TED Technical Error Description
To identify the error and, if feasible, the erroneous segment, or data element, or both
Code indicating application error condition
Free-form text
If used, TED02 will contain a generic description of the data in error (e.g., part number, date, reference number, etc.).
Code specifying the segment ID of the data segment in error (See Appendix A - Number 77)
The numerical count position of this data segment from the start of the transaction set: the transaction set header is count position 1
This is used to indicate the relative position of a simple data element, or the relative position of a composite data structure with the relative position of the component within the composite data structure, in error; in the data segment the count starts with 1 for the simple data element or composite data structure immediately following the segment ID
To identify the component data element position within the composite that is in error
To identify the specific repetition of a data element that is in error
Code identifying the location of the data element in the Data Element Dictionary
This element holds the reference number of the simple or composite element at segment level.
Code identifying the location of the data element in the Data Element Dictionary
This element holds the reference number of the simple element within a composite.
This is a copy of the data element in error
New data which has replaced erroneous data