TIQRSP Travel, tourism and leisure information inquiry response

TBG9 Travel, Tourism and Leisure

An interactive Travel, tourism and leisure inquiry response is sent by a service provider in response to an information request for a product or service.


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Travel, tourism and leisure information inquiry response - interactive message is TIQRSP. Note: Travel, tourism and leisure information inquiry response - interactive messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UIH, composite S306: Data element 0065 TIQRSP 0052 D 0054 18A 0051 UN

    1. The value in 0340 shall be unique within the interchange (except for a
    duplicate transfer).
    2. The value(s) in S302 shall be identical to the value(s) in S302 in the
    preceding UIB.
    3. 0035, when used, test applies to the message only.
    4. Dialogue control can be accomplished through the dialogue reference
    (S302). Optionally, if another means of control is chosen, this composite
    data element need not be utilised.
    5. A combination of 0340 and S302 may be used to identify uniquely a message.
  2. A segment identifying the industry type (e.g., air, car, train, accommodations, etc.) and business function of the message.

  3. Error data pertaining to the entire message.

  4. A segment to specify rates, prices, and associated charges that apply to the entire message.

  5. Phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail numbers that apply to the entire message.

  6. A segment to specify the number and type of travellers who will be using the product or service.

  7. A segment to identify the terminal or station for which the information applies.

  8. The address of the product.

  9. A segment to specify hours of operation, dates of operation, and days of the week a service is open.

  10. Free or coded text that applies to all the products or services.

  11. Segment group 1
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment to specify the party identification, type, and name of the provider of the information.

    2. A segment to indicate the level of the provider information within the party hierarchy.

    3. A segment to specify the provider's address.

    4. Contact information, such as, phone number or fax number for this provider.

  12. Segment group 2
    Repeat 99
    1. A segment to specify the type and format of the information being returned. The repeat of this group allows for multiple types of information to be returned.

    2. A segment to specify rules that apply to all of the information.

      The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
      times in composite E005 - Rule text.
    3. A segment to return date and time information concerning hours of operation, dates of operation, and days of the week open.

    4. A segment to return free text information.

    5. Segment group 3
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to specify forms of payment and guarantee and acceptable credit cards.

      2. A segment to specify rules associated with the forms of payment and guarantee.

        The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
        times in composite E005 - Rule text.
    6. Segment group 4
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to identify reference points and the distance and direction from the product or service.

      2. Driving directions in free text to a reference point.

    7. Segment group 5
      Repeat 99
      1. The rate categories applicable to the product or service information.

      2. Free text information related to a rate type(s).

    8. Segment group 6
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to identify what special equipment is available.

      2. A segment to identify for which product types the special equipment is available and how many the provider has.

      3. A segment to specify the charges associated with the special equipment.

      4. A segment to list the rules for the special equipment.

        The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
        times in composite E005 - Rule text.
    9. Segment group 7
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to identify facilities and transportation for a product.

      2. A segment to give the hours of operation for the related facilities and transportation.

      3. A segment to identify the location of the facilities.

      4. A segment to list the telephone and fax numbers for a facility.

      5. A segment to give free text information about the transportation and facilities.

    10. Segment group 8
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to identify the promotion, the name of the supplier offering the promotion, and the corporate number identifying the promotion.

      2. A segment to identify the number of bonus miles or points associated with a promotion.

      3. A segment to list the rules associated with a promotion.

        The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
        times in composite E005 - Rule text.
    11. Segment group 9
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to identify traveller information, such as age, which would qualify a traveller for a discount.

      2. The discounts which are available based on the traveller information.

      3. The number of travellers for whom the above information applies and the required travel frequency.

    12. Segment group 10
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment describing insurance available and whether optional or mandatory and the coverage amounts and deductibles.

      2. The charges associated with the insurance coverage.

      3. The types of products for which the insurance applies.

    13. Segment group 11
      Repeat 99
      1. Rate codes available from a supplier for their products.

      2. Segment group 12
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment to identify the guarantees and deposits required for a rate code.

        2. The rules associated with a guarantee or deposit.

          The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
          times in composite E005 - Rule text.
    14. Segment group 13
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to identify stations and terminals.

      2. The address for a station or terminal.

      3. Telephone and fax numbers for a station or terminal.

      4. Segment group 14
        Repeat 5
        1. A segment to specify the services or facilities at a station or terminal and the charges, if any, associated with the service.

        2. Telephone and fax numbers for a facility.

        3. Hours of operation and days open for a facility.

    15. Segment group 15
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to specify the name of the supplier of the travel service or product.

      2. A segment to specify the location information of the supplier.

      3. To specify the type of supplier, the country of origin, and the language.

      4. A segment to indicate the level of the supplier information within the party hierarchy.

      5. A segment to specify the supplier's address.

      6. Contact information, such as, phone number or fax number for this provider.

    16. Segment group 16
      Repeat 99
      1. A segment to identify a particular product without the association of dates and times.

      2. Special equipment that is available for a specific product.

      3. Free text to give additional information about a specific product or service.

      4. Segment group 17
        Repeat 99
        1. Services, policies, and facilities available for a particular product.

        2. To specify the free text for services, facilities, and policies.

      5. Segment group 18
        Repeat 9
        1. A segment to identify the guarantees and deposits required for a particular product.

        2. The rules associated with a guarantee or deposit.

          The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
          times in composite E005 - Rule text.
      6. Segment group 19
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment describing insurance available and whether optional or mandatory and the coverage amounts and deductibles.

        2. The charges associated with the insurance coverage.

    17. Segment group 20
      Repeat 999
      1. Information identifying the product or service by the service provider, service location, date and time of service, and an actual number, such as flight number or hotel property identification.

      2. A segment to identify the industry type for this product or service.

      3. A segment to indicate the level of the information within the product hierarchy.

      4. A segment to indicate the location by geographic area, reference point, or direction.

      5. Information concerning the amount of commission that will be paid if a service or product is booked.

      6. A segment to specify details concerning the selection of this product.

      7. Hours of operation of a product or service, such as the hours a rental car location is open.

      8. A segment to further identify a product or service, such as a train number.

      9. A segment to give the address of the product, such as a hotel or rental car location address.

      10. A segment to specify rate conditions for this product.

      11. A segment to specify form of payment information and guarantee and deposit information.

      12. Discounts that are applicable to a product or service.

      13. The classes of service that are applicable for a product or service.

      14. A segment to specify attributes of a service, such as one way or round trip.

      15. A segment to identify the connection cities on the flight or train routing.

      16. Rules that may apply to the reserving or booking of a product or service.

        The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
        times in composite E005 - Rule text.
      17. Free text information about a product or service.

      18. Segment group 21
        Repeat 5
        1. A segment to give the details of other types of information, such as service, policies, and facilities, that are applicable to a product.

        2. Free text information related to the services, policies, and facilities.

      19. Segment group 22
        Repeat 5
        1. A segment to identify stations and terminals for a product or service.

        2. To identify the services and facilities at a terminal or station.

      20. Segment group 23
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment to specify the name of the provider of the service.

        2. A segment to specify the location of the supplier.

        3. A segment to specify the supplier type, the country of origin and the language.

        4. A segment to indicate the level of the product provider within the party hierarchy.

        5. A segment to specify the provider's address.

        6. Contact information, such as, phone number or fax number for this provider.

      21. Segment group 24
        Repeat 1
        1. A segment providing additional data relating to the preceding product or service (e.g., train type, number of stops, gate descriptions, etc).

        2. Additional free text information about the product or service.

        3. Segment group 25
          Repeat 99
          1. Various dates and times, such as beginning date for operation of a train, for the product or service.

          2. Free text relating to the date and time information.

      22. Segment group 26
        Repeat 99
        1. To specify the amenities and special equipment for a product.

        2. A segment to allow referencing to level within the product or service to which the above SSR applies.

        3. Additional information in free text form to describe the amenities or special equipment.

      23. Segment group 27
        Repeat 99
        1. A segment to specify the price for the product or service.

        2. A segment to specify the taxes associated with a price.

      24. Segment group 28
        Repeat 999
        1. A segment to specify rate codes and the associated rate.

        2. A segment to specify textual information related to a tariff.

        3. Segment group 29
          Repeat 9
          1. A segment to specify rules related to a product or service.

            The component 4440 - Free text value - occurs 20
            times in composite E005 - Rule text.
          2. A segment to indicate the discounts associated to a rule.

    18. Segment group 30
      Repeat 99
      1. The origin of the beginning of a journey and the final destination.

      2. Segment group 31
        Repeat 999
        1. Information identifying the product or service by the service provider, service location, date and time of service, and an actual number, such as flight number or hotel property identification.

        2. A segment to identify the industry type for this product or service.

        3. A segment to indicate the level of the information within the product hierarchy.

        4. A segment to identify the connection cities on the flight or train routing.

        5. A segment to specify rate conditions for this product.

        6. The classes of service that are applicable for the product or service.

        7. Restrictions that apply to this service concerning the boarding and disembarkation of passengers.

        8. Additional information in free text format about this product or service.

        9. Segment group 32
          Repeat 1
          1. An error pertaining to this product or service.

          2. Free text information concerning the error.

        10. Segment group 33
          Repeat 99
          1. A segment to specify the name of the provider of the service.

          2. A segment to specify location information for the provider of the service.

          3. A segment to specify supplier type, country of origin and language.

          4. A segment to indicate the level of the product provider within the party hierarchy.

          5. A segment to specify the provider's address.

          6. Contact information, such as, phone number or fax number for this provider.

        11. Segment group 34
          Repeat 1
          1. Additional information concerning the means of transport such as number of stops, on time percentages, and type of equipment.

          2. Additional information in free text format for the means of transport.

          3. Segment group 35
            Repeat 99
            1. Dates and times related to the means of transport.

            2. Additional information in free text format for the dates and times.

        12. Segment group 36
          Repeat 99
          1. To specify the amenities and special equipment for a product.

          2. A segment to allow referencing to level within the product or service to which the above SSR applies.

          3. Additional information in free text form to describe the amenities or special equipment.

  13. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UIH & UIT) and the control reference number of the message.

    1. 0340, the value shall be identical to the value in 0340 in the
    corresponding UIH segment.

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