ICASRP Insurance claim assessment and reporting
TBG8 Insurance
The Insurance claim assessment and reporting message is exchanged between all parties involved in the claims handling process. Claims handling parties include insurers, intermediaries, assessors and repairers. The claims handling process includes the functions, claim notification, assessment request, assessment report, repair estimate, repair authorisation, claim progress reporting.
- 00010Message headerMandatoryMax 1
A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Insurance claim assessment and reporting message is ICASRP. Note: Insurance claim assessment and reporting messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 ICASRP 0052 D 0054 12B 0051 UN
1. Data element S009/0057 is retained for upward compatibility. The use ofS016 and/or S017 is encouraged in preference.2. The combination of the values carried in data elements 0062 and S009 shallbe used to identify uniquely the message within its group (if used) or ifnot used, within its interchange, for the purpose of acknowledgement. - 00020Beginning of messageMandatoryMax 1
To specify the function of the message, such as claim notification, assessment request, assessment report.
- 00030AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify the type of transaction within the specified message function.
- 00040CurrenciesConditionalMax 1
To specify the currency of the transaction.
- 00050Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates related to the transaction, such as the date processed.
- 00060Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To provide the response to coded questions related to the transaction.
- 00070Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide additional text information related to the transaction, such as transaction description.
- Segment group 1Repeat 9
- 00090Party identificationMandatoryMax 1
To specify one party related to the business transaction, such as message originator, ultimate recipient and software supplier.
- Segment group 2Repeat 9
- 00110ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
To provide a reference that identifies one software component provided by the software supplier together with the version of the software.
- 00120Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates related to the software component, such as effective date and date applied to system.
- 00110ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
- 00090Party identificationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 3Repeat 99
- 00140EventMandatoryMax 1
To identify and describe one event or incident related to the claim.
- 00150IdentityConditionalMax 9
To provide identification numbers for the incident which may be used to link the incident to specific items of damage.
- 00160AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the incident, such as incident scale.
- 00170Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the incident, such as incident date or start and end date when the incident occurred over a period of time.
- 00180ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the incident such as intermediary's claim reference, insurer's claim number.
- 00190Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the incident such as percentage of responsibility.
- 00200Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To specify the response to coded questions about the incident.
- 00210QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities relating to the incident, such as number of injured parties, number of witnesses.
- 00220Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the incident, such as incident description.
- Segment group 4Repeat 9
- 00240Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
To specify one type of cost or charge relating to the incident.
- 00250IdentityConditionalMax 9
To specify one type of cost or charge relating to the incident.
- 00260AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the cost charge, such as method of calculation.
- 00270Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts for the cost or charge, such as amount including tax, discount amount.
- 00280Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge, such as tax percentage.
- 00290Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the cost or charge, such as explanation of cost or charge.
- Segment group 5Repeat 99
- 00310Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one contribution or recovery relating to the cost or charge.
- 00320IdentityConditionalMax 9
To specify the identity number of a party to whom this contribution or recovery applies.
- 00330AttributeConditionalMax 9
To provide coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery status.
- 00340Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery, such as amount of contribution to the cost charge.
- 00350Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery, such as percentage of contribution to the cost charge.
- 00360ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references for the contribution or recovery.
- 00370Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the contribution or recovery.
- 00310Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 00240Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 6Repeat 99
- 00390Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
Provides a coded identification of one type of claim or incident component, such as policy cover, addresses.
- 00400IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference the object or party to which the cover applies.
- 00410AddressConditionalMax 1
To specify a geographic limit on a policy cover, which may be expressed as a location, an address or a country or the address(es) of the incident.
- 00420AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes related to the cover component, such as cover type, usage.
- 00430Communication contactConditionalMax 9
To specify communication numbers for the address.
- 00440Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates related to the cover, such as cover inception date, end date.
- 00450Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts related to the cover, such as cover limit.
- 00460Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages related to the cover, such as cover index.
- 00470Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To specify the response to coded questions concerning the cover.
- 00480QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities related to the cover, such as number of claims allowed.
- 00490ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references related to the cover.
- 00500Free textConditionalMax 9
To specify text information about the cover, such as cover description, usage description.
- Segment group 7Repeat 999
- 00520Premium calculation component detailsMandatoryMax 1
To specify one type of component used in the claim calculation, such as excess, cover condition.
- 00530AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes related to the claim calculation component, such as claim calculated by code.
- 00540Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the claim calculation, such as condition valid date.
- 00550Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the claim calculation, such as excess amount.
- 00560Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages related to the claim calculation component, such as excess percentage.
- 00570Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To specify the response to coded questions about the claim calculation component.
- 00580QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities relating to the claim calculation component.
- 00590Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the claim calculation component, such as condition wording.
- Segment group 8Repeat 99
- 00610Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
To specify one type of cost or charge relating to the cover.
- 00620IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference the object or party that the cost or charge applies to.
- 00630AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the claim calculation, such as method of calculation.
- 00640Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts for the claim calculation component, such as cost or charge amount, discount amount.
- 00650Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the claim calculation component, such as cost or charge discount percentage.
- 00660Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the claim calculation component, such as explanation of cost or charge.
- Segment group 9Repeat 99
- 00680Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one contribution or recovery relating to the claim calculation.
- 00690IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates.
- 00700AttributeConditionalMax 9
To provide coded attributes related to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery status.
- 00710Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts related to the contribution or recovery, such as amount of contribution to the cost charge.
- 00720Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery, such as percentage of contribution to the cost charge.
- 00730ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the contribution or recovery.
- 00740Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the contribution or recovery.
- 00680Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 00610Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
- 00520Premium calculation component detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 00390Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 00140EventMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 10Repeat 999
- 00760Insurance cover descriptionMandatoryMax 1
To identify the insurance product specified in the policy.
- 00770IdentityConditionalMax 9
To provide identification numbers for the policy as specified by the intermediary, insurer and client.
- 00780AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes related to the policy, such as policy product code, scheme code.
- 00790Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates related to the policy, such as inception date, expiry date.
- 00800Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts related to the policy, such as indemnity limit.
- 00810ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references related to the policy, such as policy number, policy wording version number.
- 00820Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To provide the response to coded questions relating to the policy.
- 00830Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information related to the policy.
- 00760Insurance cover descriptionMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 11Repeat 99
- 00850Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
To specify one type of document which is external to the message.
- 00860IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party or object to which the document relates.
- 00870AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the document, such as document status code.
- 00880AddressConditionalMax 9
To specify addresses relating to the document, such as place of issue.
- 00890External file link identificationConditionalMax 1
To specify a link to an external file that is related to the document.
- 00900ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the document, such as document reference, previous document reference.
- 00910Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the document, such as date requested, date received.
- 00920Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the document.
- 00930Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To specify the response to coded questions relating to the document.
- 00940QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities relating to the document, such as number of pages, number of copies.
- 00950Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the document, such as document description.
- 00850Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 12Repeat 99
- 00970Party identificationMandatoryMax 1
To identify one party related to a claim described within this message.
- 00980IdentityConditionalMax 9
To specify identification numbers for the party which are used to link the party to other entities within the message.
- 00990AttributeConditionalMax 99
To specify coded attributes related to the party, such as value added tax status code, marital status code.
- 01000Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates related to the party, such as date of birth, date of death.
- 01010MeasurementsConditionalMax 9
To provide measurements relating to the party, such as level of blood alcohol.
- 01020ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references related to the party, such as value added tax registration number.
- 01030Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To provide the response to coded questions about the party.
- 01040Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages related to the party, such as party proportion of risk.
- 01050Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information relating to the party.
- Segment group 13Repeat 99
- 01070Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
Provides a coded identification of one type of input or output component related to the party.
- 01080IdentityConditionalMax 9
To provide identification numbers for the party component that may be used to link the component to other entities.
- 01090AddressConditionalMax 1
To specify address details for a party.
- 01100Financial institution informationConditionalMax 1
To provide a set of financial account details for a party.
- 01110AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the party component, such as offence code, type of blood alcohol test code.
- 01120Communication contactConditionalMax 9
To provide communication details relating to a party component, such as telephone and fax numbers at address.
- 01130Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the party component, such as start date at address, length of sentence.
- 01140Employment detailsConditionalMax 9
To provide one set of employment details for a party.
- 01150Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the party component, such as fine amount.
- 01160Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To provide the response to coded questions relating to the party component.
- 01170QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities relating to the party component, such as total licence penalty points.
- 01180ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the party component, such as conviction reference, financial account number.
- 01190Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information relating to the party component, such as offence description, employment description.
- 01070Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 00970Party identificationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 14Repeat 99
- 01210Risk object typeMandatoryMax 1
To identify one risk object that is the subject of the claim.
- 01220IdentityConditionalMax 9
To provide identification numbers for the risk object that may be used to link the object to other entities within the message, such as cover.
- 01230ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify reference numbers for the risk object, such as vehicle identification number, chassis number.
- 01240Monetary amountConditionalMax 99
To specify monetary amounts relating to the risk object, such as sum insured, replacement value.
- 01250Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the risk object.
- 01260Duty/tax/fee detailsConditionalMax 1
To specify tax/fee details relating to the risk object.
- 01270Date/time/periodConditionalMax 99
To specify dates relating to the risk object, such as date first registered, date inspected.
- 01280Place/location identificationConditionalMax 9
To specify a place/location related to the risk object.
- 01290AttributeConditionalMax 99
To specify coded attributes relating to the risk object, such as body type code, nature of occupancy.
- 01300MeasurementsConditionalMax 9
To specify measurements relating to the risk object, such as length, width, floor area.
- 01310QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities relating to the risk object, such as number of occupants, number of seats.
- 01320Query and responseConditionalMax 99
To provide the response to coded questions about the risk object.
- 01330Rate detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify rate details relating to the risk object.
- 01340Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text descriptions relating to the risk object, such as object description, business usage of building description.
- Segment group 15Repeat 99
- 01360Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one charge or cost related to the risk object. To identify one charge or cost related to the risk object.
- 01370IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party to whom the charge relates.
- 01380AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the cost or charge, such as method of calculation.
- 01390Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the cost or charge, such as tax amount, discount amount.
- 01400Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge.
- 01410Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text descriptions relating to the cost or charge.
- Segment group 16Repeat 99
- 01430Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one contribution or recovery related to the cost or charge.
- 01440IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates.
- 01450AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery status code.
- 01460Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery amount.
- 01470Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery, such as percentage of insurer's responsibility.
- 01480ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the contribution or recovery.
- 01490Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text descriptions relating to the contribution or recovery.
- 01430Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 01360Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 17Repeat 999
- 01510Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
Provides a coded identification of one type of component related to the risk object.
- 01520IdentityConditionalMax 9
To provide identification numbers for the risk object component which may be used to link the component to other entities.
- 01530AddressConditionalMax 1
To specify addresses relating to the risk object.
- 01540AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the risk object component, such as severity of damage code, security device code.
- 01550Communication contactConditionalMax 9
To specify communication numbers for the address, such as telephone, fax numbers.
- 01560DamageConditionalMax 9
To specify the damage to the risk object.
- 01570Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the risk object component, such as start date at address.
- 01580MeasurementsConditionalMax 9
To specify measurements relating to the risk object component.
- 01590Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the risk object component, such as pre-incident value, resultant value.
- 01600Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the risk object component, such as percentage of under insurance, percentage of cost allocation.
- 01610Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To specify the response to coded questions relating to the risk object component.
- 01620QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities relating to the risk object component.
- 01630ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the risk object component.
- 01640Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information for the risk object component, such as specialist valuation description, explanation of a video image.
- Segment group 18Repeat 99
- 01660Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one charge relating to the loss or damage.
- 01670IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party to whom this cost or charge relates.
- 01680AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the cost or charge, such as method of calculation.
- 01690Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the cost or charge component, such as tax amount, discount amount.
- 01700Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge component, such as cost or charge discount percentage.
- 01710Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the cost or charge component.
- Segment group 19Repeat 99
- 01730Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one contribution or recovery component relating to the risk object component cost or charge.
- 01740IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates.
- 01750AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery status code.
- 01760Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery amount.
- 01770Percentage detailsConditionalMax 5
To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as percentage of insurer's liability.
- 01780ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To provide references relating to the contribution or recovery component.
- 01790Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the contribution or recovery component.
- 01730Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 01660Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 20Repeat 99
- 01810Item descriptionMandatoryMax 1
To identify one part or task that relates to the risk object loss/damage component.
- 01820IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party that relates to this part or task such as service provider.
- 01830AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the part or task item, such as paint system code, category of labour code.
- 01840Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the part or task item, such as task/service start date.
- 01850MeasurementsConditionalMax 9
To specify measurements relating to the part or task item, such as tyre pressure, tyre tread depth.
- 01860Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the part or task.
- 01870Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To specify the response to coded questions about the part or task item.
- 01880QuantityConditionalMax 9
To specify quantities relating to the part or task.
- 01890ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the part or task.
- 01900Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information relating to the part or task, such as evidence of personal injury.
- Segment group 21Repeat 9
- 01920Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one charge related to the part or task item.
- 01930IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party to whom this cost or charge relates.
- 01940AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the cost or charge, such as method of calculation.
- 01950Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the cost or charge component, such as tax amount, discount amount.
- 01960Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge component, such as cost or charge discount percentage.
- 01970Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the cost or charge component.
- Segment group 22Repeat 99
- 01990Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one contribution or recovery component relating to the risk object cost or charge.
- 02000IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates.
- 02010AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery status code.
- 02020Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To provide monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery amount.
- 02030Percentage detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as percentage of insurer's responsibility.
- 02040ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the contribution or recovery component.
- 02050Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information relating to the contribution or recovery component.
- 01990Contribution detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 01920Charge/rate calculationsMandatoryMax 1
- 01810Item descriptionMandatoryMax 1
- 01510Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 01210Risk object typeMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 23Repeat 99
- 02070Process identificationMandatoryMax 1
To identify one action related to the claim.
- 02080IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference parties related to the claim.
- 02090AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the action, such as assessment report type, manner of settlement.
- 02100Date/time/periodConditionalMax 99
To specify dates related to the action, such as date of report, date inspection to be performed.
- 02110Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts related to the action, such as settlement amount.
- 02120Query and responseConditionalMax 99
To provide the response to coded questions about the action.
- 02130ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references related to the action, such as instructor's assessment reference, assessor's assessment reference.
- 02140Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide text information about the action, such as progress description, verdict description.
- 02070Process identificationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 24Repeat 99
- 02160Sequence detailsMandatoryMax 1
Identifies the sequence of this period of previous insurance.
- 02170IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference parties related to this period of insurance history.
- 02180AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the previous insurance history, such as policy class.
- 02190Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the period of insurance history, such as inception date, expiry date.
- 02200ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references relating to the period of previous insurance history, such as policy number.
- Segment group 25Repeat 99
- 02220Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
To identify one prior loss that relates to the period of previous insurance.
- 02230IdentityConditionalMax 9
To reference party numbers for the prior loss as specified by the intermediary, insurer and client.
- 02240AttributeConditionalMax 9
To specify coded attributes relating to the prior loss, such as loss type, incident type.
- 02250Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify dates relating to the prior loss, such as loss date, settlement date.
- 02260Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify monetary amounts relating to the prior loss, such as loss amount.
- 02270Query and responseConditionalMax 9
To specify the response to coded questions relating to the prior loss.
- 02280ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify references for the prior loss, such as insurer's historical claim reference.
- 02290Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free text about the prior loss, such as prior loss description.
- 02220Component detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 02160Sequence detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 02300Message trailerMandatoryMax 1
A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.