L0 Line Item - Quantity and Weight
To specify quantity, weight, volume, and type of service for a line item including applicable "quantity/rate-as" data
Sequential line number for a lading item
Basis for rating (miles, value, volume, etc.); Note: Weight may be defined by either data element 220 or 81
P0203: If either L0-02 or L0-03 is present, then the other is required
Code identifying the type of quantity or value on which the rate or item pricing is based
Numeric value of weight
P0405: If either L0-04 or L0-05 is present, then the other is required
Code specifying the type of weight
Value of volumetric measure
P0607: If either L0-06 or L0-07 is present, then the other is required
Code identifying the volume unit
Number of units (pieces) of the lading commodity
P0809: If either L0-08 or L0-09 is present, then the other is required
L008 is the number of handling units of the line item tendered to the carrier.
Code specifying the packaging form of the lading quantity
Material used to protect lading
Code specifying the weight unit
C1104: If L0-11 is present, then L0-04 is required
Code specifying extent of transportation service requested
Numeric value of quantity
P1315: If either L0-13 or L0-15 is present, then the other is required
L013 can only be used if the code in L009 is PLT, SKD, or SLP.
L013 is used to convey the total number of boxes, cartons, or pieces contained on a pallet, skid, or slip sheet for the line item.
Code specifying the packaging form of the lading quantity
Code indicating a Yes or No condition or response
L015 designates whether the carrier will be required to verify the number of units contained on a pallet, slip sheet or skid. Code "Y" indicates that the carrier will be required to verify. Code "N" indicates that the carrier will not be required to verify.
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