1293 Return Request Reason Code

Code indicating the reason for the return from the party returning, or requesting to return, the items

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
BCBeyond Code Date
COCustomer Ordering Error
Purchaser made error
CVColor Variance
Color not as expected or described
DADamaged Product
DIDiscontinued Product
DMDefective Merchandise or Store Inspection
Goods are defective as found by selling unit inspection
DPDefective Packaging
Packaging does not meet specifications
DRDefective Merchandise or Returned by Consumer
Consumer found goods to be defective
DTDamaged In Transit
EIExcess Inventory
Seller requests authorization to return excess goods
EOEnd of Season
Seller requests authorization to return carryover of seasonal goods
EWExcessive Wear
Goods have been worn more than expected with use
LPLabel Problem
Label not as specified
MDMark Downs
NANot as Expected
Goods not as specified or described
OPOutdated Packaging
Packaging is not as currently specified
PEPrice Error
Price charged not as expected or quoted
PFPoor Fit
Goods do not meet size specifications
PRProduct Recall
PSProduct Spoiled
PWPoor Workmanship
Goods are of poor or haphazard workmanship
SDShort-Dated Product
Not enough time before product expiration
SPShipped past Cancel Date
Supplier shipped goods after order cancel date
SRStock Reduction Agreement
Per prior agreement, seller wishes to return surplus goods
STStyle Problem
Style does not meet current specifications or order
WGWrong Goods or Not Ordered
Supplier shipped wrong goods without an order

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