1109 Race or Ethnicity Code

Code indicating the racial or ethnic background of a person; it is normally self-reported; Under certain circumstances this information is collected for United States Government statistical purposes

Identifier (ID)
Min 1 / Max 1
7Not Provided
8Not Applicable
AAsian or Pacific Islander
DSubcontinent Asian American
EOther Race or Ethnicity
FAsian Pacific American
GNative American
IAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native
JNative Hawaiian
NBlack (Non-Hispanic)
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa who is not of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or South or Central American origin or of any other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race
OWhite (Non-Hispanic)
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East who is not of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or South or Central American origin or of any other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race
PPacific Islander
QBlack or African American (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
RHispanic or Latino (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
SWhite (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
TAmerican Indian or Alaska Native (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
UAsian (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
VNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
WNot Hispanic or Latino (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
ZMutually Defined

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