BFS Borrower Financial Summary
To provide summary totals for borrower's financial position
Code identifying how to extend charges or interpret value
C0102: If BFS-01 is present, then BFS-02 is required
BFS01 defines period for income total.
Monetary amount
BFS02 defines borrower income amount.
Code identifying how to extend charges or interpret value
C0304: If BFS-03 is present, then BFS-04 is required
BFS03 defines period for expense total.
Monetary amount
BFS04 defines borrower expense amount.
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
C0506: If BFS-05 is present, then BFS-06 is required
BFS05 defines asset total effective date.
Monetary amount
BFS06 defines borrower asset total.
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the first two digits of the calendar year
C0708: If BFS-07 is present, then BFS-08 is required
BFS07 defines borrower liability total effective date.
Monetary amount
BFS08 defines borrower liability total.
Code specifying the nature or source of income
BFS09 is used to state the source of borrower income.
Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response
BFS10 defines if the borrower is a non-occupant. A "Y" indicates the borrower is a non-occupant; an "N" indicates the borrower is an occupant.