MEDRPT Medical service report
TBG10 Healthcare
A Medical Service Report message is sent from a service provider to the service requester to report new results on performed investigations, to modify a previous result item or a complete result report or to cancel a previous result report.
- 0010Message headerMandatoryMax 1
To head, identify and specify a message.
- 0020Beginning of messageMandatoryMax 1
To indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number.
- 0030Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0040Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- Segment group 1Repeat 99
- 0060Party identificationMandatoryMax 1
To specify information necessary to establish the identity of a party.
- 0070AddressConditionalMax 9
To specify an address.
- 0080Communication contactConditionalMax 9
To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed.
- 0090Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0100ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify a reference.
- 0110Sequence detailsConditionalMax 1
To provide details relating to the sequence.
- 0120LanguageConditionalMax 9
To specify a language.
- 0130Organisation classification detailsConditionalMax 1
To provide classification details relating to the activities of an organisation.
- 0140QualificationConditionalMax 9
To specify the qualification of a person.
- 0150Employment detailsConditionalMax 9
To specify employment details.
- 0060Party identificationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 2Repeat 99
- 0170Information requiredMandatoryMax 1
To indicate which information is requested in a responding message.
- 0180Processing informationMandatoryMax 1
To identify processing information.
- 0190ReferenceMandatoryMax 9
To specify a reference.
- 0200Date/time/periodMandatoryMax 1
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0210StatusConditionalMax 1
To specify the status of an object or service, including its category and the reason(s) for the status.
- 0220PriorityConditionalMax 1
The segment is used to communicate priority information.
- 0230LanguageConditionalMax 1
To specify a language.
- 0240Free textConditionalMax 99
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0250Test methodConditionalMax 1
To describe the nature of the test performed.
- Segment group 3Repeat 99
- 0270ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
To specify a reference.
- 0280Date/time/periodConditionalMax 1
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0270ReferenceMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 4Repeat 99
- 0300Financial charges allocationMandatoryMax 1
Description of allocation of charges.
- 0310ReferenceMandatoryMax 9
To specify a reference.
- 0320Processing informationConditionalMax 1
To identify processing information.
- 0330Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0340PriorityConditionalMax 1
The segment is used to communicate priority information.
- 0350Clinical informationConditionalMax 9
To describe an item of clinical information.
- 0360Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0370Test methodConditionalMax 9
To describe the nature of the test performed.
- Segment group 5Repeat 99
- 0390Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
To identify documents and details directly related to it.
- 0400ReferenceMandatoryMax 9
To specify a reference.
- 0410Date/time/periodConditionalMax 1
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0390Document/message detailsMandatoryMax 1
- 0300Financial charges allocationMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 6Repeat 99
- 0430AttributeMandatoryMax 1
To identify a specific attribute.
- 0440ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify a reference.
- 0450AddressConditionalMax 9
To specify an address.
- 0460Communication contactConditionalMax 9
To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed.
- 0470RelationshipConditionalMax 1
To identify relationships between objects.
- 0480Item descriptionConditionalMax 9
To describe an item in either an industry or free format.
- 0490Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0500Party identificationConditionalMax 9
To specify information necessary to establish the identity of a party.
- 0510Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0520Person demographic informationConditionalMax 1
To specify items of person demographic information.
- 0530NationalityConditionalMax 9
To specify a nationality.
- 0540LanguageConditionalMax 9
To specify a language.
- 0550Handling instructionsConditionalMax 9
To specify handling and where necessary, notify hazards.
- 0560Characteristic/class idConditionalMax 9
To identify and describe a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes.
- Segment group 7Repeat 9
- 0580AttendanceMandatoryMax 1
To specify attendance information relating to an individual.
- 0590Place/location identificationConditionalMax 9
To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.
- 0600Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0610ReferenceConditionalMax 1
To specify a reference.
- 0580AttendanceMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 8Repeat 999
- 0630Characteristic valueMandatoryMax 1
To provide the value of a characteristic.
- 0640Clinical informationConditionalMax 9
To describe an item of clinical information.
- 0650LanguageConditionalMax 9
To specify a language.
- 0660Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0670Free textConditionalMax 99
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0680ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify a reference.
- Segment group 9Repeat 99
- 0700StatusMandatoryMax 1
To specify the status of an object or service, including its category and the reason(s) for the status.
- 0710Sequence detailsConditionalMax 1
To provide details relating to the sequence.
- 0720Processing informationConditionalMax 1
To identify processing information.
- 0730ResultConditionalMax 1
To specify a discrete or non-discrete result as a value or value range.
- 0740Characteristic/class idMandatoryMax 9
To identify and describe a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes.
- 0750Clinical informationConditionalMax 9
To describe an item of clinical information.
- 0760Date/time/periodConditionalMax 99
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 0770Free textConditionalMax 99
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0780ReferenceConditionalMax 99
To specify a reference.
- Segment group 10Repeat 99
- 0800ResultMandatoryMax 1
To specify a discrete or non-discrete result as a value or value range.
- 0810Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0820Characteristic/class idConditionalMax 9
To identify and describe a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes.
- 0800ResultMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 11Repeat 99
- 0840RelationshipMandatoryMax 1
To identify relationships between objects.
- 0850ReferenceConditionalMax 99
To specify a reference.
- 0840RelationshipMandatoryMax 1
- 0700StatusMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 12Repeat 99
- 0870Clinical interventionMandatoryMax 1
To specify a clinical intervention such as treatments and investigations.
- Segment group 13Repeat 99
- 0890Item descriptionMandatoryMax 1
To describe an item in either an industry or free format.
- 0900Dosage administrationConditionalMax 9
To communicate how dose(s) are administered.
- 0910Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 0920Parties and instructionConditionalMax 9
To specify parties to an instruction, the instruction, or both.
- 0890Item descriptionMandatoryMax 1
- 0870Clinical interventionMandatoryMax 1
- 0630Characteristic valueMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 14Repeat 99
- 0940Sequence detailsMandatoryMax 1
To provide details relating to the sequence.
- 0950Item descriptionMandatoryMax 9
To describe an item in either an industry or free format.
- 0960Process identificationConditionalMax 9
To identify a process.
- 0970ReferenceConditionalMax 9
To specify a reference.
- 0980QuantityConditionalMax 1
To specify a pertinent quantity.
- 0990Date/time/periodConditionalMax 99
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 1000PackageConditionalMax 1
To describe the number and type of packages/physical units.
- 1010Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 1020Transport informationConditionalMax 9
To specify information regarding the transport such as mode of transport, means of transport, its conveyance reference number and the identification of the means of transport.
040 D5(040,030) If first, then all - 1030Handling instructionsConditionalMax 9
To specify handling and where necessary, notify hazards.
- 1040Place/location identificationConditionalMax 9
To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.
- 1050AddressConditionalMax 9
To specify an address.
- Segment group 15Repeat 99
- 1070Clinical interventionMandatoryMax 1
To specify a clinical intervention such as treatments and investigations.
- 1080Item descriptionConditionalMax 1
To describe an item in either an industry or free format.
- 1090Dosage administrationConditionalMax 1
To communicate how dose(s) are administered.
- 1100Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 1110Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 1120QuantityConditionalMax 1
To specify a pertinent quantity.
- 1130Parties and instructionConditionalMax 9
To specify parties to an instruction, the instruction, or both.
- 1070Clinical interventionMandatoryMax 1
- 0940Sequence detailsMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 16Repeat 99
- 1150Line itemMandatoryMax 1
To identify a line item and configuration.
- 1160Processing informationMandatoryMax 1
To identify processing information.
- 1170ResultConditionalMax 1
To specify a discrete or non-discrete result as a value or value range.
- 1180Characteristic/class idMandatoryMax 99
To identify and describe a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes.
- 1190Clinical informationConditionalMax 9
To describe an item of clinical information.
- 1200Sequence detailsConditionalMax 1
To provide details relating to the sequence.
- 1210StatusConditionalMax 1
To specify the status of an object or service, including its category and the reason(s) for the status.
- 1220Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 1230Free textConditionalMax 99
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 1240Monetary amountConditionalMax 9
To specify a monetary amount.
- 1250ReferenceConditionalMax 99
To specify a reference.
- 1260Equipment detailsConditionalMax 9
To identify a unit of equipment.
- Segment group 17Repeat 99
- 1280RelationshipMandatoryMax 1
To identify relationships between objects.
- 1290ReferenceConditionalMax 99
To specify a reference.
- 1280RelationshipMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 18Repeat 99
- 1310ResultMandatoryMax 1
To specify a discrete or non-discrete result as a value or value range.
- 1320Free textConditionalMax 9
To provide free form or coded text information.
- 1330Characteristic/class idConditionalMax 9
To identify and describe a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes.
- 1310ResultMandatoryMax 1
- 1150Line itemMandatoryMax 1
- 0430AttributeMandatoryMax 1
- 0170Information requiredMandatoryMax 1
- Segment group 19Repeat 99
- 1350Authentication resultMandatoryMax 1
To specify results of the application of an authentication procedure.
- 1360Date/time/periodConditionalMax 9
To specify date, and/or time, or period.
- 1350Authentication resultMandatoryMax 1
- 1370Message trailerMandatoryMax 1
To end and check the completeness of a message.