PAS Property Appraisal Summary
To provide high-level information about the property valuation
Code indicating the type of property value estimate
PAS01 defines the type of property valuation used.
Code specifying the amount qualifier
PAS02 qualifies the type of appraisal amount given in PAS03.
Monetary amount
PAS03 is the estimate of the property value.
Monetary amount
P0405: If either PAS-04 or PAS-05 is present, then the other is required
PAS04 is the estimated cost of property improvements.
Monetary amount
PAS05 is the estimated property value after improvements.
Code indicating the improvement status
PAS06 defines the status of property improvements.
Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response
PAS07 defines whether the borrower is aware of the FHA valuation statement. A "Y" indicates awareness; an "N" indicates no awareness.
Code indicating a condition
PAS08 describes the condition under which the appraised value was determined.
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
PAS09 is the Appraisal Completion Date.
Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response
PAS10 defines if comparable values are available. A "Y" indicates that comparables are available, an "N" indicates that comparables are not available.