IPPOMO Motor insurance policy

TBG8 Insurance

A motor insurance policy message is exchanged between insurers, intermediaries and clients to transfer details related to the proposal, confirmation, adjustment and renewal of a motor policy.


Max use
  1. A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Motor insurance policy message is IPPOMO. Note: Motor insurance policy messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 IPPOMO 0052 D 0054 11B 0051 UN

    1. Data element S009/0057 is retained for upward compatibility. The use of
    S016 and/or S017 is encouraged in preference.
    2. The combination of the values carried in data elements 0062 and S009 shall
    be used to identify uniquely the message within its group (if used) or if
    not used, within its interchange, for the purpose of acknowledgement.
  2. To specify the type of transaction contained within the message.

  3. To indicate whether the transaction should be processed as a temporary or permanent change to the policy.

  4. To provide coded attributes that describe the type of business transaction, such as 'Quotation Type'.

  5. To provide contact information for a party who provided authorisation for the business transaction.

  6. To provide references for the transaction, such as 'Quote Authorisation Reference', 'Broker Transaction Reference', 'Insurer Transaction Reference' etc.

  7. To identify the total number of transactions in a set of related transactions for one risk or policy.

  8. To identify the sequence number of this transaction in a set of transactions for one risk or policy.

  9. To provide dates for the transaction, such as 'Response Date', 'Transaction Date', 'Transaction Expiry Date'.

  10. Segment group 1
    Repeat 9
    1. To identify a software supplier that provided software used in the creation of the business transaction as well as the transaction originator and addressee.

    2. To provide declarations about the software supplier, such as accreditation.

    3. Segment group 2
      Repeat 9
      1. Contains a reference to identify a software component or product.

      2. To specify dates for the software component, such as 'Date Installed' and 'Date Effective'.

  11. Segment group 3
    Repeat 9
    1. Identifies an insurance package, product or scheme.

    2. To specify identification numbers for the policy, such as 'Broker Risk Reference' and 'Insurer's Policy Number'.

    3. Contains dates relating to the insurance policy, such as 'Inception Date', 'Expiry Date', 'Renewal Date'.

    4. Contains coded attributes relating to the policy, such as 'Policy Accounting Type', 'Policy Status', 'Cancellation Reason'.

    5. To specify percentages relating to the policy, such as 'Brokerage Percent', 'Percentage of Co-insurance'.

    6. To specify monetary values relating to the policy, such as 'Maximum Value At Any One Location', 'Commission Amount'.

    7. To specify declarations for the policy, such as 'Is the policy renewable?', 'Is the broker the holding broker?'.

    8. To specify quantities relating to the policy, such as 'Number Of Drivers Covered', 'Maximum Number Of Vehicles At Any One Location'.

    9. To specify policy endorsements and to convey text variables with which to complete the endorsement text; and to provide text descriptions.

    10. Segment group 4
      Repeat 99
      1. Provides details of a document needed to support the business transaction.

      2. To provide coded attributes that relate to the document, such as whether the document is open or closed.

      3. To provide a text description of the document.

      4. Segment group 5
        Repeat 99
        1. To identify one premium or component that applies to the policy, such as 'Gross Premium', 'Policy Excess'.

        2. Provides a coded indication of how the premium component group is to be processed, such as 'Added', 'Deleted', 'Replaced'.

        3. Contains monetary values associated with the premium component, such as 'Gross Premium', 'Base Premium', 'Loading or Discount Amount'.

        4. Contains percentages associated with the premium component, such as 'Loading or Discount Percentage'.

        5. Contains quantities associated with the premium component, such as 'Loading or Discount Points'.

        6. Contains dates associated with the premium component, such as 'Review Date'.

        7. To specify policy endorsements and to convey text variables with which to complete the endorsement text.

        8. Segment group 6
          Repeat 9
          1. To identify the type of excess, such as 'Compulsory', 'Voluntary'.

          2. To specify the amount of excess as a percentage.

          3. Contains monetary values associated with the excess, such as 'Excess Amount', 'Maximum Excess Amount', 'Minimum Excess Amount'.

          4. To describe the reason for the excess.

  12. Segment group 7
    Repeat 999
    1. To provide the name details of one party related to the policy, such as 'Insurer', 'Broker', 'Insured' and 'Driver'.

    2. Contains a coded indication of how the party is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

    3. To specify coded attributes for the party, such as 'Gender', 'Marital Status', 'Legal Status', 'VAT Status'.

    4. To specify the percentage of liability for Value Added Tax (VAT or TVA).

    5. To specify references associated with the party, such as 'VAT registration number', 'SIRENE code'.

    6. To specify occupations or trades for the party.

    7. Contains dates associated with the party, such as 'Birth date', 'Date of national residency', 'Registered disabled date'.

    8. To specify details of professional bodies to which the party belongs, such as motoring organisations.

    9. Contains quantities associated with the party, such as 'Number of children', 'Number of vehicles owned', 'Number of vehicles accessible'.

    10. To specify the relationship of the party to the proposer.

    11. To specify the place of birth of the party.

    12. Contains declarations made by the party, such as 'Any convictions?', 'Any claims?', 'Any disabilities?'.

    13. To provide a text description where any of the party's coded attributes indicate that text will be provided.

    14. Segment group 8
      Repeat 9
      1. To specify details of one address for the party.

      2. Contains the date that the party was established at the address.

    15. Segment group 9
      Repeat 9
      1. To identify one contact for a party.

      2. To provide details of communication numbers for a contact.

    16. Segment group 10
      Repeat 99
      1. To identify one event that has relevance to a party's insurance history.

      2. Contains a coded indication of how the historical event is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

      3. Contains declarations about the historical event, such as 'Claim made for loss?' and 'Was no claims bonus affected?'.

      4. Contains references related to the historical event, such as 'Claim number', 'Broker loss reference'.

      5. Contains coded attributes related to the historical event, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'.

      6. To specify the cover that applied at the time of the historical event.

      7. To provide details of monetary amounts relating to the historical event, such as 'Claim Amount', 'Fine Amount'.

      8. To specify dates related to the historical event, such as 'Loss Date', 'Conviction Date'.

      9. To specify quantities related to the historical event, such as 'Conviction Penalty Points', 'Total Licence Penalty Points'.

      10. To provide percentages related to the historical event, such as 'Percentage of Responsibility', 'Percentage of Disability'.

      11. To provide text descriptions relating to the historical event.

      12. Segment group 11
        Repeat 9
        1. To identify one party that played a role in a historical claim, such as insurer and broker.

        2. To provide an address for a party related to the historical claim.

        3. To provide references for the party and the historical claim.

        4. To specify a contact at the party who handles the historical claim.

        5. To provide communication numbers for the historical claim party.

    17. Segment group 12
      Repeat 9
      1. To identify one licence held by a party.

      2. Contains dates related to the licence, such as 'Issue Date', 'Expiry Date'.

      3. To specify coded restrictions that apply to a licence.

      4. To indicate the location of the authority that issued the licence.

      5. To provide a text description of the licence.

  13. Segment group 13
    Repeat 9
    1. To specify one payment plan.

    2. Contains dates related to the payment plan, such as 'Instalment Start Date', 'Instalment Payment day-of-month'.

    3. Contains coded attributes related to the payment, such as 'Payment method', 'Collection Responsibility'.

    4. To identify the financial account from which payment is being made.

    5. Contains references related to the payment plan, such as 'Instalment Agreement Number'.

    6. To specify percentages related to the payment, such as 'Interest Rate', 'Early Payment Discount'.

    7. Segment group 14
      Repeat 9
      1. Identifies one party making payments.

      2. Contains the address of the party making payment, or the address of the payer's bank.

    8. Segment group 15
      Repeat 99
      1. The monetary value of a payment.

      2. Contains the date or dates when the payment or instalments are due.

      3. Contains the payment method for a particular payment, if different from the main payment method for the payment plan, as may occur with the first payment.

      4. Segment group 16
        Repeat 99
        1. To identify one premium tax, fee or commission.

        2. To provide monetary values for the premium addition or deduction as well as the base premium.

        3. To specify the location of the tax authority.

        4. To specify the premium addition or deduction as a percentage.

  14. Segment group 17
    Repeat 9999
    1. To specify one vehicle or a category of vehicles (for fleets).

    2. Contains a coded indication of how the vehicle is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

    3. To specify reference numbers related to the vehicle, such as 'Registration Number', 'VIN Number', 'Engine Number'.

    4. To specify dates related to the vehicle, such as 'First Registered Date', 'Date Purchased'.

    5. To specify coded attributes relating to the vehicle, such as 'Fuel Type', 'Body Type', 'Owner Code', 'Colour Code'.

    6. To specify quantities related to the vehicle, such as 'Number of Seats', 'Odometer Reading', 'Engine Power'.

    7. To specify monetary values relating to the vehicle, such as 'Market Value', 'Paid Value', 'Agreed Value'.

    8. To specify measurements relating to the vehicle, such as 'Maximum Movement Height and Depth'.

    9. To specify addresses or locations where the vehicle is garaged, kept and used.

    10. To specify percentages relating to the vehicle, such as 'Premium Rate per Vehicle'.

    11. To provide declarations about the vehicle, such as 'Hazardous Goods Carried?', 'Vehicle Used For Transportation of Employees Only?'.

    12. To provide additional textual information relating to the vehicle where it has been inadequately described by code.

    13. Segment group 18
      Repeat 9
      1. To identify one party that has an interest in a vehicle.

      2. Coded indication of how the interested party should be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

      3. To specify the address of the interested party.

      4. Contains a description of the interest.

    14. Segment group 19
      Repeat 9
      1. To identify one security device.

      2. Coded indication of how the security device is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

      3. To specify coded attributes relating to the security device, such as 'Accreditation Code', 'Installer Status'.

      4. To specify the installation date.

      5. To identify parties that manufactured and installed the security device.

      6. To provide coded declarations relating to the security device, such as 'Security Device Certificate Seen by Broker?'.

      7. To specify references relating to the security device, such 'Certificate Reference'.

      8. To provide additional textual information about the security device.

    15. Segment group 20
      Repeat 99
      1. To identify one type of insurance certificate or declaration.

      2. To specify the reason for issue of an insurance certificate or declaration.

      3. To specify start and end dates for the certificate and dates upon which the declaration must be made.

      4. To specify a percentage for the certificate.

      5. To provide textual information about the certificate or declaration.

    16. Segment group 21
      Repeat 99
      1. To identify one previous claim that has relevance to the vehicle's insurance cover.

      2. Contains a coded indication of how the claim group is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

      3. Contains coded declarations about the previous claim, such as 'Claim made for loss?' and 'Was No Claims Bonus affected?'.

      4. Contains references related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Claim Number', 'Broker Loss Reference'.

      5. Contains coded attributes related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'.

      6. To specify the cover that applied to the vehicle at the time of the claim.

      7. To provide details of monetary amounts relating to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Loss Amount', 'Claim Amount'.

      8. To specify dates related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Incident date', 'Claim Paid Date'.

      9. To specify quantities related to the vehicle's claim.

      10. To provide percentages related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Percentage of Responsibility'.

      11. To provide additional text description relating to the vehicle's claim.

      12. Segment group 22
        Repeat 9
        1. To identify one party that played a role in the vehicle's claim, such as insurer and broker.

        2. To provide an address for a party related to the previous claim.

        3. To provide references for the party and the previous claim.

        4. To specify a contact at the party who handles the claim.

        5. To provide communication numbers for the previous claim party.

    17. Segment group 23
      Repeat 99
      1. To identify one insurance cover that applies to a vehicle.

      2. Contains a coded indication of how this cover is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

      3. To specify dates for the cover, such as 'Commencement Date', 'Expiry Date'.

      4. To specify references for the cover, such as 'Cover Reference', 'Add-On Policy Number'.

      5. To specify coded attributes of the cover, such as 'Class of Use'.

      6. To specify coded declarations about the cover, such as 'Foreign Use Included?', 'Cover Excluded?'.

      7. To specify limits of cover by quantity, such as 'Number Of Seats', 'Maximum Number Of Drivers'.

      8. To provide descriptions and wordings for the cover.

      9. Segment group 24
        Repeat 99
        1. To identify and specify one monetary value related to the insurance cover.

        2. To specify the percentage related to the previous MOA segment if it was used to indicate commission or tax.

        3. To indicate the country in which tax is payable.

      10. Segment group 25
        Repeat 9
        1. To identify one additional or add-on risk.

        2. Contains a coded indication of how this additional risk is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

        3. To specify monetary values relating to the additional risk, such as 'Value', 'Sum Insured'.

      11. Segment group 26
        Repeat 1
        1. To identify a set of premium calculation components.

        2. Contains a coded indication of how the set of premium calculation components should be processed, such as 'Replace Set', 'Add Set' or 'Delete Set'.

        3. Segment group 27
          Repeat 99
          1. To identify one premium calculation component.

          2. A coded indication of how the premium calculation component is to be processed.

          3. To specify monetary values related to the premium component, such as 'Base Premium', 'Premium Component Value'.

          4. To specify a premium component as a percentage.

          5. To specify declarations about the premium component when it is a condition or endorsement, such as 'Has Condition Been Met?', 'Brokers Wording Used?'.

          6. To specify the premium components as a number of units.

          7. To specify dates related to the premium component or condition, such as start and end date.

          8. To specify endorsements to the cover and to convey text variables with which to complete the endorsement text.

          9. Segment group 28
            Repeat 99
            1. To identify one driver for which amended cover applies.

            2. To specify details of the amended cover for the driver identified by the previous PNA segment.

          10. Segment group 29
            Repeat 9
            1. To identify one type of excess.

            2. Contains details of the excess when expressed as a percentage.

            3. Contains monetary amounts related to the excess, such as 'Excess Value', 'Minimum Excess Amount', 'Maximum Excess Amount'.

            4. To provide free format or coded text for the excess.

      12. Segment group 30
        Repeat 999
        1. To identify one party associated with the cover.

        2. Contains a coded indication of how the party associated with the cover is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

        3. To specify references related to the party, such as 'Policy Number', 'Assistance Contract Number', 'Previous Policy Number'.

        4. To specify dates related to the party associated to the cover, such as 'Start Date', 'End Date'.

        5. To specify monetary values related to the party associated with the cover, such as 'Premium Amount', 'Cover Limit'.

        6. To specify percentages related to the party associated with the cover, such as 'Percentage of Driving Time'.

        7. To specify quantities related to the party associated with the cover, such as 'Number of Previous Claims'.

        8. To specify declarations about the party associated with the cover, such as 'Party is main Driver under this cover?', 'Party Is Excluded from this cover?'.

        9. To specify the relationship that this party has with the proposer.

      13. Segment group 31
        Repeat 9
        1. To identify one claim that has been made against the insurance cover.

        2. Contains a coded indication of how the claim is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'.

        3. Contains coded attributed relating to the claim, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'.

        4. To specify dates related to the date, such as 'Incident Date', 'Claim Date'.

        5. To specify monetary amounts relating to the claim, such as 'Claim Value', 'Amount Paid'.

        6. To specify percentages related to the claim, such as 'Percentage of Responsibility'.

        7. To specify declarations about the claim, such as 'Bonus/Malus Affected?', 'Claim Fully Settled?'.

        8. To specify quantities relating to the claim.

        9. To provide references relating to the claim, such as 'Claim Number'.

        10. To specify premium components that this claim gave rise to.

        11. To specify the location of the incident.

        12. To provide additional text information about the claim.

        13. Segment group 32
          Repeat 9
          1. To identify one party for the claim, such as broker and insurer.

          2. To provide the address for the party associated with the claim.

          3. To specify references for the party and the claim.

          4. To specify a contact at the party who handles the claim.

          5. To provide communication numbers for the claim party.

  15. A mandatory service segment placed before the first user segment in the detail section to avoid segment collision.

  16. Segment group 33
    Repeat 99
    1. To specify the duration of one period of fleet experience.

    2. To specify references related to the fleet experience, such as 'Insurer's Policy Number', 'Broker's Risk Reference'.

    3. To specify declarations for the fleet experience, such as 'Is claims history confirmed?', 'Is foreign use included?'.

    4. To provide text details of why the claims history is unconfirmed (if appropriate).

    5. Segment group 34
      Repeat 9
      1. To identify one party relating to the fleet experience, such as insurer and broker.

      2. To provide address details for the party.

      3. To provide a contact name for the party that handles the fleet experience.

      4. To provide communication numbers for the party.

    6. Segment group 35
      Repeat 99
      1. Coded indication of whether the breakdown figures should be processed as being the same as at the date of the previous fleet experience or as being updated.

      2. To specify dates relating to the fleet experience, such as 'Calculated To Date', 'Event Date of Last Claim Included'.

      3. To specify quantities relating to the fleet experience, such as 'Total Claims Reported', 'Claims Reported Outstanding Number'.

      4. To specify monetary amounts relating to the fleet experience, such as 'Claims Paid and Outstanding Cost', 'Claims Outstanding Cost'.

      5. Segment group 36
        Repeat 99
        1. To identify one type of insurance cover.

        2. To specify coded attributes relating to the fleet experience cover breakdown, such as 'Type of Excess Applying', 'Excess Application Code'.

        3. To specify monetary amounts relating to the cover breakdown, such as 'Excess Value', 'Claims Cost Paid'.

        4. To specify quantities relating to the cover breakdown, such as 'Number of Claims', 'Number of Claims Outstanding'.

        5. To provide additional description of the cover.

    7. Segment group 37
      Repeat 99
      1. To identify one claim.

      2. Coded indication of how this claim is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy.

      3. Coded attributes relating to the claim, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'.

      4. To specify dates relating to the claim, such as 'Incident Date', 'Claim Date'.

      5. To specify the cover against which this claim was made.

      6. To specify monetary amounts relating to the claim, such as 'Claim Value', 'Paid Amount'.

      7. To specify references for the claim, such as 'Insurer Claim Number', 'Broker Claim Reference'.

      8. To specify declarations about the claim, such as 'Bonus/Malus Affected?'.

      9. To provide additional text details about the claim.

  17. A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.

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