1596 Military Service Rank Code
Code specifying the military service rank
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 2 / Max 2
- Codes
Code Description A1 Admiral A2 Airman A3 Airman First Class B1 Basic Airman B2 Brigadier General C1 Captain C2 Chief Master Sergeant C3 Chief Petty Officer C4 Chief Warrant C5 Colonel C6 Commander C7 Commodore C8 Corporal C9 Corporal Specialist 4 E1 Ensign F1 First Lieutenant F2 First Sergeant F3 First Sergeant-Master Sergeant F4 Fleet Admiral G1 General G4 Gunnery Sergeant L1 Lance Corporal L2 Lieutenant L3 Lieutenant Colonel L4 Lieutenant Commander L5 Lieutenant General L6 Lieutenant Junior Grade M1 Major M2 Major General M3 Master Chief Petty Officer M4 Master Gunnery Sergeant Major M5 Master Sergeant M6 Master Sergeant Specialist 8 P1 Petty Officer First Class P2 Petty Officer Second Class P3 Petty Officer Third Class P4 Private P5 Private First Class R1 Rear Admiral R2 Recruit S1 Seaman S2 Seaman Apprentice S3 Seaman Recruit S4 Second Lieutenant S5 Senior Chief Petty Officer S6 Senior Master Sergeant S7 Sergeant S8 Sergeant First Class Specialist 7 S9 Sergeant Major Specialist 9 SA Sergeant Specialist 5 SB Staff Sergeant SC Staff Sergeant Specialist 6 T1 Technical Sergeant V1 Vice Admiral W1 Warrant Officer
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