1591 Type of Activity Code

Code specifying the type of activity

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
2424-hour Endurance Snowmobile
A1Aviation Advertising
A2Aerial Application
A3Aviation Aerobatics
A4Air Ambulance
A5Air Taxi
A7Auto Stunt Driving
A8Abalone Diving
A9Aerobatic Skydiving
AAAuto Drag Racing
ABAviation Ferrying
ACAviation Firefighting
ADAuto Hill Climbing
AEAviation Inspection
AFAviation Instructional
AHAviation Prospecting
AIAuto Road Rally
B1Business Aviation
B2Base Jumping
B4Bungee Jumping
B5Banner Towing
B6Bush Flying
C1Championship Auto Racing
C2Certificated Route Air Carrier
C3Chartered Air Carrier
C4Commercial Aviation
C5Construction Helicopter
C6Corporate Aviation
C7Crew Member Aviation
C8Cross-country Aviation
C9Cross-country Motorcycle Racing
CACave Diving
CBCross-country Snowmobile Racing
CDCliff Soaring
D1Demolition Derby
D2Demonstration Aviation
E1Endurance Racing Inboard
E2Experimental Skydiving
Used to send total hours flown in lifetime
F2Figure 8 Demolition
F3Formula or Grand Prix Auto Racing
F4Forestry Aviation
F5Fire Fighting
G1Glider or Sailplane
G2Grand Prix Motorcycle Racing
G3Ground Skimming
H1Hot-air Ballooning
H2Hang Gliding
H3Hydroplane Racing Unlimited
H4Hydroplane Racing Inboard
I1International Racing (Auto)
I2Intermediate Junior Snowmobile Racing
I3Ice Diving
I4Iceboat Racing
I5Inboard Racing
I6Ice Climbing
J1Jet Car Racing
K1Kart Racing
M1Midget Racing
M2Military Flying
M3Modified Outboard Racing
M4Motorboat Racing
M5Modified Stock Motorcycle Racing
M6Motocross Racing
M7Mountain Climbing
M8Military Skydiving
M9Modified Stock Snowmobile Racing
MAModified Snowmobile Racing
MBMotorcycle Acrobatics
MCMotorcycle Dirt Track Racing
MDMotorcycle Drag Racing
MEMotorcycle Enduro Racing
MFMotorcycle Hill Climbing
MGMotorcycle Ice Racing
MHMotorcycle Observed Trials
MIMotorcycle Road Racing
MJMotorcycle Road Riding
MKMotorcycle Speed Record Trials
MLMotorcycle Speedway
N1Non-scheduled Flying
O1Off Road Auto Racing
O2Offshore Racing
O3Outboard Performance Craft Racing
O4Oval Sprint Snowmobile Racing
O6Open Modified Snowmobile Racing
P1Passenger Aviation
P2Personal Aviation
P3Photographic Aviation
P4Pilot Aviation
P5Pleasure Aviation
P6Precision Flying
P7Private Flying
P9Professional Outboard Racing
R1Rock Climbing
R3Ridge Soaring
S1Sports Car Racing
S2Sprint Car Racing
S3Stock Car Racing
S4Snowmobile Enduro Racing
S5Scheduled Flying
S6Sight Seeing Aviation
S7Student Flying
S8Stock Outboard Racing
S9Snowmobile Drag Racing
SAStock Snowmobile Racing
SBSpear Fishing
SCScuba Diving
SESkydiving Accuracy
SFSkydiving Free-fall
SGStunt Flying
T1Testing Aviation
T2Traffic Watch Aviation
U1Underwater Diving
U2Underwater Hard-hat Diving
U3Underwater Scuba Diving
U4Underwater Skin Diving
W1Water Skiing
W3Wreck or Salvage Diving
W4World Snowmobile Speed Record

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