VC1 Vehicle Detail
To define motor vehicle characteristics
Free-form description of color
VC101 is the primary or upper color of the vehicle.
Free-form description of color
VC102 is the lower color of the vehicle.
To indicate vehicle size class and exceptions
Code specifying special transportation handling instructions
Code (Standard ISO) for country in whose currency the charges are specified
Monetary amount
C0605: If VC1-06 is present, then VC1-05 is required
VC106 is the vehicle invoice amount to be collected from consignee by carrier upon delivery.
Code specifying the weight unit
Numeric value of weight
Code specifying the linear dimensional unit
Vertical dimension of an object measured when the object is in the upright position
Largest horizontal dimension of an object measured when the object is in the upright position
Shorter measurement of the two horizontal dimensions measured with the object in the upright position
Code identifying the volume unit
P1314: If either VC1-13 or VC1-14 is present, then the other is required
Value of volumetric measure
Code which identifies a specific location
VC115 indicates the location at which an in-transit vehicle will be tested for emissions.