1221 Provider Code
Code identifying the type of provider
- Type
- Identifier (ID)
- Length
- Min 1 / Max 3
- Codes
Code | Description |
AD | Admitting |
AS | Assistant Surgeon |
AT | Attending |
BI | Billing |
BS | Billing Service Entity provides a statement of charges of medical goods and services |
CO | Consulting |
CV | Covering |
H | Hospital |
HH | Home Health Care |
LA | Laboratory |
ON | On Staff |
OP | Operating |
OR | Ordering |
OT | Other Physician |
P1 | Pharmacist |
P2 | Pharmacy |
PC | Primary Care Physician |
PE | Performing |
PT | Pay-To |
PU | Purchasing |
R | Rural Health Clinic |
RF | Referring |
RP | Reporting Provider |
SB | Submitting |
SK | Skilled Nursing Facility |
SU | Supervising |
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