103 Packaging Code
Code identifying the type of packaging; Part 1: Packaging Form, Part 2: Packaging Material; if the Data Element is used, then Part 1 is always required
- Type
- String (AN)
- Length
- Min 3 / Max 5
- Codes
- Part 1/2
Code Description AAA Pallet, Returnable AAB Splash Blend Splash blending is the mixing of two gasoline products, of different octane levels, in a tank on the delivery vehicle to produce a third blended grade of motor fuel for resaleAMM Ammo Pack AMP Ampoule ATH Attachment In containers and shipping devices, a component that can be added to provide additional functionality or security as required by the contents or method of transportation/handlingBAG Bag BAL Bale BBL Barrel BDG Banding Something that binds, ties, or encircles the package/container to secure and maintain unit integrityBDL Bundle BEM Beam BIC Bing Chest BIN Bin BLK Bulk BLT Belting As pertains to containers and shipping devices, a method of securing the contents to the conveyance device (or securing components of the shipping device to each other) using one or more bands of flexible material having high-tensile strength and a buckle or ratchet device for removing slack and maintaining tensionBOB Bobbin BOT Bottle BOX Box BRC Bracing Material or devices used to hold articles or sections of loads in position to prevent shifting during transportationBRG Barge BRK Brick Pack A closed flat top container may form spout or has recloseable cap on side, or has straw and hole systemBSK Basket or hamper BXI Box, with inner container BXT Bucket CAB Cabinet CAG Cage CAN Can CAR Carrier CAS Case CBC Containers of Bulk Cargo CBY Carboy CCS Can Case CHE Cheeses CHS Chest CLD Car Load, Rail CNA Household Goods Container, Wood CNB Container, MAC-ISO, LT. WGT. 8x8x20 Foot Air CNC Container, Navy Cargo Transporter CND Container, Commercial Highway Lift CNE Container, Engine CNF Container, Multi-walled, Secured to Warehouse Pallet CNT Container COL Coil CON Cones COR Core CRD Cradle CRF Corner Reinforcement Usually in boxes or crates, additional material or components attached to adjacent panels to add support or prevent crushing or separationCRT Crate CSK Cask CTN Carton CX2 CONEX A reusable container for shipment of cargoCYL Cylinder DBK Dry Bulk DRK Double-length Rack DRM Drum DSK Double-length Skid DTB Double-length Tote Bin DUF Duffelbag EGG Egg Crating In containers and shipping devices, usually describes a type of interior dunnage which allows the contents to be individually segregated, horizontally and vertically, to provide protection during transportation and storageENV Envelope EPR Edge Protection A right-angle piece placed over the outermost perimeter edges of a container to distribute pressure and prevent collapse or cutting from banding, strapping, or handlingFIR Firkin FLO Flo-bin FRM Frame FSK Flask FWR Forward Reel GAB Gable Top An "A" shaped top container may form spout or has recloseable cap on side, or has straw and hole systemHED Heads of Beef HGH Hogshead HPR Hamper HPT Hopper Truck HRB On Hanger or Rack in Boxes HRK Half-Standard Rack HTB Half-Standard Tote Bin INT Intermediate Container JAR Jar JUG Jug KEG Keg KIT Kit KRK Knockdown Rack KTB Knockdown Tote Bin LBK Liquid Bulk LID Lip/Top In packaging, the top or bottom of a container, usually the part that closes the opening; may also be known as cap, over, or topLIF Lifts LNR Liners Any material that separates a product within a container from the basic walls of the containerLOG Log LSE Loose LUG Lug LVN Lift Van MIX Mixed Container Types More than one type of container is included in a shipment (shipment could consist of 3 pieces that include 1 box, 1 crate, and 1 basket)ML2 MILVAN A military owned demountable container that conforms to US and international standards and operates in a centrally controlled fleet for movement of military cargoMRP Multi-Roll Pack MS2 MSCVAN A commercial (leased) or Government-owned shipping container controlled by the Military Sealift CommandMXD Mixed NOL Noil PAF Pallet - 4 Way A pallet that permits entry of handling equipment on each of its four sidesPAL Pail PAT Pallet - 2 Way A pallet that permits entry of handling equipment on opposing two of its four sidesPCK Packed - not otherwise specified PCS Pieces PIR Pirns PKG Package PLC Primary Lift Container The largest (outermost) unitized package or articles secured together that can be handled (usually mechanically) in common shop floor/warehouse applications as a single entity; "primary" indicates preferred or mandatoryPLF Platform PLN Pipeline PLT Pallet POU Pouch POV Private Vehicle PRK Pipe Rack PRT Partitioning The proceeds of applying separators or dividersPWT Plastic-Wrapped Tray QTR Quarter of Beef RAL Rail (Semiconductor) RCK Rack REL Reel RFT Reinforcement In containers and shipping devices, a component (usually temporary) added to a container for a particular application to lend additional support under severe applicationsROL Roll RVR Reverse Reel SAH Sachet SAK Sack SCS Suitcase SHA Shaker SHK Shook SHT Sheet A thin layer of material usually used as a pad for extra protection by isolating/separating tiers or layers of parts within the packageSID Side of Beef SKD Skid SKE Skid, elevating or lift truck SLP Slip Sheet Shipping containers utilizing slip sheets, which are cardboard platforms used to hold product for storage or transportationSLV Sleeve SPI Spin Cylinders SPL Spool SPR Separator/Divider In packaging, any material inserted between tiers or layers of articles to prevent contact and provide protectionSRW Shrink Wrap In packaging, a method of securing a unit load by placing a large "bag" of plastic film over the components and applying heat to induce shrinkage and cause the bag to tighten around the contentsSSC Single Serving Cup STW Stretch Wrap In packaging, a high-tensile plastic film, stretched and wrapped repeatedly around a unitized load to secure and maintain unit integritySV2 SEAVAN A commercial or government-owned (or leased) shipping container which is moved via ocean transportation without wheels attached and is lifted on and off a shipTBE Tube TBN Tote Bin TKR Tank Car TKT Tank Truck TLD Intermodal Trailer/Container Load (Rail) TNK Tank TRC Tierce TRK Trunk and Chest TRU Truck TRY Tray TSS Trunk, Salesmen Sample TUB Tub UNP Unpacked UNT Unit VEH Vehicles VIL Vial VOC Vehicle in Operating Condition VPK Van Pack WHE On Own Wheel WLC Wheeled Carrier WRP Wrapped Part 2/2Code Description 01 Aluminum 03 Hard Wood 04 As Specified by the DOT 05 Soft Wood 07 Burlap 10 Chemically Hardened Fibre 13 Cloth 16 Cloth Top 19 Cloth or Fabric 22 Compressed 25 Corrugated or Solid 28 Double-wall Paper 31 Fibre 34 Fibre (Paperboard) 37 Fiberboard 40 Fiberboard Metal 43 Glass 46 In Inner Containers 48 Wire/Cord Something that binds, ties, or encircles the package/container to secure and maintain unit integrity49 Insulated 50 Steel - Vinyl Coated Steel that has been covered with a plastic material51 Wire Mesh 52 Iron or Steel 53 Jumbo 54 Special Jumbo 55 Lead 58 Metal 59 Metal Cans 61 Moisture Resistant 64 Molded Plastic 67 Multiple-wall Paper (2 or more walls) 70 Multiple-wall Paper (3 or more walls) 71 Not Otherwise Specified 72 Paper - VCI Water-resistant paper that is treated by the addition of materials to provide resistance to damage or deterioration by water in liquid form73 Other than Glass 74 Other than Metal or Plastic Tubes, or Glass 75 Plastic - Vacuum Formed Packaging material that is formed by heating plastic sheet and drawing it against the mold surface by evacuating the air between the sheet and the mold76 Paper 77 Plastic - Structural Foam A method of manufacturing containers and shipping devices by mixing plastic resins with a foaming agent, heating it and injecting the mix into a two-piece machined aluminum mold78 Plastic - Injection Molded Packaging material that is formed by melting the material and then forcing it under pressure into a cavity of a closed mold79 Plastic 80 Polyethylene Lined 81 Plastic - Virgin Plastic in the form of pellets, granules, powder, floc, or liquid that has not been subjected to use or processing other than for its initial manufacture82 Pulpboard 83 Plastic - Regrind A plastic prepared from discarded articles that have been reprocessed, often changing some of its original properties84 Polystyrene A polymer prepared by the polymerization of styrene as the sole monomer85 Rubber 86 Foam In packaging, a cushioning material used to reduce shock and vibration or abrasion87 Polycoated 88 Rubber and Fabric 89 Special 90 Standard 91 Stainless Steel 92 Tubes, Metal or Plastic 94 Wood 95 Single Wall Corrugated Board The structure formed by one corrugated inner member between two flat facings; also known as double face96 Double Wall Corrugated Board The structure formed by three flat facings and two intermediate corrugated members97 Triple Wall Corrugated Board The structure formed by four flat facings and three intermediate corrugated members
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