curl--request GET \--url \--header'Authorization: <api-key>'
{"nextPageToken":"945ff6de213d3ef481d028065d4c12fb996a166a3a90ef98564318decfae50ce4b36d74b7e9d9bafa6e1d169","items":[{"id":"db6675c5-7bg7-4af9-8c68-a54a336d2911","provider":{"name":"Test Medical Provider","id":"db6665c5-7b97-4af9-8c68-a00a336c2998"},"payer":{"name":"UnitedHealthcare","stediPayerId":"87726"},"transactions":{"claimPayment":{"enroll":true}},"status":"LIVE","source":"API"}]}
This is a beta endpoint. We may make backwards incompatible changes.
This endpoint retrieves a list of all enrollment requests you added from your Stedi account through either the Enrollments page or the Create Enrollment endpoint.
pageToken is an opaque token returned by a previous call to this operation in the nextPageToken. If not specified, the first page of results is returned.
DRAFT - You are still editing the record and it has not been submitted to Stedi.
SUBMITTED - You have successfully submitted the request and it is in Stedi's queue for review.
PROVISIONING - Stedi has begun the process of completing the enrollment with the payer.
LIVE - The enrollment process is complete, and the specified provider can begin exchanging the listed transaction types with the payer.
REJECTED - The payer rejected the enrollment. Common reasons for rejection include incorrect details in the request and that the provider is not credentialed with the payer. Customer support will contact you with reasons for rejection and next steps.
CANCELED - The enrollment has been terminated per customer or provider request.
The date and time when the enrollment was submitted. If the enrollment is in draft status, submittedAt is not present. When the enrollment transitions from draft to submitted, submittedAt will be updated to the submission time. If the enrollment was created and submitted immediately, submittedAt will be equal or close to createdAt.
curl--request GET \--url \--header'Authorization: <api-key>'
{"nextPageToken":"945ff6de213d3ef481d028065d4c12fb996a166a3a90ef98564318decfae50ce4b36d74b7e9d9bafa6e1d169","items":[{"id":"db6675c5-7bg7-4af9-8c68-a54a336d2911","provider":{"name":"Test Medical Provider","id":"db6665c5-7b97-4af9-8c68-a00a336c2998"},"payer":{"name":"UnitedHealthcare","stediPayerId":"87726"},"transactions":{"claimPayment":{"enroll":true}},"status":"LIVE","source":"API"}]}