1713 Guarantee Amount Reduction Code

Code indicating method used to determine reduction of loan certification amount

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 2
01No Reduction Made; Requested Loan Amount Equals School Certified Amount
02Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable per Grade Level
03Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable per Student (for Entire Career)
04Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable within a 7-month Period
05Reduced to the Appropriate Lender Approved Amount
06Reduced Because Requested Loan Amount Exceeds Cost of Attendance minus Expected Family Contribution Amount and Estimated Financial Aid Amount
07Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable by the Guarantor
08Reduced to the Appropriate School Certification Amount; School Certified Amount is less than the Borrower Requested Loan Amount
09Requested to the Amount Agreed to by the Endorser
10Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable as Calculated in Accordance with Guarantor Policy
11Reduced to the Amount Requested by the Borrower after Processing of Initial Application
ZZMutually Defined

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