EDI 240 Motor Carrier Package Status
Functional Group MZ
X12I Transportation Subcommittee
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Motor Carrier Package Status Transaction Set (240) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This standard can be used to provide the status of a package, packages, or group of packages considered a shipment by a motor carrier.
- 0100Transaction Set HeaderMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number
- 0200Beginning SegmentMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the beginning of a transaction set
- 1000 Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 0300NameMandatoryMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
This loop (1000) identifies the receiver(s) of the data. - 0400Additional Name InformationOptionalMax 2
To specify additional names
- 0500Address InformationOptionalMax 2
To specify the location of the named party
- 0600Geographic LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the geographic place of the named party
- 0300NameMandatoryMax 1
- 2000 Loop MandatoryRepeat >1
- 0100Assigned NumberMandatoryMax 1
To reference a line number in a transaction set
- 2500 Loop OptionalRepeat 1
- 0200NameMandatoryMax 1
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
This loop (2500) provides the delivery address. - 0300Additional Name InformationOptionalMax 2
To specify additional names
- 0400Address InformationOptionalMax 2
To specify the location of the named party
- 0500Geographic LocationOptionalMax 1
To specify the geographic place of the named party
- 0600Individual or Organizational NameOptionalMax 1
To supply the full name of an individual or organizational entity
- 0700Note/Special InstructionOptionalMax 1
To transmit information in a free-form format, if necessary, for comment or special instruction
The NTE is used to provide specific delivery information when a signature is not available.
- 0200NameMandatoryMax 1
- 2600 Loop OptionalRepeat 1
- 0800Electronic Format IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
To provide basic information about the electronic format of the interchange data
This loop (2600) provides the proof of delivery signature if captured upon delivery. - 0900Binary DataMandatoryMax 1
To transfer binary data in a single data segment and allow identification of the end of the data segment through a count; there is no identification of the internal structure of the binary data in this segment
- 0800Electronic Format IdentificationMandatoryMax 1
- 2700 Loop MandatoryRepeat >1
- 1000Business Instructions and Reference NumberMandatoryMax 1
To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number
This loop (2700) describes the package status. - 1050Equipment or Container Owner and TypeOptionalMax >1
To specify the owner, the identification number assigned by that owner, and the type of equipment
- 1070Loop HeaderOptionalMax 1
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
- 2710 Loop OptionalRepeat >1
- 1100Marks and NumbersMandatoryMax 1
To indicate identifying marks and numbers for shipping containers
- 1150Business Instructions and Reference NumberOptionalMax >1
To specify instructions in this business relationship or a reference number
- 1200Shipment Status DetailsOptionalMax >1
To specify the status of a shipment, the reason for that status, the date and time of the status and the date and time of any appointments scheduled.
- 1300Carton (Package) DetailOptionalMax >1
To transmit identifying codes, weights, and other related information related to an individual carton (package)
- 1400Lading Exception CodeOptionalMax >1
To specify the status of the shipment in terms of lading exception information
- 1100Marks and NumbersMandatoryMax 1
- 1500Loop TrailerOptionalMax 1
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
- 1000Business Instructions and Reference NumberMandatoryMax 1
- 0100Assigned NumberMandatoryMax 1
- 0100Transaction Set TrailerMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)
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