Webhooks have certain limitations. If your system’s API has different requirements, you can set the target to be:

  • A function, such as AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, or Azure Functions, which can then call the third-party API
  • An iPaaS platform, such as Zapier or Workato, which can then call the third-party API.

HTTP response codes

Stedi considers a 2xx response a success, and marks any other response as a failure.

Stedi retries events associated with status codes other than 2xx for up to 4 times with a 90 second wait period inbetween retries.

If the maximum number of retries has been exhausted, Stedi adds the event to the error queue for the webhook.

You can set the Concurrency when configuring the webhook to prevent throttling. This setting determines the maximum number of deliveries that Stedi will attempt to deliver to the endpoint at one time.

Response time

The target endpoint must respond within 5 seconds, or the event will be counted as a failed delivery.


When a delivery fails, Stedi will retry up to 4 times every 90 seconds. After the fifth retry, Stedi moves the event to the error queue.

Duplicate deliveries

If your webook doesn’t respond within 5 seconds, Stedi marks that as a failure and then automatically retries. This can result in duplicate deliveries, so we strongly recommend implementing ways to manage duplicates delivered through webhooks.

Error queue

Each webhook includes an error queue. Each item in the queue consists of the original event that was attempted to be delivered. This ensures if the target service has some downtime, or anything else goes wrong, the missed events can be retried later. The error queue retains items for 14 days.

The order of the error queue is not guaranteed. The downstream service must be designed to be idempotent to handle at-least-once delivery of events, and must accept events out of order.


To view logs, click the webhook to go to its detail page, and then navigate to the Logs tab.

Deauthorized connections

If a webhook sends a message to an endpoint that returns a 401 (Unauthorized) response, the destination will be ‘deauthorized’. In this state, the webhook won’t be able to deliver messages.

If there is an issue with your authentication information (such as the password, API key, or OAuth settings), edit the webhook to fix it.

If the authentication information is correct, and there was a different reason for the endpoint returning a 401, you can try again by adding a temporary header. For example, x-stedi-reauthorize with today’s date as a value. When you save, the webhook will attempt to deliver again. This header can be removed later. Editing the value of a header will also restart deliveries.

You will likely have a queue of messages to deliver, so Stedi will automatically start retrying them after you make this change. If the endpoint is still returning an invalid response, the webhook will return to Deauthorized.

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