ITA Allowance, Charge or Service
To specify allowances, charges, or services
Code indicating an allowance or charge for the service specified
If ITA01 equals "A" - allowance or "C" - charge, then at least one of ITA06, ITA07, or ITA08 must be present.
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values
L02031314: If ITA-02 is present, then at least one of ITA-03, ITA-13 or ITA-14 is required
ITA02 identifies the source of the code value in ITA03 or ITA15.
Code identifying the special service
Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge
The number assigned by a vendor referencing an allowance, promotion, deal or charge
Allowance or Charge Rate per Unit
Total dollar amount for the allowance or charge
If ITA07 is present with either ITA06 or ITA08, then ITA07 takes precedence.
Code indicating on what basis allowance or charge percent is calculated
C0809: If ITA-08 is present, then ITA-09 is required
Percent given in decimal format (e.g., 0.0 through 100.0 represents 0% through 100%)
ITA09 is the allowance or charge percent.
Numeric value of quantity
P1011: If either ITA-10 or ITA-11 is present, then the other is required
ITA10 is the quantity basis when the allowance or charge quantity is different from the purchase order or invoice quantity.
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
Numeric value of quantity
ITA12 is the quantity of free goods.
A free-form description to clarify the related data elements and their content
ITA13 is used to clarify the allowance, charge, or service.
Code identifying type of special charge or allowance
A reference that indicates the table or text maintained by the Source Qualifier
C1502: If ITA-15 is present, then ITA-02 is required
ITA15 specifies the individual code list of the agency specified in ITA02.
Code indicating the relationship between entities
ITA16 describes the relationship of ITA06, ITA07 or ITA09 to an associated segment.
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
C1712: If ITA-17 is present, then ITA-12 is required
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