1713 Guarantee Amount Reduction Code
Code indicating method used to determine reduction of loan certification amount
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 1 / Max 2
- Codes
Code Description 01 No Reduction Made; Requested Loan Amount Equals School Certified Amount 02 Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable per Grade Level 03 Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable per Student (for Entire Career) 04 Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable within a 7-month Period 05 Reduced to the Appropriate Lender Approved Amount 06 Reduced Because Requested Loan Amount Exceeds Cost of Attendance minus Expected Family Contribution Amount and Estimated Financial Aid Amount 07 Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable by the Guarantor 08 Reduced to the Appropriate School Certification Amount; School Certified Amount is less than the Borrower Requested Loan Amount 09 Requested to the Amount Agreed to by the Endorser 10 Reduced to the Maximum Amount Allowable as Calculated in Accordance with Guarantor Policy 11 Reduced to the Amount Requested by the Borrower after Processing of Initial Application ZZ Mutually Defined
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