCode": "106S00000X",
    "providerType": "BillingProvider",
    "organizationName": "ABA Inc",
    "npi": "1999999992",
    "employerId": "123456789",
    "contactInformation": {
      "phoneNumber": "3134893157",
      "name": "ABA Inc"
    "address": {
      "address1": "ABA Inc 123 Some St",
      "city": "Denver",
      "state": "CO",
      "postalCode": "802383000"
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "controlNumber": "1",
  "tradingPartnerServiceId": "52133",
  "claimReference": {
    "correlationId": "01JDQMX92Q1T561BH8NKX750TQ",
    "patientControlNumber": "0U1LBRS4",
    "timeOfResponse": "2024-11-27T20:27:27.077Z",
    "payerId": "52133",
    "formatVersion": "5010",
    "rhclaimNumber": "01JDQMX92Q1T561BH8NKX750TQ",
    "serviceLines": [
        "lineItemControlNumber": "a0UDo000000dd2dMAA"
  "httpStatusCode": "200 OK",
  "meta": {
    "traceId": "9b491769-052e-4738-93d6-e0b5f6d83f53"
  "payer": {
    "payerName": "United HealthCare Dental",
    "payerId": "52133"

This endpoint sends 837D (dental) claims to payers.

  • Call this endpoint with a JSON payload.
  • Stedi translates your request to the X12 837 EDI format and sends it to the payer.
  • The endpoint returns a response from Stedi in JSON format containing information about the claim you submitted and whether the submission was successful.

Send test claims

All claims you submit through this endpoint are sent to the payer as production claims unless you explicitly designate them as test data.

To send test claims, set the usageIndicator property in the test claim body to T. This allows you to filter for test claims on the Transactions page in the Stedi portal.

Note that you will receive a 277 Claim Acknowledgment in response to test claims, allowing you to test your workflow end to end, but you will not receive a test 835 (ERA) response.

Basic claim submission

The content of your claim submission depends on your use case and the payer’s requirements. However, a basic claim submission includes the following information in the request body:

tradingPartnerServiceIdThis is the Payer ID. Visit the Payer Network for a complete list.
tradingPartnerNameThis is the payer’s business name, like Cigna or Aetna.
submitter objectInformation about the entity submitting the healthcare claim. This can be either an individual or an organization, such as a doctor, hospital, or insurance company.
receiver objectInformation about the payer, such as an insurance company or government agency.
subscriber and/or dependent objectsInformation about the patient who received the medical services. Note that if a dependent has their own, unique member ID for their health plan, you should submit their information in the subscriber object and omit the dependent object from the request. You can check whether the dependent has a unique member ID by submitting an Eligibility Check to the payer for the dependent. The payer will return the member ID in the dependents.memberId field, if present.
claimInformation objectInformation about the claim, such as the patient control number, claim charge amount, and place of service code. It also includes information about each individual service line included in the claim.
billing objectInformation about the billing provider, such as the NPI, taxonomy code, and organization name.

Character restrictions

Don’t include the following characters in your request data: ~, *, : and ^. They are reserved for delimiters in the resulting X12 EDI transaction, and X12 doesn’t support using escape sequences to represent delimiters or special characters. Stedi returns a 400 error if you include these restricted characters in your request.

Only use the X12 Basic and Extended character sets in request data. Using characters outside these sets may cause validation and HTTP 400 errors.

Identify service lines

A claim can contain multiple service lines. Since the payer may accept, reject, or pay a subset of those lines, you can receive an 835 response that references a patientControlNumber, but only pertains to some of the service lines.

However, the claimInformation.serviceLines.providerControlNumber serves as a unique identifier for each service line in your claim submission. This value appears in the 277CA and 835 ERA responses as the lineItemControlNumber, allowing you to correlate these responses to specific service lines from the original claim. If you don’t set the providerControlNumber for a service line, Stedi uses a random UUID.

Stedi returns service line identifiers in the claimReference.serviceLines object of the synchronous API response.

Conditional requirements

Note that objects marked as required are required for all requests, while others are conditionally required depending on the circumstances. When you include a conditionally required object, you must include all of its required properties.

For example, you must always include the subscriber object in your request, but you only need to include the supervising object when the rendering provider is supervised by a physician.



A Stedi API Key for authentication.



The outbound transaction setting ID. This option only needs to be specified if you're using a non-default release of the Dental Claims guide.



This is the Payer ID. Visit the Payer Network for a complete list. You can send requests using the Primary Payer ID, the Stedi Payer ID, or any alias listed in the payer record.


The entity submitting the healthcare claim. This can be either an individual or an organization, such as a doctor, hospital, or insurance company. You must submit at least organizationName or lastName properties and the contactInformation object. If you don't supply the submitterIdentification property, Stedi uses the value from billing.npi in the request.


The entity responsible for the payment of the claim, such as an insurance company or government agency.


Information about the billing provider. For tax identification, you must include either the provider's Social Security Number (SSN) or their Employer Identification Number (EIN), but not both.


The person or entity who is the primary policyholder for the health plan or a dependent with their own member ID.

  • When a dependent has a unique, payer-assigned member ID, treat them as the subscriber for the claim submission - include their information here and omit the dependent object from the request. Note that the subscriber can be an individual or a business entity. Stedi treats the subscriber as an individual when the request doesn't contain a value for the subscriber.organizationName property.
  • You must set the dateOfBirth and gender properties when the subscriber is the patient. Stedi determines that the subscriber is the patient when the dependent object is not included in the request.
  • If either dateOfBirth or gender is set, you must include both properties. You can either include both properties or neither within a single request.

Information about the healthcare claim.

Note that the objects and properties marked as required are required for all claims, while others are conditionally required, depending on type of claim and claim circumstances. For example, you must always provide the placeOfServiceCode property, but you only need to provide the otherSubscriberInformation object in coordination of benefits scenarios. When you include a conditionally required object, you must provide all of its required properties.


This is the payer's business name, like Cigna or Aetna.


Whether you want to send a test or production claim. This property also allows you to filter claims in the Stedi portal by production or test data. By default, this property is set to P for production data. Use T to designate a claim as test data.


Use when the address for payment is different than that of the billing provider for this claim.


Use for subrogation payment requests. If you include this information, you must also set the claimInformation.otherSubscriberInformation.payerPaidAmount to the amount the payer (for example, Medicaid) actually paid.


The payer's address. Required when the payer address is available and the submitter intends for the claim to be printed on paper at the next EDI location (for example, a clearinghouse).


Dependent who received the medical care associated with the claim. Note that if the dependent has their own member ID for the health plan, you should include the dependent's information in the subscriber object instead. To check whether a dependent has a member ID, submit an Eligibility Check to the payer. The payer returns the dependent's member ID in the dependents.memberId property in the response, if present.


Information about the provider who directed the patient to the rendering provider for care. For example, a primary care physician may refer patients to a specialist. Use when the referring provider applies to the entire claim, not just a specific service line.

This should be an individual, not an organization, and you should supply at least the provider's lastName and an identifier, which is typically the npi.


Information about the person or company (laboratory or other facility) who rendered the care. Use this object for all types of rendering providers including laboratories. When a substitute provider (locum tenens) was used, enter that provider's information here. Use when the provider applies to the entire claim, not just a specific service line.


The entity responsible for overseeing the rendering provider and the care reported in this claim. Applies when the rendering provider is supervised by a physician. Use when the provider applies to the entire claim, not just a specific service line.

This should be an individual, not an organization, and you should supply at least the provider's lastName and an identifier, which is typically the npi.


Information about the assistant surgeon who rendered the care. Use this object when the rendering providers provided these services in the role of the assistant surgeon.

This should be an individual, not an organization, and you should supply at least the surgeon's lastName, taxonomyCode, and an identifier, which is typically the npi.


DentalClaimsSubmission 200 response

The status of the claim submission.


An identifier for the transaction.


An ID for the payer you identified in the original claim. This value may differ from the tradingPartnerServiceId you submitted in the original request because it reflects the payer's internal concept of their ID, not necessarily the ID Stedi uses to route requests to this payer.


Information about the claim.


A list of errors. Currently not used.


A list of warnings.

Warnings indicate issues that may cause some payers to reject the claim. Stedi doesn’t reject claims with warnings only - a response with warnings but no errors means Stedi still submitted the claim.

If you receive warnings, we recommend closely monitoring 277CA responses from the payer for rejections. If the claim is rejected, we recommend fixing the issues identified in the warnings before resubmitting.


A 200 response indicates that Stedi successfully generated the X12 EDI claim format required by the payer. It does not indicate whether the payer has accepted the claim - the payer will respond later with a 277CA containing this information. Learn more about 277CAs. A 400 response indicates one or more problems with the claim data in the request. Examples include missing required fields, invalid values, or incorrect data types. The response includes a message describing the problem.

Available options:
200 OK,

Metadata from Stedi about the request.


Currently not used.


Currently not used.

Currently not used.


Information about the payer for the submitted claim.


Currently not used.