CSC Cryptographic Service Message Certificates and Keys
To provide a mechanism for exchanging certificates of authority, public keys and associated information in an X12 format
Code identifying the stated business purpose for exchanging public key on certificate information with a trading partner
Unique designation (identity) of the cryptographic process that performs authentication or encryption on data to be interchanged, or originates a cryptographic service message Note: X9 has a minimum length of 4 characters for the security originator; no mechanism, or registration method is provided by X9 or X12 to guarantee the uniqueness of the identifier
X9 has a required minimum length of 4 characters for CSC02 (security originator). No mechanism, or registration method, is provided by X9 or X12 to guarantee uniqueness of the identifier.
Unique designation (identity) of the cryptographic process that performs authentication or decryption on received data, or is the destination of a cryptographic service message
Note: X9 has a minimum length of 4 characters for the security recipient; no mechanism, or registration method is provided by X9 or X12 to guarantee the uniqueness of the identifier
X9 has a required minimum length of 4 characters for CSC03 (security recipient). No mechanism, or registration method, is provided by X9 or X12 to guarantee uniqueness of the identifier.
Code specifying the protocol used to identify a certificate
Code specifying the type of filter used to convert data code values
Revision level of a particular format, program, technique or algorithm
Value used to identify a certificate containing a public key
Code specifying the protocol used to identify a certificate
P05060708: If either C050-05, C050-06, C050-07 or C050-08 are present, then the others are required
Code specifying the type of filter used to convert data code values
Revision level of a particular format, program, technique or algorithm
Value used to identify a certificate containing a public key
Code specifying the protocol used to identify a certificate
P09101112: If either C050-09, C050-10, C050-11 or C050-12 are present, then the others are required
Code specifying the type of filter used to convert data code values
Revision level of a particular format, program, technique or algorithm
Value used to identify a certificate containing a public key
Code identifying the Reference Identification
Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
Code identifying the Reference Identification
P0304: If either C040-03 or C040-04 is present, then the other is required
Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
Code identifying the Reference Identification
P0506: If either C040-05 or C040-06 is present, then the other is required
Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
Code specifying the type of filter used to convert data code values
P06070809: If either CSC-06, CSC-07, CSC-08 or CSC-09 are present, then the others are required
CSC06, CSC07 and CSC08 provide additional information about the encoded security value field in CSC09 (C03302).
Revision level of a particular format, program, technique or algorithm
Length of data is the number of character positions of the compressed or encrypted/filtered text; when data is plain text, this field shall be absent