PPA Property Location
To identify a physical property location
Code identifying type of location
PPA01 is a geographic reference point of the location.
Code which identifies a specific location
Code indicating the longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds in format "DDDMMSS" or "DDDMMSS.SS".
P0305: If either PPA-03 or PPA-05 is present, then the other is required
R0304: At least one of PPA-03 or PPA-04 is required
E0307: Only one of PPA-03 or PPA-07 may be present
PPA03 specifies the longitude of the location.
Code identifying geographic direction
L040307: If PPA-04 is present, then at least one of PPA-03 or PPA-07 is required
PPA04 may only be "E" or "W".
Code indicating the latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds in format "DDDMMSS" or "DDDMMSS.SS"
R0506: At least one of PPA-05 or PPA-06 is required
E0508: Only one of PPA-05 or PPA-08 may be present
PPA05 specifies the latitude of the location.
Code identifying geographic direction
L060508: If PPA-06 is present, then at least one of PPA-05 or PPA-08 is required
PPA06 may only be "N" or "S".
Code indicating the longitude expressed in decimal degrees (123.4567).
P0708: If either PPA-07 or PPA-08 is present, then the other is required
PPA07 specifies the longitude of the location expressed in degree decimal format.
Code indicating the latitude expressed in decimal degrees (123.4567).
PPA08 specifies the latitude of the location in degree decimal format.