181 Quantity or Status Adjustment Reason Code

Code indicating reason for change in level or status of inventory

Identifier (ID)
Min 2 / Max 2
03Shipment Greater Than Previously Reported
04Receipt Less Than Previously Reported
05Product Put on Hold
06Book Adjustment Decrease
07Product Dumped or Destroyed
08Product Put in Quality Inspection Inventory
51Unable-to-Locate (UTL) Product Located
52Recoup/Rework of Damaged Product
53Shipment Less Than Previously Reported
54Receipt Greater Than Previously Reported
55Product Taken Off Hold
56Book Adjustment Increase
88Product Removed from Quality Inspection Inventory
AAPhysical Count
ABAccounting Error
ACCondition Change
An adjustment to inventory is required due to a change in the condition classification of the material
ADPurpose Change
AFStock Number Change
AGOwnership Change
An adjustment to inventory resulting from reassignment between different funds or chartered subdivisions of a fund
ANUnit of Issue Change
APProduct/Formula Evaluation and Testing
AROrder Shipment Error
ATPrepack Preparation
AUDamaged in Facility
AVDamaged in Transit
AWProduct Recall
AXShelf-life Obsolescence
AYReceipt Error
BAOperating Variance
An adjustment to inventory resulting from gain or loss occurring under routine operating conditions, e.g. temperature, handling, etc
An adjustment to inventory resulting from unretrievable/unusable liquid product located in the bottom of a storage tank (nonrecoverable tank bottoms)
BKOff Specification
An adjustment to inventory resulting from gain of slop fuel, i.e., off-specification fuel not meeting deterioration limits and not to be blended or downgraded to a usable product
An adjustment to inventory resulting from a replacement of a previously recorded loss (e.g., loss due to linebreak) at no cost to the owner per agreement with the storage facility operator
BNTariff Deduction
An adjustment to inventory resulting from a loss due to the change in volume after receipt of product via a pipeline operation as covered in a tariff agreement
An adjustment to inventory resulting from regrading of product, i.e., redesignating a product from one grade to another when the product meets specifications for both
An adjustment to inventory resulting from injection of an additive, e.g., fuel system icing inhibitor, into a petroleum product
CDProduct Donations
CRCustomer Returned Inventory
CSProduct Samples
PCProduct Reserved for Customer
TCTax Conversion
UDUnauthorized Destruction

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