Payer Network

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Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California)

Payer IDs
Stedi’s Payer Network includes three types of Payer IDs. You can use any of these IDs to send transactions through Stedi’s APIs. Learn more
Primary Payer ID
Stedi payer ID
Use Stedi’s APIs to get fast and reliable connectivity to Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) and start sending transactions within minutes.
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Transact with Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) using Stedi’s modern, JSON-based APIs
Not supported

Eligibility checks 270/271

Verify member coverage and benefits by sending real-time and batch eligibility checks to Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California).
Not supported

Claim status checks (276/277)

Check on the status of a claim previously submitted to Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) in real-time by sending a claim status check (276/277).
Not supported

Dental claims (837D)

Submit dental claims to Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) and receive 277 claim acknowledgments asynchronously.
Supported, enrollment required

Claim payment (835 ERA)

Receive electronic remittance advice (ERAs) from Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) to review full payment details.
Not supported

Professional claims (837P)

Submit professional claims to Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) and receive 277 claim acknowledgments asynchronously.
Not supported

Institutional claims (837I)

Submit institutional claims to Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) and receive 277 claim acknowledgments asynchronously.
Not supported

Coordination of benefits checks (COB)

Submit coordination of benefit checks to Chaffey Joint Union High School District (California) to determine if a member has overlapping coverage with another plan and determine each payer's responsibility for paying claims.

What is transaction enrollment?

Transaction enrollment is an administrative process that providers must complete before they can exchange a particular transaction type with a payer. Every payer requires transaction enrollment for electronic claim remittances (ERAs). Many payers also require enrollment for other transaction types, such as claims and eligibility checks. The Stedi customer success team handles the entire transaction enrollment process for you, including submitting the required information to the payer and monitoring the status.

Learn more

Alternative Names

Other known names, networks, or health plans for this payer that may appear on insurance cards, claims, or other correspondence.