CST Customs status of goods
To specify goods in terms of customs identities, status and intended use.
To specify a goods item within a consignment.
Code identifying the goods for customs.
1 Use relevant code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Code identifying the goods for customs.
1 Use relevant code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Code identifying the goods for customs.
1 Use relevant code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Code identifying the goods for customs.
1 Use relevant code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.
Code identifying the goods for customs.
1 Use relevant code. May be used in combination with 1131/3055.
Code identifying a code list.
Code specifying the agency responsible for a code list.