Stedi maintains this guide based on public documentation from Burlington. Contact Burlington for official EDI specifications. To report any errors in this guide, please contact us.

X12 214 Freight Activity Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
- ~ Segment
- * Element
- > Component
EDI samples
- None included
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Interchange Control Header
Max use 1
Functional Group Header
Max use 1
Transaction Set Header
Max use 1
Beginning Segment for Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
Max use 1
Business Instructions and Reference Number
Max use 300
Max use 10
0200 Loop
Transaction Set Trailer
Max use 1
Functional Group Trailer
Max use 1
Interchange Control Trailer
Max use 1
- 00
- No Authorization Information Present (No Meaningful Information in I02)
- 00
- No Security Information Present (No Meaningful Information in I04)
- U
- U.S. EDI Community of ASC X12, TDCC, and UCS
- 00401
- Draft Standards for Trial Use Approved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board through October 1997
- 0
- No Acknowledgment Requested
- 1
- Interchange Acknowledgment Requested
- QM
- Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message (214)
- T
- Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC)
- X
- Accredited Standards Committee X12
Heading > B10
Beginning Segment for Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
RequiredMax use 1
Heading > L11
Business Instructions and Reference Number
OptionalMax use 300
If either Reference Identification (L11-01) or Reference Identification Qualifier (L11-02) is present, then the other is required
- 2H
- Assigned by transaction set sender—
- AO
- Appointment Number
- BM
- Bill of Lading Number
- DK
- Dock Number
- LO
- Load Planning Number—
- PO
- Purchase Order Number
- QN
- Stop Sequence Number
- SI
- Shipper's Identifying Number for Shipment (SID)—
- SN
- Seal Number
- SO
- Shipper's Order (Invoice Number)
0100 Loop
OptionalMax >1
Usage notes
Heading > 0100 Loop > N1
RequiredMax use 1
Usage notes
At least one of Name (N1-02) or Identification Code Qualifier (N1-03) is required
If either Identification Code Qualifier (N1-03) or Identification Code (N1-04) is present, then the other is required
- 9
- D-U-N-S+4, D-U-N-S Number with Four Character Suffix
- 25
- Carrier's Customer Code
- 93
- Code assigned by the organization originating the transaction set—
- 94
- Code assigned by the organization that is the ultimate destination of the transaction set—
Heading > 0100 Loop > G62
OptionalMax use 1
If either Date Qualifier (G62-01) or Date (G62-02) is present, then the other is required
At least one of Date Qualifier (G62-01) or Time Qualifier (G62-03) is required
If either Time Qualifier (G62-03) or Time (G62-04) is present, then the other is required
- 09
- Process Date—
- 11
- Shipped on This Date
- 35
- Delivered on This Date—
- 44
- Arrival at Destination Yard
- 86
- Actual Pickup Date—
- BV
- Recorded
- PE
- Period End—
- 0
- Original Transaction
- 8
- Actual Pickup Time
- 9
- Actual Delivery Time
- F
- Actual Unloading Completed—
- V
- Actual Unloading Started—
Heading > 0100 Loop > L11
Business Instructions and Reference Number
OptionalMax use 10
If either Reference Identification (L11-01) or Reference Identification Qualifier (L11-02) is present, then the other is required
- 1P
- Accessorial Status Code—
- 2I
- Tracking Number—
- 8N
- Receiving Company Identifier
- Distribution Center Number—
- AO
- Appointment Number
- BM
- Bill of Lading Number—
- BN
- Booking Number—
- BT
- Batch Number
- Continuous Move Number
- CN
- Carrier's Reference Number (PRO/Invoice)—
- CR
- Customer Reference Number—
- DJ
- Delivery Ticket Number
- DK
- Dock Number
- DO
- Delivery Order Number—
- DP
- Department Number—
- EQ
- Equipment Number—
- EV
- Receiver Identification Number—
- F8
- Original Reference Number—
- IL
- Internal Order Number—
- IN
- Consignee's Invoice Number—
- KK
- Delivery Reference—
- KL
- Contract Reference—
- KO
- Customs Drawback Entry Number—
- LO
- Load Planning Number—
- LU
- Location Number
- MH
- Manufacturing Order Number—
- MI
- Mill Order Number—
- OI
- Original Invoice Number—
- PO
- Purchase Order Number—
- QN
- Stop Sequence Number
- RU
- Route Number—
- S5
- Routing Instruction Number
- SI
- Shipper's Identifying Number for Shipment (SID)—
- SO
- Shipper's Order (Invoice Number)—
- TM
- Travel Manifest (ACI or OTR)—
- Template Sequence Number
- ZZ
- Mutually Defined—
0100 Loop end
0200 Loop
RequiredMax >1
0205 Loop
RequiredMax >1
Heading > 0200 Loop > 0205 Loop > AT7
Shipment Status Details
RequiredMax use 1
Usage notes
Only one of Shipment Status Code (AT7-01) or Shipment Appointment Status Code (AT7-03) may be present
If either Shipment Appointment Status Code (AT7-03) or Shipment Status or Appointment Reason Code (AT7-04) is present, then the other is required
If Time (AT7-06) is present, then Date (AT7-05) is required
If Time Code (AT7-07) is present, then Time (AT7-06) is required
Usage notes
- A3
- Shipment Returned to Shipper—
- A7
- Refused by Consignee—
- A9
- Shipment Damaged—
- AF
- Carrier Departed Pick-up Location with Shipment—
- AG
- Estimated Delivery—
- AH
- Attempted Delivery—
- AI
- Shipment has been Reconsigned—
- AJ
- Tendered for Delivery—
- AM
- Loaded on Truck—
- AV
- Available for Delivery—
- BA
- Connecting Line or Cartage Pick-up
- BC
- Storage in Transit—
- CA
- Shipment Cancelled
- CD
- Carrier Departed Delivery Location
- CP
- Completed Loading at Pick-up Location—
- D1
- Completed Unloading at Delivery Location—
- J1
- Delivered to Connecting Line—
- K1
- Arrived at Customs—
- K2
- Customs Released—
- OA
- Out-Gate—
- OO
- Paperwork Received - Did not Receive Shipment or Equipment—
- P1
- Departed Terminal Location—
- S1
- Trailer Spotted at Consignee's Location—
- SD
- Shipment Delayed
- X1
- Arrived at Delivery Location—
- X3
- Arrived at Pick-up Location—
- X4
- Arrived at Terminal Location—
- X5
- Arrived at Delivery Location Loading Dock
- X6
- En Route to Delivery Location—
- X8
- Arrived at Pick-up Location Loading Dock
- XB
- Shipment Acknowledged—
- A1
- Missed Delivery—
- A2
- Incorrect Address—
- A3
- Indirect Delivery—
- A5
- Unable to Locate—
- A6
- Address Corrected - Delivery Attempted—
- AA
- Mis-sort—
- AD
- Customer Requested Future Delivery—
- AE
- Restricted Articles Unacceptable—
- AF
- Accident
- AG
- Consignee Related—
- AI
- Mechanical Breakdown
- AK
- Damaged, Rewrapped in Hub—
- AN
- Holiday - Closed
- AO
- Weather or Natural Disaster Related
- AQ
- Recipient Unavailable - Delivery Delayed—
- AR
- Improper International Paperwork
- AS
- Hold Due to Customs Documentation Problems
- AT
- Unable to Contact Recipient for Broker Information
- AV
- Exceeds Service Limitations
- AW
- Past Cut-off Time—
- AX
- Insufficient Pick-up Time—
- AY
- Missed Pick-up—
- AZ
- Alternate Carrier Delivered—
- B1
- Consignee Closed—
- B4
- Held for Payment
- BB
- Held per Shipper—
- BC
- Missing Documents—
- BG
- Other
- BS
- Refused by Customer
- BT
- Returned to Shipper
- C&
- C1
- Waiting for Customer Pick-up
- C2
- Credit Hold
- C3
- Suspended at Customer Request—
- C4
- Customer Vacation
- C5
- Customer Strike—
- C6
- Waiting Shipping Instructions—
- C7
- Waiting for Customer Specified Carrier
- C8
- Collect on Delivery Required—
- C9
- Cash Not Available From Consignee
- NA
- Normal Appointment
- NS
- Normal Status—
- P1
- Processing Delay—
- P2
- Waiting Inspection
- P4
- Held for Full Carrier Load
- T3
- Trailer not Available—
- T6
- Trailer Volume Not Available—
Usage notes
- AA
- Pick-up Appointment Date and/or Time—
- AB
- Delivery Appointment Date and/or Time—
- ED
- Deliver No Earlier Than Date and/or Time—
- EP
- Pick-up No Earlier Than Date and/or Time—
- LD
- Deliver No Later Than Date and/or Time—
- LP
- Pick-up No Later Than Date and/or Time—
Heading > 0200 Loop > 0205 Loop > MS1
Equipment, Shipment, or Real Property Location
OptionalMax use 1
If State or Province Code (MS1-02) is present, then City Name (MS1-01) is required
If City Name (MS1-01) is present, then at least one of State or Province Code (MS1-02) or Country Code (MS1-03) is required
If Country Code (MS1-03) is present, then City Name (MS1-01) is required
Heading > 0200 Loop > 0205 Loop > MS2
Equipment or Container Owner and Type
OptionalMax use 1
If either Standard Carrier Alpha Code (MS2-01) or Equipment Number (MS2-02) is present, then the other is required
0205 Loop end
- 1P
- Accessorial Status Code—
- 2I
- Tracking Number—
- 8N
- Receiving Company Identifier
- Managed Care Organization Code
- Distribution Center Number—
- AO
- Appointment Number
- BM
- Bill of Lading Number—
- BN
- Booking Number—
- BT
- Batch Number
- Continuous Move Number
- CN
- Carrier's Reference Number (PRO/Invoice)—
- CR
- Customer Reference Number—
- DJ
- Delivery Ticket Number
- DK
- Dock Number
- DO
- Delivery Order Number—
- DP
- Department Number—
- EQ
- Equipment Number—
- EV
- Receiver Identification Number—
- F8
- Original Reference Number—
- IL
- Internal Order Number—
- IN
- Consignee's Invoice Number—
- KK
- Delivery Reference—
- KL
- Contract Reference—
- KO
- Customs Drawback Entry Number—
- LO
- Load Planning Number—
- LU
- Location Number
- MH
- Manufacturing Order Number—
- MI
- Mill Order Number—
- OI
- Original Invoice Number—
- PO
- Purchase Order Number—
- QN
- Stop Sequence Number
- RU
- Route Number—
- S5
- Routing Instruction Number
- SI
- Shipper's Identifying Number for Shipment (SID)—
- SO
- Shipper's Order (Invoice Number)—
- TM
- Travel Manifest (ACI or OTR)—
- Template Sequence Number
- ZZ
- Mutually Defined—
Heading > 0200 Loop > MAN
Marks and Numbers
RequiredMax use 9999
If either Marks and Numbers Qualifier (MAN-04) or Marks and Numbers (MAN-05) is present, then the other is required
- CP
- Carrier-Assigned Package ID Number—
- GM
- SSCC-18 and Application Identifier—
Heading > 0200 Loop > Q7
Lading Exception Code
OptionalMax use 10
If Packaging Form Code (Q7-02) is present, then Lading Quantity (Q7-03) is required
Heading > 0200 Loop > AT8
Shipment Weight, Packaging and Quantity Data
OptionalMax use 10
If either Weight Qualifier (AT8-01), Weight Unit Code (AT8-02) or Weight (AT8-03) are present, then the others are required
If either Volume Unit Qualifier (AT8-06) or Volume (AT8-07) is present, then the other is required
0200 Loop end
Heading end
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