R2 Route Information
To specify carrier and routing sequences and details
Standard Carrier Alpha Code
Code describing the relationship of a carrier to a specific shipment movement.
Free-form text for city name.
R203 is the station or city name at which carriers interchange shipments.
Code (Standard Point Location) defined by NMFTA point development group as the official code assigned to a city or point (for ratemaking purposes) within a city.
Code identifying the TOFC plan.
Code specifying the method of transportation for the shipment.
Code defining a road which neither originates nor terminates the shipment but provides a switching service between two roadhaul rail carriers (SCAC code for rail switch carrier).
Code defining a road which neither originates nor terminates the shipment but provides a switching service between two roadhaul rail carriers (SCAC code for rail switch carrier).
Identifying number assigned by issuer.
Date of carriers invoice.
Free-form descriptive text.
Code specifying extent of transportation service requested.
Point to point routing description.