EDI 993 Secured Receipt or Acknowledgment

Functional Group NR

X12C Communications and Controls Subcommittee

This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Secured Receipt or Acknowledgment Transaction Set (993) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set provides three distinct security services: the 993 provides security protocol error reporting, non-repudiation of receipt for X12.58 authenticated transaction sets or functional groups, and transmission of authentication independent of the document for which the authentication is rendered. When the 993 is used to pass a dis-embodied signature (non-repudiation of origin), both the transaction set and the 993 with the assurance for the transaction set may be transmitted completely independent of each other. A 993 may be generated as a 'trusted receipt' for a 993 that contained a dis-embodied signature.


Max use
  1. To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number

    A 993 used to report a security protocol or assurance protocol error shall not be acknowledged, thereby preventing an endless cycle of acknowledgments of acknowledgments.
  2. To start acknowledgment of a functional group

  3. To start acknowledgment of a single transaction set

  4. To report security protocol errors in a security structure

    A single 993 can report only security protocol or assurance protocol errors; therefore only one SPE or APE segment can occur per transaction.
    At least one occurrence of the SPE, APE, or S4A loop must be used.
  5. To report assurance protocol errors in a security structure

    A single 993 can report only security protocol or assurance protocol errors; therefore only one SPE or APE segment can occur per transaction.
    At least one occurrence of the SPE, APE, or S4A loop must be used.
  6. S4A Loop Optional
    Repeat 2
    1. To allow for multiple assurances at the ST/SE level

      When two iterations of the S4A loop are used, the first iteration shall contain the assurance (digital signature) and the second iteration shall be used for a trusted time stamp.
      At least one occurrence of the SPE, APE, or S4A loop must be used.
    2. To provide the encoded output of a cryptographic algorithm

  7. To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)

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