ATH Resource Authorization
To specify resource authorizations (i.e., finished labor, material, etc.) in the planning schedule
Code identifying the resource which the buyer is authorizing the seller to commit to
It is imperative that negotiations defining financial commitment have previously occurred and are agreed to by both buyer and seller.
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
R0203: At least one of ATH-02 or ATH-03 is required
ATH02 is the resource authorization through date: The date through which the buyer authorizes the seller to commit the resource defined in element ATH01.
Numeric value of quantity
C0305: If ATH-03 is present, then ATH-05 is required
ATH03 is the current cumulative requirements quantity: The cumulative quantity that has been authorized to date from the cumulative start date (ATH05) through the resource authorization through date (ATH02).
Numeric value of quantity
C0405: If ATH-04 is present, then ATH-05 is required
ATH04 is the maximum cumulative requirements quantity: The maximum cumulative quantity that has been authorized to date from the cumulative start date (ATH05) through the resource authorization through date (ATH02). This is a high water mark. If the forecast decreases, the current cumulative requirements quantity also decreases, but the maximum cumulative requirements quantity does not decrease.
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
ATH05 is the cumulative start date: The date where the cumulative quantity count starts. This date might be the start date of a contract period, a calendar or fiscal year, or other.
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