355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 2 / Max 2
- Codes
Code Description 01 Actual Pounds 1A Car Mile One freight car moving one mile1B Car Count The number of freight cars moving over a specified track1C Locomotive Count The number of locomotives moved over a specified track1D Caboose Count The number of cabooses moved over a specified track1E Empty Car Unloaded or empty cars moving over a specified track1F Train Mile The first locomotive in a train moving one mile1G Fuel Usage (Gallons) The number of gallons of diesel fuel used to move a train or all trains over specified trackage1H Caboose Mile One caboose moving one mile1I Fixed Rate Indicates a predetermined or set rate for usage of a facility1J Ton Miles Tons of freight multiplied by the number of times moved; includes non-revenue freight such as material used to maintain trackage and right-of-way1K Locomotive Mile One locomotive moving one mile1L Total Car Count The sum of cars, locomotives, and cabooses moving over a specified track; the conversion rate for locomotives and cabooses is set by contract1M Total Car Mile The sum of car miles, locomotive miles, and caboose miles moved over a specified track; the conversion rate for locomotives and cabooses is set by contract1N Count 1O Season 1P Tank Car 1Q Frames 1R Transactions 1S Millimole Millimole is 1/1000 part of a mole (measure of the concentration of a solute)1T Terabecquerel 1X Quarter Mile 1Z Base Unit 02 Statute Mile 2A Radians Per Second Measure of angular velocity2B Radians Per Second Squared Measure of angular acceleration2C Roentgen Unit of X-radiation or gamma radiation equal to the amount of radiation that produces in one cubic centimeter of dry air at 0 degrees Celsius and standard atmospheric pressure ionization of either sign equal to one electrostatic unit of charge2D Ship Set 2F Volts Per Meter Measure of electrical field strength2G Volts (Alternating Current) Measure of electrical potential2H Volts (Direct Current) Measure of electrical potential2I British Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour British thermal units per hour2J Cubic Centimeters Per Second Rate of flow2K Cubic Feet Per Hour Rate of flow2L Cubic Feet Per Minute Rate of flow2M Centimeters Per Second Rate of speed2N Decibels A unit for expressing the relative intensity of sounds on a scale of 0 for the least perceptible sound to about 130 for the average pain level2P Kilobyte Unit of computer storage capacity equal to 1000 bytes2Q Kilobecquerel Unit of radiation2R Kilocurie Unit of radiation2U Megagram Unit of mass2V Megagrams Per Hour 2W Bin Storage container used as a unit of measurement2X Meters Per Minute Measure of linear speed2Y Milliroentgen Unit of radiation2Z Millivolts Unit of electrical potential03 Seconds 3A Degrees Lovibond 3B Megajoule Unit of energy or heat3C Manmonth Measure of work output by a single person during a typical work month3D Pieces per 100 Grams 3E Pounds Per Pound of Product 3F Kilograms Per Liter of Product 3G Pounds Per Piece of Product 3H Kilograms Per Kilogram of Product 3I Kilograms Per Piece of Product 3J Pieces per 10 Pounds 3K Proof 3L Scoville Units 3M Water Activity 3Z Terabytes 04 Small Spray 4A Bobbin A cylinder or spindle on which yarn or thread is wound4B Cap Designates that the cap of a container is manufactured to dimensions that enable it to be used as a measuring device when mixing the contents of the container with another substance4C Centistokes 1 * 10/-6 square meters/second4D Curie A unit of radioactivity equal to 3.7 * 10/10 disintegrations per second4E 20-Pack Pack containing 20 units4F 100-Pack Pack containing 100 units4G Microliter 1/1,000,000 liter4I Meters Per Second Measure of linear speed4J Meters Per Second Per Second Measure of acceleration4K Milliamperes Unit of electrical current4L Megabyte Unit of computer storage capacity4M Milligrams Per Hour Unit of flow4N Megabecquerel Unit of radiation4O Microfarad Unit of electrical capacitance4P Newtons Per Meter Unit of measure for surface tension4Q Ounce Inch Unit of torque4R Ounce Foot Unit of torque4S Pascal Unit of pressure4T Picofarad Unit of electrical capacitance4U Pounds Per Hour Rate of flow4V Cubic Meter Per Hour Rate of flow4W Ton Per Hour Rate of flow4X Kiloliter Per Hour Rate of flow05 Lifts 5A Barrels per Minute The number of 42 gallon barrels pumped or mixed in a time period of one minute5B Batch The quantity of material produced at one operation5C Gallons per Thousand The number of gallons of a component material used per one thousand gallons of a process made5D Proof Gallons 5E MMSCF/Day One million standard cubic feet of gas per day5F Pounds per Thousand The number of pounds of solid material used in each 1000 gallons of fluid, mixed or pumped5G Pump The number of pumps used on a specific job5H Stage A period or step in a process or development5I Standard Cubic Foot One cubic foot of gas measured at a fixed temperature and pressure; the value used for the temperature and pressure varies depending on the type of gas being measured5J Hydraulic Horse Power A calculated measure of Horse Power using the formula rate (barrels per minute) times pressure (pounds per square inch) divided by 40.85K Count per Minute 5P Seismic Level 5Q Seismic Line 06 Digits Expresses a value using total number of digits, e.g., 6 digits07 Strand 08 Heat Lots 8C Cord 8D Duty 8P Project 8R Program 8S Session 8U Square Kilometer 09 Tire 9A Apothecary Pound 9B Briquet 9F Fold The number of folds as a measure of overlays9O Apothecary Ounce 9P Pillow The number of pillows issued to a medical facility per hospital bed9S Seat 9Y Family Unit 9Z United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit A unit used in the United States to measure the mass of a vitamin or drug based on its expected biological effects10 Group 11 Outfit 12 Packet 13 Ration 14 Shot 15 Stick 16 115 Kilogram Drum A cylindrical container whose contents weigh 115 kilograms when full17 100 Pound Drum A cylindrical container whose contents weigh 100 pounds when full18 55 Gallon Drum A cylindrical container whose volume is equal to 55 gallons19 Tank Truck A liquid-carrying highway vehicle whose volume is variable according to the customer's needs and which is used as a measure of goods ordered, sold, and delivered; differs from a tank car which transports liquids by rail20 20 Foot Container A sea-land rectangular container box whose capacity is defined by its longest dimension and by which product shipments are measured and billed21 40 Foot Container A sea-land rectangular container box whose capacity is defined by its longest dimension and by which product shipments are measured and billed22 Deciliter per Gram Represents viscosity, Cuene intrinsic viscosity, and limit intrinsic viscosity23 Grams per Cubic Centimeter Represents product density24 Theoretical Pounds 25 Grams per Square Centimeter Represents product basis weight26 Actual Tons 27 Theoretical Tons 28 Kilograms per Square Meter Represents product basis weight29 Pounds per 1000 Square Feet Represents product basis weight30 Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons Represents the energy requirements for processing a product31 Catchweight 32 Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons Represents chemical addition rate during product manufacture or chemical addition within the finished product33 Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram Represents burst index measurement for pulp products34 Kilopascals per Millimeter Represents hardness index of pulp products35 Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second Represents porosity of a sheet of material36 Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot Represents porosity of a sheet of material37 Ounces per Square Foot Represents sheet weight38 Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch Represents sheet density39 Basis Points 40 Milliliter per Second Represents rate of absorbency41 Milliliter per Minute Represents rate of absorbency42 Centisimal Hahnemannian Dilution (CH) Centesimal Hahnemannian Scale Attenuation - One milliliter (1.0 ml) of the first centesimal liquid attenuation (1C), or one gram (1.0 g) of the first centesimal trituration (1C) represents 0.01 gram (10.0 mg) of the dry crude medicinal substance43 Super Bulk Bag A cloth, plastic, or paper-based bag having the dimensions of the pallet on which it is constructed and varying in height according to the weight and density of product contained; typically transports dry, loose materials in bulk form44 500 Kilogram Bulk Bag A flexible container for bulk goods whose contents weigh 500 kilograms when full45 300 Kilogram Bulk Bag A flexible container for bulk goods whose contents weigh 300 kilograms when full46 25 Kilogram Bulk Bag A flexible container for bulk goods whose contents weigh 25 kilograms when full47 50 Pound Bag A flexible container whose contents weigh 50 pounds when full48 Bulk Car Load A fully loaded rail car containing dry bulk loose materials49 Decimal Hahnemannian Dilution (DH) Decimal Scale of Attenuation - One gram (1.0 g) of tincture, one milliliter of 1X aqueous solution, or one gram (1.0 g) of 1X trituration represents 0.10 gram of dry crude medicinal substance50 Actual Kilograms 51 Actual Tonnes 52 Credits 53 Theoretical Kilograms 54 Theoretical Tonnes 55 Korsakovian (K) Centesimal Korsakovian Scale of Attenuation - One milliliter (1.0 ml) of the first centesimal liquid attenuation (1C), or one gram (1.0 g) of the first centesimal trituration (1C). represents 0.01 gram (10.0 mg) of the dry crude medicinal substance56 Sitas 57 Mesh Linear measurement of the open area of screen, net, weave, or similarly constructed item58 Net Kilograms 59 Parts Per Million 60 Percent Weight 61 Parts Per Billion 62 Percent Per 1000 Hours 63 Failure Rate In Time 64 Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge 65 Coulomb Unit of charge66 Oersteds 67 Siemens Unit of admittance68 Ampere 69 Test Specific Scale 70 Volt 71 Volt-Ampere Per Pound 72 Watts Per Pound 73 Ampere Turn Per Centimeter 74 Milli Pascals 75 Fifty Millesimal (LM) Fifty Millesimal Scale of Attenuation - One milliliter (1.0 ml) of the first fifty millesimal attenuation76 Gauss 77 Mil 78 Kilogauss 79 Electron Volt 80 Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute 81 Henry Unit of inductance82 Ohm Unit of resistance83 Farad Unit of capacitance84 Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI) 85 Foot Pounds 86 Joules 87 Pounds per Cubic Foot 89 Poise 90 Saybold Universal Second A measure of kinematic viscosity, usually of oil91 Stokes 92 Calories per Cubic Centimeter 93 Calories per Gram 94 Curl Units 95 20,000 Gallon Tankcar A 20,000 gallon liquid capacity enclosed rail car96 10,000 Gallon Tankcar A 10,000 gallon liquid capacity enclosed rail car97 10 Kilogram Drum A cylindrical container whose contents weigh 10 kilograms when full98 15 Kilogram Drum A cylindrical container whose contents weigh 15 kilograms when full99 Watt A1 Absorbance A2 Bloom Units A3 Brabender Units A4 Count per Ounce A5 Count per Pound A6 Count per Pouch A7 Milligrams per Gram A8 Dollars per Hours A rate expressed in dollars per hour to be charged for each hour workedA9 Millipoises AA Ball AB Bulk Pack AC Acre AD Bytes A computer string of data that consists of a quantity of bits, treated as a unit; a bit is a binary digitAE Amperes per Meter AF Centigram A unit of metric weight equal to 0.01 gram or 0.000035 ounceAG Angstrom AH Additional Minutes The minutes, usually associated with usage-sensitive pricing of telecommunication services, which are above the minutes allowed for that particular serviceAI Average Minutes Per Call The total number of minutes of a category of calls divided by the total number of calls within the category for telephone services calculated to provide call summary detailsAJ Cop A cylindrical or conical mass of thread, yarn, or cable on a quill or a tubeAK Fathom A unit of length equal to 6.0 feet or 1.829 metersAL Access Lines Number of lines subject to Carrier Access Line ChargesAM Ampoule AN Minutes or Messages Number of minutes or messages contracted or used in telephone services where either the number of minutes or messages are the unit of measure for the calculation of chargesAO Ampere-turn AP Aluminum Pounds Only AQ Anti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units Intravenous administering of blood products that have been tested for potency against the U.S. medical unit of measureAR Suppository AS Assortment AT Atmosphere Equal to the pressure of the air at sea level, or approximately 14.7 pounds per square inchAU Ocular Insert System A drug delivery system which is placed in the lower conjunctival formix from which the drug diffuses through a membrane at a constant rate over a seven-day periodAV Capsule A compact metallic or plastic container for liquids or solidsAW Powder-Filled Vials Standard unit of intravenous blood product that has to be reconstituted with a liquid before being administeredAX Twenty 20 each of an item of supplyAY Assembly AZ British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound B0 British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot B1 Barrels per Day B2 Bunks B3 Batting Pound B4 Barrel, Imperial B5 Billet B6 Bun B7 Cycles B8 Board B9 Batt BA Bale BB Base Box BC Bucket BD Bundle BE Beam BF Board Feet BG Bag BH Brush BI Bar A centimeter-gram-second unit of pressure, equal to one million dynes per square centimeterBJ Band BK Book BL Block BM Bolt BN Bulk BO Bottle BP 100 Board Feet BQ Brake horse power The horsepower made available by an engine or turbine for driving machinery other then itselfBR Barrel BS Basket BT Belt BU Bushel 32 dry quartsBV Bushel, Dry Imperial BW Base Weight BX Box BY British Thermal Unit (BTU) BZ Million BTU's C0 Calls Number of calls handledC1 Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight) C2 Carset C3 Centiliter C4 Carload C5 Cost C6 Cell C7 Centipoise (CPS) C8 Cubic Decimeter C9 Coil Group CA Case CB Carboy CC Cubic Centimeter CD Carat CE Centigrade, Celsius CF Cubic Feet CG Card CH Container CI Cubic Inches CJ Cone CK Connector CL Cylinder CM Centimeter CN Can CO Cubic Meters (Net) CP Crate CQ Cartridge CR Cubic Meter CS Cassette CT Carton CU Cup CV Cover CW Hundred Pounds (CWT) CX Coil CY Cubic Yard CZ Combo D1 Dollars, Canadian D2 Shares D3 Square Decimeter Metric unit of areaD4 Degrees Brix D5 Kilogram Per Square Centimeter Unit of pressureD6 Degrees Lintner D8 Draize Score D9 Dyne per Square Centimeter DA Days DB Dry Pounds DC Disk (Disc) DD Degree DE Deal DF Dram DG Decigram DH Miles DI Dispenser DJ Decagram DK Kilometers DL Deciliter DM Decimeter DN Deci Newton-Meter One tenth of a Newton-meter, representing torque. A Newton-meter represents force times distanceDO Dollars, U.S. DP Dozen Pair DQ Data Records Number of Data Records handledDR Drum DS Display DT Dry Ton DU Dyne The unit of force in the cgs system equal to the force that would give a free mass of one gram an acceleration of one centimeter per secondDW Calendar Days DX Dynes per Centimeter Unit of surface tensionDY Directory Books Number of directory books delivered to customerDZ Dozen E1 Hectometer A unit of metric length equal to 109.36 yards or 0.062 mileE3 Inches, Fraction--Average E4 Inches, Fraction--Minimum E5 Inches, Fraction--Actual E7 Inches, Decimal--Average E8 Inches, Decimal--Actual E9 English, (Feet, Inches) EA Each EB Electronic Mail Boxes Number of Electronic Mail Boxes established for an accountEC Each per Month ED Inches, Decimal--Nominal EE Employees EF Inches, Fraction-Nominal EG Double-time Hours EH Knots EJ Locations EK Mixed Module EL Multipack EM Inches, Decimal-Minimum EP Eleven pack EQ Equivalent Gallons Represents number of gallons that syrup and concentrate make of productES Prepack Assortment ET Order EV Envelope EX Feet, Inches and Fraction EY Feet, Inches and Decimal EZ Feet and Decimal F0 International Units per Gram F1 Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day The unit of measure of the rate of production of a gasF2 International Unit A unit accepted by an international agency; potency of a drug/vitamin based on a specific weight of that drug/vitaminF3 Equivalent Weight of a substance which combines with or replaces one gram atomic weight of hydrogenF4 Minim An apothecary's fluid measure; 60 minims = 1 fluid gram (approx. 5 cc)F5 MOL Gram-molecular weight of a gasF6 Price Per Share F9 Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air FA Fahrenheit FB Fields FC Blister Pak FD Million Particles per Cubic Foot FE Track Foot Represents rails, all ties and fittings, and subgradeFF Hundred Cubic Meters A unit of metric volume equal to 131.0 cubic yardsFG Transdermal Patch A drug delivery system which is placed on the skin and releases a drug at a constant rate through the skinFH Micromolar One millionth of a mole; a mole is a standard chemical unitFJ Sizing Factor FK Fibers FL Flake Ton FM Million Cubic Feet FN Clamshell Package FO Fluid Ounce FP Pounds per Sq. Ft. FR Feet Per Minute Measure of linear speedFS Feet Per Second Measure of linear speedFT Foot FU Furlong A unit of distance equal to 220 yards (about 201 meters)FV Grams per 100 Cubic Inches FZ Fluid Ounce (Imperial) A liquid unit of measure equal to 1/20 (.05) pint (Imperial), 28.416 cubic centimeters, or 28.416 millilitersG1 Gallons Capacity G2 U.S. Gallons Per Minute Rate of flowG3 Imperial Gallons Per Minute Rate of flowG4 Gigabecquerel Unit of radiation equal to 27 millicuriesG5 Gill (Imperial) A unit of liquid or dry measure equal to 5 fluid ounces, 8.669 cubic inches, or 142.066 cubic centimetersG6 Bit G7 Microfiche Sheet A film that contains photographed documents greatly reduced in sizeG8 Gigacalories G9 Gigabyte GA Gallon GB Gallons/Day GC Grams per 100 Grams GD Gross Barrels GE Pounds per Gallon GF Grams per 100 Centimeters GG Great Gross (Dozen Gross) GH Half Gallon GI Imperial Gallons GJ Grams per Milliliter GK Grams per Kilogram GL Grams per Liter GM Grams per Sq. Meter GN Gross Gallons GO Milligrams per Square Meter GP Milligrams per Cubic Meter GQ Micrograms per Cubic Meter GR Gram GS Gross GT Gross Kilogram Represents kilograms of product and package or containerGU Gauss per Oersteds GV Gigajoules One billion joules; standard method of expressing absolute heating value of natural gas regardless of volume in the Canadian oil and gas industriesGW Gallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet GX Grain A small unit of weight equal to 1/480 (.002083) troy ounce, or 0.0648 gramGY Gross Yard GZ Gage Systems H1 Half Pages - Electronic Number of electronic half pages of data deliveredH2 Half Liter Unit of capacity equal to 1/2 literH3 18-Pack H4 Hectoliter Metric measure for 100 litersH5 22-Pack H6 30-Pack H7 38-Pack H8 62-Pack H9 75-Pack HA Hank One hundred feet of ropeHB Hundred Boxes HC Hundred Count HD Half Dozen HE Hundredth of a Carat HF Hundred Feet HG Hectogram HH Hundred Cubic Feet HI Hundred Sheets HJ Horsepower HK Hundred Kilograms HL Hundred Feet - Linear HM Miles Per Hour HN Millimeters of Mercury HO Hundred Troy Ounces HP Millimeter H20 Unit of pressureHQ Hectare HR Hours HS Hundred Square Feet HT Half Hour HU Hundred HV Hundred Weight (Short) HW Hundred Weight (Long) HX Hospital Beds The number of hospital beds issued to a medical facilityHY Hundred Yards HZ Hertz I1 Persons, Capacity Human occupant capacityI2 Pellet A small rounded or spherical globule/globoid of medicineIA Inch Pound Unit of torqueIB Inches Per Second (Vibration Velocity) Measure of vibration velocityIC Counts per Inch IE Person IF Inches of Water The maximum differential pressure for which a given meter will measure accurately and is expressed in inches of waterIG Inner Package IH Inhaler Metered-dose pressurized method of getting medication into the lungs or nasal passagesII Column-Inches A unit of area one column wide and one inch highIK Peaks per Inch (PPI) IL Inches per Minute IM Impressions IN Inch IP Insurance Policy An individual insurance contractIS Stops IT Counts per Centimeter IU Inches Per Second (Linear Speed) Measure of linear speedIV Inches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration) Measure of accelerationIW Inches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration) Measure of vibration accelerationJ1 80-Pack J2 Joule Per Kilogram Measure of specific energyJ3 81-Pack J4 82-Pack J5 84-Pack J6 85-Pack J7 96-Pack J8 5000-Pack J9 Left Unit JA Job JB Jumbo JC Caplet To denote items in caplet formJE Joule Per Kelvin Measure of heat capacityJG Joule per Gram Joule is unit of energy and gram is unit of massJK Mega Joule per Kilogram "Mega" means "millions" and "kilo" means "thousands"JL Refill Refers to the number of refill units in a packageJM Megajoule/Cubic Meter A megajoule is one million joules; conventional measurements for expressing the heating value available in a given volume of gasJN Pan Refers to items in a pan (such as eye shadow) and would be associated with the number of different colorsJO Joint JP Prepack To indicate this is "n" assortment product with different UPC codes on itJR Jar JS Use Refers to the number of uses from a product (such as a box of laundry detergent that provides sixty washes)JT Tin Refers to giftware products in a tinJU Jug JV Ovule Refers to products which come in "ovule" formJX Exposure To be used to indicate the number of exposures on a roll of filmK0 Kilovolt Potential Refers to the intensity of the radiographic beam and the resulting image on the film.K1 Kilowatt Demand Represents potential power load measured at predetermined intervalsK2 Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand Reactive power that must be supplied for specific types of customer's equipment; billable when kilowatt demand usage meets or exceeds a defined parameterK3 Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour Represents actual electricity equivalent to kilowatt hours; billable when usage meets or exceeds defined parametersK4 Kilovolt Amperes Measure of electrical powerK5 Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Measure of electrical powerK6 Kiloliter One thousand litersK7 Kilowatt Measure of electrical powerK9 Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2) KA Cake KB Kilocharacters Kilocharacters of data transmittedKC Kilograms per Cubic Meter KD Kilograms Decimal KE Keg A unit of weight equal to 100 pounds, used for nailsKF Kilopackets Kilopackets of data transmittedKG Kilogram KH Kilowatt Hour KI Kilograms/Millimeter Width KJ Kilosegments Kilosegments of data transmittedKK 100 Kilograms KL Kilograms/Meter KM Kilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal KN Kilocalorie KO Millequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product Acid number and saponification number test results have a unit of measure of Millequivalence KOH per GramKP Kilometers Per Hour KQ Kilopascal Represents pressureKR Kiloroentgen Measure of radiationKT Kit KU Task KV Kelvin KW Kilograms per Millimeter KX Milliliters per Kilogram L1 Right Unit L2 Liters Per Minute Measure of the rate of flowLA Pounds Per Cubic Inch LB Pound LC Linear Centimeter LE Lite LF Linear Foot LG Long Ton 2240 pounds as used in the U.K.LH Labor Hours LI Linear Inch LJ Large Spray LK Link LL Lifetime A duration ending with the death of the individualLM Linear Meter LN Length LO Lot LP Liquid Pounds LQ Liters Per Day Measure of liquid flow over a given time periodLR Layer(s) LS Lump Sum LT Liter LX Linear Yards Per Pound LY Linear Yard M0 Magnetic Tapes Number of Magnetic Tapes delivered with dataM1 Milligrams per Liter M2 Millimeter-Actual M3 Mat M4 Monetary Value M5 Microcurie M6 Millibar M7 Micro Inch M8 Mega Pascals M9 Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet Represents conversion from a volume of gas to the heat value of the gasMA Machine/Unit MB Millimeter-Nominal MC Microgram MD Air Dry Metric Ton ME Milligram MF Milligram per Sq. Ft. per Side MG Metric Gross Ton MH Microns (Micrometers) 1/1,000,000 meterMI Metric MJ Minutes MK Milligrams Per Square Inch ML Milliliter MM Millimeter MN Metric Net Ton MO Months MP Metric Ton MQ 1000 Meters MR Meter MS Square Millimeter MT Metric Long Ton MU Millicurie MV Number of Mults MW Metric Ton Kilograms MX Mixed MY Millimeter-Average MZ Millimeter-minimum N1 Pen Calories Daily calories prescribed to be taken for parenteral/enteral therapyN2 Number of Lines N3 Print Point A print point is approximately .0138"N4 Pen Grams (Protein) Grams of amino acids prescribed to be taken for parenteral/enteral therapyN6 Megahertz One million cycles per secondN7 Parts N9 Cartridge Needle Used with auto-injector units only, a disposable, filled cartridge that includes a needleNA Milligrams per Kilogram NB Barge NC Car ND Net Barrels NE Net Liters NF Messages Number of Messages transmitted, or deliveredNG Net Gallons NH Message Hours Number of hours used, calculated at some rate basis such as Minutes/message carriedNI Net Imperial Gallons NJ Number of Screens Number of data screens handled, or transmittedNK Nights NL Load NM Nautical Mile NN Train NQ Mho The basic unit of electrical conductivity, having a unity value when one ampere of current flows through a conductor to which a one volt difference in electrical potential is appliedNR Micro Mho The typical unit of electrical conductivity measurement - one millionth of an MhoNS Short Ton Two thousand poundsNT Trailer NU Newton-Meter Unit of energy or torqueNV Vehicle NW Newton Represents force in the International Metric System (SI); equal to the force that produces an acceleration of 1 meter per second on a mass of 1 kilogramNX Parts Per Thousand NY Pounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton A measure of chemical addition rate during manufacture and product constituent analysisNZ Thousand Gallons Per Day OA Panel OB Outlet OC Billboard OG Apothecary Grain ON Ounces per Square Yard OP Two pack OT Overtime Hours OU Operating Unit OZ Ounce - Av P0 Pages - Electronic Number of electronic pages of data deliveredP1 Percent P2 Pounds per Foot P3 Three pack P4 Four-pack P5 Five-pack P6 Six pack P7 Seven pack P8 Eight-pack P9 Nine pack PA Pail PB Pair Inches PC Piece PD Pad PE Pounds Equivalent PF Pallet (Lift) PG Pounds Gross PH Pack (PAK) PI Pitch PJ Pounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage PK Package PL Pallet/Unit Load PM Pounds-Percentage PN Pounds Net PO Pounds per Inch of Length PP Plate PQ Pages per Inch PR Pair PS Pounds per Sq. Inch PT Pint PU Mass Pounds PV Half Pint PW Pounds per Inch of Width PX Pint, Imperial PY Peck, Dry U.S. PZ Peck, Dry Imperial Q1 Quarter (Time) Q2 Pint U.S. Dry Volume equal to 33.6003125 cubic inchesQ3 Meal A group of food items packaged together for human consumptionQ4 Fifty A unit of issue in which a group of 50 items are consolidated and measured as a single entityQ5 Twenty-Five A unit of issue in which a group of 25 items are consolidated and measured as a single entityQ6 Thirty-Six A unit of issue in which a group of 36 items are consolidated and measured as a single entityQ7 Twenty-Four A unit of issue in which a group of 24 items are consolidated and measured as a single entityQ9 Five A unit of issue in which a group of five items are consolidated and measured as a single entityQA Pages - Facsimile Number of FAX pages transmittedQB Pages - Hardcopy Number of printed pages deliveredQC Channel QD Quarter Dozen QE Photographs QF Quarter One of four divisions of a human bodyQH Quarter Hours Number of 15 minute increments of usage handledQK Quarter Kilogram A unit of metric weight equal to 250 gramsQR Quire QS Quart, Dry U.S. QT Quart QU Quart, Imperial R1 Pica Approximately .166 inches measured from the top of the ascender (the upward stroke in a lowercase letter, such as "t") to the bottom of the descender (the downward stroke in a lowercase letter, such as "p"); twelve points equal one pica; six picas equal approximately one inch (.996)R2 Becquerel Unit of radiation equal to 3.7 * 10/10 of a curieR3 Revolutions Per Minute R4 Calorie The amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Centigrade at a pressure of one atmosphereR5 Thousands of Dollars R6 Millions of Dollars R7 Billions of Dollars R8 Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM) R9 Thousand Cubic Meters RA Rack RB Radian RC Rod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards RD Rod (length) - 5.5 Yards RE Reel RG Ring RH Running or Operating Hours Measure of accumulated time of machine or piece of equipment has been runningRK Roll-Metric Measure RL Roll RM Ream RN Ream-Metric Measure RO Round RP Pounds per Ream RS Resets Number of times a transmission is reset due to line drop, interrupt, etc.RT Revenue Ton Miles One ton of revenue-generating freight moving one mileRU Run RX Thousand Rounds Number of a series of professional calls on hospital patients made by a doctor or nurse in thousandsS1 Semester S2 Trimester S3 Square Feet per Second S4 Square Meters per Second S5 Sixty-fourths of an Inch S6 Sessions Number of interactive sessions handledS7 Storage Units Number of storage increments usedS8 Standard Advertising Units (SAUs) A predefined partition of advertising page consisting of column-inch multiplesS9 Slip Sheet A cardboard platform used for holding product for storage or transportationSA Sandwich SB Square Mile SC Square Centimeter SD Solid Pounds SE Section 640 acres or one square mileSF Square Foot SG Segment SH Sheet SI Square Inch SJ Sack SK Split Tanktruck SL Sleeve SM Square Meter SN Square Rod SO Spool SP Shelf Package SQ Square A unit of measure for roofing materials equal to 100 square feetSR Strip SS Sheet-Metric Measure ST Set SV Skid SW Skein SX Shipment SY Square Yard SZ Syringe Glass or plastic barrels used to administer fluid medication under the skin, into a vein artery, or into a muscleT0 Telecommunications Lines in Service Snapshot sample of lines in serviceT1 Thousand pounds gross T2 Thousandths of an Inch T3 Thousand Pieces T4 Thousand Bags T5 Thousand Casings T6 Thousand Gallons T7 Thousand Impressions T8 Thousand Linear Inches T9 Thousand Kilowatt Hours TA Tenth Cubic Foot TB Tube TC Truckload TD Therms TE Tote TF Ten Square Yards TG Gross Ton TH Thousand TI Thousand Square Inches TJ Thousand Sq. Centimeters TK Tank TL Thousand Feet (Linear) TM Thousand Feet (Board) TN Net Ton (2,000 LB). TO Troy Ounce TP Ten-pack TQ Thousand Feet TR Ten Square Feet TS Thousand Square Feet TT Thousand Linear Meters TU Thousand Linear Yards TV Thousand Kilograms TW Thousand Sheets TX Troy Pound TY Tray TZ Thousand Cubic Feet U1 Treatments U2 Tablet A compressed or molded block of solid material; a collection of sheet paper glued together at one edgeU3 Ten 10 each of an item of supplyU5 Two Hundred Fifty 250 each of an item of supplyUA Torr PressureUB Telecommunications Lines in Service - Average Average number of lines in service specific to equal access requirementsUC Telecommunications Ports Number of network access portsUD Tenth Minutes Number of 6 second increments of usageUE Tenth Hours Number of 6 minute increments of usageUF Usage per Telecommunications Line - Average UH Ten Thousand Yards UL Unitless Unit of Measure for properties or test results without units of measureUM Million Units Measure used to indicate large quantities in multiples of one millionUN Unit UP Troche A flat, round, tablet made of a medicinal substanceUQ Wafer A light, thin, crisp, cakeUR Application An action of putting something into material contactUS Dosage Form UT Inhalation UU Lozenge UV Percent Topical Only A measure of medication intended only for external useUW Milliequivalent UX Dram (Minim) UY Fifty Square Feet UZ Fifty Count V1 Flat A shallow rectangular container frequently used for fruits and vegetablesV2 Pouch V3 Mixed Module A specially configured orderable product moduleV4 Multipack A group of trade items that are intended to be sold as a single consumer unit at the Point-of-Sale check-outV5 Setpack An orderable assortment of trade items, each of which may be sold individually at the Point-of-Sale check-out. The Setpack may also be sold.V6 Prepack Assortment An orderable standard assortment of trade items - each of which may be sold individually at the Point-of-Sale check-out. The Prepack Assortment itself is not sold at the Point-of-Sale check-out.VA Volt-ampere per Kilogram VC Five Hundred 500 each of an item of supplyVI Vial VP Percent Volume VR Volt-ampere-reactive VS Visit A quantitative measure of the number of visits to a provider by the patientW2 Wet Kilo Weight of product plus liquid solutionW7 Thimble Full WA Watts per Kilogram WB Wet Pound WD Work Days WE Wet Ton WG Wine Gallon WH Wheel WI Weight per Square Inch WK Week WM Working Months WP Pennyweight WR Wrap WW Milliliters of Water X1 Chains (Land Survey) X2 Bunch A measure used to identify a group of like items grown or fastened togetherX3 Clove A measure used to identify a section of a separate bulbX4 Drop The smallest quantity of liquid heavy enough to form a spherical massX5 Head A measure used for a rounded, compact mass of leaves, buds or flowersX6 Heart A measure used to identify the central or innermost physical partX7 Leaf A measure used to identify a usually green flattened structure of vascular plants processed for a particular purposeX8 Loaf A shaped mass of food cooked or prepared in one pieceX9 Portion A measure used to identify a section or quantity within a larger thingXP Base Box per Pound Y1 Slice A measure used to identify a thin broad piece cut from a larger objectY2 Tablespoon A measure equal to three teaspoons or a half fluid ounceY3 Teaspoon A measure equal to five milliliters or one third tablespoonY4 Tub A measure used to identify a storage containerYD Yard YL 100 Lineal Yards YR Years YT Ten Yards Z1 Lift Van Z2 Chest Z3 Cask Z4 Hogshead Z5 Lug Z6 Conference Points A participant on a conference callZ7 13-pack Marketing Z8 Newspaper Agate Line Z9 14-pack Marketing ZA Bimonthly ZB Biweekly ZC Semiannual ZD Kilojoule ZE Ping Asian Measurement; 1 Ping = 3.3 square metersZF 16-pack Marketing ZG 48-pack Component Parts ZH 51-pack Component Parts ZI 52-pack Component Parts ZJ 60-pack Gift Packs ZK 72-pack Gift Packs ZL 83-pack Gift Packs ZM 10-pack Marketing ZN 120-pack Promotional ZO 150-pack Component Parts ZP Page ZQ 200-pack Component Parts ZR 1000-pack Component Parts ZS 15-Pack ZT Per Annum ZU Mother Tincture (TM) Mother tincture is for homeopathic preparation and is a liquid preparation obtained by the solvent action of a suitable vehicle upon raw materials. The raw materials are usually in the fresh form but may be dried. Mother tinctures for homeopathic preparations may also be obtained from plant juices, with, or without the addition of a vehicle.ZV Nanogram Nanogram is one billionth (1/1,000,000,000) of a gramZW Barrel, Dry ZX Barrel, Liquid ZY Apothecary Scruple ZZ Mutually Defined
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