WLD Workload Detail
To provide information on a workload task
Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67)
P0102: If either WLD-01 or WLD-02 is present, then the other is required
WLD01 and WLD02 identify the workload task, e.g. a course, assignment, or other activity.
Code identifying a party or other code
Code indicating the level or type, or both, of academic work
Code identifying level of course, test, or individual
Occurrence counter
WLD05 indicates the period occurrence number for the workload task.
Days of week expressed in a seven-day rotation period starting with Monday = 1; a Monday - Friday would be shown as (12345)
WLD06 indicates the days of the week on which the workload task is performed.
Occurrence counter
WLD07 indicates the weeks of the month in which the workload task is performed.
Positionality of occurrences of WLD07 is not significant.
Free-form name
WLD08 indicates the name of the workload task.
Code indicating type of instructional setting where an education program is provided
Percentage expressed as a decimal (e.g., 0.0 through 1.0 represents 0% through 100%)
WLD10 indicates the percent of time spent on the workload task.