I33 Interconnect Mailbag Error Code

Code indicating the nature of the error detected in the received interconnect mailbag by the interconnect entity receiver

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
A1The Interconnect Mailbag Acknowledgment Count is Not Equal to the Actual Interconnect Mailbag Acknowledgment Count
B1The Interconnect Mailbag Interchange Count is Not Equal to the Actual Interconnect Mailbag Interchange Count
C1The IH and IT Mailbag Header and Trailer Control Numbers Are Not Identical
D1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Version Number
E1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Logon ID
F1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Password
G1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag ID Qualifier Code
H1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Sender ID
I1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Receiver ID
J1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Date
K1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Time
L1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Time Code
M1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Test Indicator
N1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Action Code
O1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Error Code
P1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Control Number
Q1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Acknowledgment Count
R1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Interchange Count
S1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Data Element Separator
T1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Segment Terminator
U1Invalid Interconnect Mailbag Segment Type
V1Missing or Partial IT Segment Detected
W1Duplicate Mailbag Control Number for this Sender
X1Unrecognizable Interconnect Mailbag Contents

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