Stedi’s native format for EDI transactions is called Guide JSON. It closely reflects the structure of an EDI transaction, but uses JSON instead of EDI syntax.

  • When you Generate EDI, Stedi accepts Guide JSON as input, and delivers a fully-validated EDI file to your partner.
  • Stedi parses inbound EDI into Guide JSON format.


The following example shows an Amazon 850 Purchase Order in both X12 EDI and Guide JSON formats. The EDI format is in the first tab, and the Guide JSON is in the second tab.

MSG*This shipment completes your order.~
MSG*For detailed information about your orders, please visit Your Account. You can also print invoices, change your e-mail address and payment settings, alter your communication preferences, and much more-24 hours a day-at
MSG*Visit to return any item-including gifts-in unopened or original condition within 30 days for a full refund(other restrictions apply). Please have your order ID ready. Thanks for shopping at, and please come again!~
N1*ST*Charlie Smith~
N2*Darla Smith~
N3*11254 Main St*Suite 112~
N4*Seattle*WA*98104*US*CC*United States~
N1*LW*Amber Smith~
N3*123 Anderson Avenue~
MSG*Wide Tracker Activity Walker~
MSG*Deluxe Cozy Convertible~
MSG*Red Rattle~

What is Guide JSON?

Guides are Stedi’s machine-readable representation of the EDI specifications that your trading partners provide to you (typically in the form of PDF, Excel, or Word files), or that you provide to your trading partners. You can view and import guides from popular trading partners in the Stedi Network.

Each guide is backed by a JSON Schema that defines the structure of the EDI transaction. Guide JSON is JSON data that conforms to the guide’s schema.

How Stedi uses Guide JSON

  • Inbound files: Stedi uses the inbound transaction settings within the partnership to determine which Stedi guide to use for validation and translation. If validation is successful, Stedi parses the file into one or more transactions, and outputs them in Guide JSON.
  • Outbound files: You supply Stedi’s Generate Outbound Transaction endpoint with transaction data in the Guide JSON format. Stedi uses that data to generate an EDI file and deliver it to your trading partner.

Find a guide’s JSON Schema

To find the JSON Schema for a guide:

  1. Navigate to the Guides page in your Stedi account.
  2. Click the guide you want to view.
  3. Open the Actions menu and select View schema.

How Guide JSON formats vary

Guide JSON formats vary in three ways. You must account for these differences when you receive Guide JSON webhooks for inbound transactions, and when you call the Generate EDI API to send outbound transactions.

Transaction type

Since a guide can represent any of the 300+ EDI transaction types, the Guide JSON (and corresponding JSON Schema) will differ depending on the transaction type. For example, the Guide JSON for an 850 Purchase Order will be different than the Guide JSON for an 810 Invoice. This means that the payloads that you receive from Stedi via webhook will vary depending on the transaction type, and the payloads that you send to the Generate EDI API will also vary depending on the transaction type.


X12 has 30+ releases, or versions. There are often breaking changes between X12 releases, which makes it impossible to reliably canonicalize transactions across releases. Since different trading partners use different releases, the Guide JSON you have to accept from and provide to Stedi differ depending on the release. For example, the Guide JSON for an 850 Purchase Order in X12 release 004010 will be different than the Guide JSON for an 850 Purchase Order in X12 release 005010.

Trading partner

Since different trading partners use different EDI specifications, the Guide JSON may differ depending on the trading partner. For example, the Amazon Retail 855 PO Acknowledgment allows you to optionally specify pricing information in the CTP segment, but the Walmart 855 does not.