IFTMBP Provisional booking
TBG3 Transport
A message from a party requesting space and/or giving brief details of a planned consignment for forwarding and/or transport services to the party providing those services. In this message, the conditions under which the planned transport should take place can be given.
- 00010Message headerMandatoryMax 1
A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Provisional booking message is IFTMBP. Note: Provisional booking messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 IFTMBP 0052 D 0054 16B 0051 UN
- 00020Beginning of messageMandatoryMax 1
A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit identifying number and type of the message.
- 00030Contact informationConditionalMax 1
A segment to identify a person or department to whom communication should be directed.
- 00040Communication contactConditionalMax 9
A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed.
- 00050Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to indicate a date and time applying to the whole message, e.g., date and time of document issue.
- 00060Transport service requirementsConditionalMax 9
A segment to identify the contract, conditions of carriage, services, and priority requirements for the transport.
- 00070Free textConditionalMax 99
A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information, such as status of transport, remarks to be printed on the transport documents (where required), consignment remarks, insurance instructions, etc., or any other additional information.
- 00080Control totalConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify totals for a consignment.
- 00090Nature of cargoConditionalMax 9
A segment to describe the nature of cargo.
- Segment group 1Repeat 99
- 00110Place/location identificationMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify a location applying to the entire message.
- 00120Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) relating to the location.
- 00110Place/location identificationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 2Repeat 99
- 00140ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
A segment to express a reference which applies to the entire message such as: the document/message number that is to be updated by this very message (according to data element 1225 Message function code in segment BGM), booking reference, order number, insurance contract, etc.
- 00150Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.
- 00140ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 3Repeat 9
- 00170Governmental requirementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to indicate applicable governmental procedures related to import, export and transport of the goods.
- 00180Free textConditionalMax 9
A segment to provide additional governmental requirements information.
- Segment group 4Repeat 9
- 00200Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to indicate a document required by government.
- 00210Date/time/periodConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify the date/time related to the required document.
- 00200Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 00170Governmental requirementsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 5Repeat 99
- 00230Transport informationMandatoryMax 1
A segment to indicate information related to a certain stage of the transport, such as mode, means and carrier.
040 D5(040,030) If first, then all - 00240Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) related to the transport stage.
- Segment group 6Repeat 9
- 00260Transport service requirementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify contract, conditions of carriage, services, priority requirements for this stage of transport.
- 00270Scheduling conditionsConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify scheduling conditions associated to service requirements.
- 00260Transport service requirementsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 7Repeat 99
- 00290Place/location identificationMandatoryMax 1
A segment to indicate a location such as origin, destination, stop off, etc. related to this leg of transport.
- 00300Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify a date/time related to the location, such as arrival date/time of a means of transport at a specific location.
- 00290Place/location identificationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 8Repeat 9
- 00320ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify the additional reference.
- 00330Date/time/periodConditionalMax 1
A segment to identify date and time relating to the reference.
- 00320ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
- 00230Transport informationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 9Repeat 99
- 00350Name and addressMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify the party's name, address, and function.
- 00360Place/location identificationConditionalMax 9
A segment to indicate location where a specific function will be performed.
- Segment group 10Repeat 9
- 00380Contact informationMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify a person or department within a party.
- 00390Communication contactConditionalMax 9
A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed.
- 00380Contact informationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 11Repeat 9
- 00410Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify a document required of, by or for the party.
- 00420Date/time/periodConditionalMax 1
A segment to identify date and time relating to the reference.
- 00410Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 12Repeat 9
- 00440ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify a reference used by a party.
- 00450Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.
- 00440ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 13Repeat 9
- 00470Charge payment instructionsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify default charge methodology.
- 00480ReferenceConditionalMax 99
A segment to indicate a reference relating to the CPI segment, such as charge reference number.
- 00490CurrenciesConditionalMax 1
A segment to indicate payment currency related to the charge methodology.
- 00500Place/location identificationConditionalMax 9
A segment to identify the place of charge collection.
- 00510Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
A segment to identify the monetary amount associated with the charges.
- 00470Charge payment instructionsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 14Repeat 99
- 00530Transport service requirementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify a required service for the transport, such as re-icing.
- 00540ReferenceConditionalMax 1
A segment to identify a commercial agreement related to the service requirement.
- 00550Place/location identificationConditionalMax 1
A segment to indicate the location where the required service must be performed, such as place of re-icing.
- 00560Transport placementConditionalMax 1
A segment to identify the means of transport to which the service requirement applies.
- 00570Free textConditionalMax 9
A segment to provide any additional information related to the service requirement.
- 00530Transport service requirementsMandatoryMax 1
- 00350Name and addressMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 15Repeat 99999
- 00590Goods item detailsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify a goods item for which transport is undertaken. A goods item can be identified by up to three levels of packaging.
- 00600Handling instructionsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify handling instructions relating to the goods item.
- 00610TemperatureConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify a temperature setting for a goods item.
- 00620Range detailsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify a temperature range setting for a goods item.
- 00630Transport movement detailsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify transport movement details for a goods item.
- 00640Place/location identificationConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify a country associated with a goods item, such as country of origin, or country of destination.
- 00650Free textConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify processable supplementary information relating to the goods item.
- Segment group 16Repeat 9
- 00670Name and addressMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify an address of a place of collection or delivery for a goods item.
- 00680Date/time/periodConditionalMax 1
A segment to indicate date and time relating to the place of collection or delivery.
- 00670Name and addressMandatoryMax 1
- 00690Nature of cargoConditionalMax 9
A segment to describe the nature of cargo.
- Segment group 17Repeat 99
- 00710MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to a goods item.
- 00720Number of unitsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.
- 00710MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 18Repeat 99
- 00740DimensionsMandatoryMax 1
To specify dimensions applicable to a goods item.
- 00750Number of unitsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given dimension applies.
- 00740DimensionsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 19Repeat 9
- 00770ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify a reference to a goods item.
- 00780Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.
- 00770ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 20Repeat 9
- 00800Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify a document prepared for a goods item.
- 00810Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
A segment to associate date and time with the prepared document.
- 00800Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 21Repeat 9
- 00830Transport placementMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify transport details for a goods item.
- Segment group 22Repeat 9
- 00850MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify the distribution of a goods item among the transport details.
- 00860Number of unitsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.
- 00850MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
- 00830Transport placementMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 23Repeat 999
- 00880Split goods placementMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify the equipment in which goods are transported.
- Segment group 24Repeat 9
- 00900MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify measurements of that portion of the goods item in the equipment.
- 00910Number of unitsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.
- 00900MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
- 00880Split goods placementMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 25Repeat 9
- 00930Dangerous goodsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to indicate the class of dangerous goods, packing group, etc.
- 00940Free textConditionalMax 99
A segment to specify the dangerous goods technical name and to specify any additional dangerous goods information.
- Segment group 26Repeat 9
- 00960Contact informationMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify a person or department.
- 00970Communication contactConditionalMax 9
A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department.
- 00960Contact informationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 27Repeat 9
- 00990MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify measurements of the dangerous goods.
- 01000Number of unitsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.
- 00990MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 28Repeat 999
- 01020Split goods placementMandatoryMax 1
A segment to identify the equipment in which the dangerous goods are transported.
- Segment group 29Repeat 9
- 01040MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify measurements of that portion of the dangerous goods in the equipment.
- 01050Number of unitsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify the number of equipment units to each of which the given measurement applies.
- 01040MeasurementsMandatoryMax 1
- 01020Split goods placementMandatoryMax 1
- 00930Dangerous goodsMandatoryMax 1
- 00590Goods item detailsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 30Repeat 999
- 01070Equipment detailsMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify equipment, and equipment size and type used in the transport.
- 01080Number of unitsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify number of pieces of equipment required.
- 01090Transport movement detailsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify transport movement details for the equipment.
- 01100MeasurementsConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, associated with the equipment, such as weight.
- 01110DimensionsConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify dimensions applicable to equipment.
- 01120Transport placementConditionalMax 9
A segment to identify transport details for the equipment.
- 01130Handling instructionsConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify handling instructions for specified equipment.
- 01140TemperatureConditionalMax 1
A segment to specify a temperature setting for the equipment.
- 01150Free textConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify processable supplementary information associated with the equipment.
- 01160ReferenceConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify a reference number to equipment.
- Segment group 31Repeat 9
- 01180Name and addressMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify a pick-up or drop-off address.
- 01190Date/time/periodConditionalMax 1
A segment to indicate date and time relating to pick-up or drop-off.
- Segment group 32Repeat 9
- 01210Contact informationMandatoryMax 1
A segment to specify a contact name associated with a specified equipment positioning or collection address.
- 01220Communication contactConditionalMax 9
A segment to specify a communication number related to the contact.
- 01210Contact informationMandatoryMax 1
- 01180Name and addressMandatoryMax 1
- 01070Equipment detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 01230Message trailerMandatoryMax 1
A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.