1402 Equipment Attribute Code

Code specifying attributes of a piece of equipment

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 3
ATMAtmosphere Controlled
The use of a gas to retard the maturation of fruits and vegetables
C02Carbon Dioxide Gas
The use of carbon dioxide gas to retard the maturation of fruits and vegetables
CLEClean Exterior
Exterior of container is to be cleaned
DHTDoor Height Requirement
The height of the door opening of the container must be greater than or equal to a specified value
DWIDoor Width Requirement
The width of the door opening of the container must be greater than or equal to a specified value.
FAPUse Flatrack as Platform
A flatrack may be used in place of a platform
GENGenset Required
A motor-generator set is to be mounted on a container or chassis prior to use
LINLiner Attached
Interior of container is to be covered by a plastic or rubber liner
MCPMoisture Content Requirement
The moisture content of the interior of the container must be less than or equal to a specified value.
MOIMoisture Free
Interior of container is to be free of detectable moisture
N2Nitrogen Gas
The use of nitrogen gas retard the maturation of fruits and vegetables
NDODoor Off
Door(s) are to be removed from container
NOIOil Stain Free
Interior or container is to be free of oil stains
ODFOdor Free
Interior of container is to have no detectable odor
The interior of the container is to be cooled to the specified temperature prior to use
PREPre-mount Required
Container is to be mounted on a chassis prior to use
PSEPre-set Temperature
The attached motor-generator set is to be set to the specified temperature prior to use
RADReefer Used As Dry
A refrigerated container is to be used without a motor-generator set
RUSRust Free
Interior of container is to be free of rust
SLISlider Chassis
A slider chassis must be used
SMOSmoke Test
Air-tightness of container is to be tested by use of a smoke pot
STESteam Cleaned
Interior of container is to be cleaned by use of high pressure steam
SUBSubstitution Allowed
A type of container similar to the one requested may be used
SURSurvey Required
Container is to be inspected to ensure proper loading of cargo, or to ensure that an empty container meets the shipper's specifications
TBTTimber Treated
All wood in the container must be treated per Australian government regulations
TECTectrol Gas
The use of tectrol gas to retard the maturation of fruits and vegetables
VODDual Voltage Required
The refrigerated container must be capable of operating at both 220 and 440 volts
VOSSingle Voltage Required
The refrigerated container must be capable of operating at only 220 volts
YEAYear of Manufacture Requirement
The year of manufacture of the container must be less than a specified date

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