650 Rating Remarks Code
Code identifying the remarks related to a particular rating
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 2 / Max 2
- Codes
Code Description 01 Charge Off 02 Collection Account 03 Foreclosure 04 Involuntary Repossession 05 Repossession 06 Voluntary Repossession 07 Account Balance applied to Line of Credit 08 Government Claim 09 Paid Account 10 Paid Charge-off 11 Paid Collection 12 Paid Dealer 13 Paid Foreclosure 14 Paid Not as Agreed 15 Paid Repossession 16 Paid Satisfactory 17 Redeemed Repossession 18 Revolving Account - Current 19 Satisfactory 20 Satisfactory Revolving Account - Current 21 Too New to Rate 22 Unpaid Collection 24 Closed Not Paid 25 Insurance Claim 26 Partially Paid 27 Account Included in Bankruptcy 33 As Agreed 35 No Status 36 Not Paid as Agreed 37 Past Due 38 Settled 39 Unpaid 40 Card Lost 41 Account in Dispute 42 Bad Debt 43 Bill of Exchange Order drawn by creditor on the debtor for payment of funds to a third party to settle a pre-existing debt of the creditor44 Cash per Owner's Option 45 Credit Refused 46 Draft Order drawn by creditor on the debtor for payment of funds to the creditor or a third party47 Endorser Note where payment is backed by company which endorses the note48 First Sale 49 Insufficient Funds 50 Legal Action 51 Letter of Credit Letter from a bank to its corresponding bank stating entity name in document can draw on the credit of the issuing bank for amount stated52 Maturity Varies 53 Overdraft 54 Personal Guarantee Note where payment is backed by personal guarantee of an individual or company55 Pro Forma 56 Renegotiated Draft Draft which was renegotiated (see draft) as to time and/or amount57 Reopening Draft Draft which was reopened (see draft) after closing date due to nonpayment of draft amount58 Real Estate Tax Experience relating payment of real estate tax59 Secured Account 60 Suit Filed 61 Took Deduction 62 Took Excess Discount 63 Unauthorized Deduction 64 Unsatisfactory 65 Credit Cancelled 66 Credit is for Group 67 Credit Refinanced 68 Inactive Account 69 Irregular Payments 70 Long Time Client 71 No longer Clients 72 Post Dated Checks 73 All Loans Repaid 74 Long-term Loans Repaid 75 Short-term Loans Repaid 76 Support to Company to Continue Financial institution will provide continued support to the business in terms of loans and other financial dealings77 Closed By Consumer 78 Closed By Grantor 79 Closed 80 Protested Bill 81 Pays Within Protested Bill Grace Period 82 In Receivership 83 Agreement Under Receivership Agreement 84 High Insolvency Risk 85 Potential Risk of Non-payment 86 Possible Insolvency Risk 87 Debt Being Renegotiated 88 No Authorized Overdraft ZZ Mutually Defined
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